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Solemn Declarations by Dafa Practitioners

March 29, 2008 |  


Solemn Declaration

Because I did not boldly and vigorously forge ahead, I had many attachments; especially serious was the attachment to fear and competitive mentality. My loopholes were taken advantage of by the evil and I was forced into a detention center. Later on, I was sent to a brainwashing "class" to be threatened and brainwashed. At that time, because human mentality took a superior position, I compromised with the evil and wrote a so-called guarantee statement, repentance statement, "statement to break with Falun Gong" and articles of "exposition and criticism." After being released from the brainwashing class, I always rebuked myself and was in deep regret. I deeply know that the mistakes I committed can't be made up. However, Master was always merciful and gave me chances. If I had not held this onto this opportunity, the result would have been frightening. I solemnly declare that all the words that go against Dafa principles that I wrote, and all signatures, are null and void. I will pay close attention to the time, do the three things well, will not disappoint Master again. I will follow Master's Fa-rectification process closely and go my way well.

Jin Jianning

March 16, 2008