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World Ski Champion Sends Flowers to the Child Dancer of the Divine Performing Arts (Photos)

March 23, 2008 |   By Minghui reporters Li Xin and Yang Siyuan

(Clearwisdom.net) When audience members were applauding warmly at the conclusion of the third performance of the Divine Performing Arts Chinese Spectacular, the MC came out holding a piece of paper and announced that the famous Swiss ski athlete, the 1977 world ski champion, Ms. Lise Marie Morerod had just called and had flowers delivered to a performer of the Divine Performing Arts, Ting Ting, the young girl dancer in the piece "The Power of Awareness."

When Ting Ting received the floral tribute, the audience broke into loud applause. The tribute was a pleasant surprise for Ting Ting and also provided a nice touch to the successful performance that night.

World Ski Champion: My Heart Is Always with the Divine Performing Arts

Famous Swiss Ski Athlete, 1977 World Ski Champion, Ms. Lise Marie Morerod

Not long ago, Ms. Lise Marie Morerod attended the Chinese Spectacular performed by the Divine Performing Arts in Geneva. She missed the chance to send flowers to her favorite performer Ting Ting. Ms. Morerod said that she called tonight specifically to send Ting Ting a bouquet of flowers. She said that Ting Ting's performance left her with a deep impression and her heart will always be with the Divine Performing Arts. She hopes that she will see the Divine Performing Arts and Ting Ting again, and teach Ting Ting to ski.

Favorable Review from Audience: First-class Performance Left Us with a Deep Impression

Bao Erli said, "Especially the Tang Drum is so inspiring"

After many people from the audience had left the lobby at the end of the performance, Mr. Bao Erli walked down the stairs, talking and laughing with his friends. He was very happy and what he first said was, "Very good, laudable spirit. The backdrops, props, and costumes in the performance were excellent. It is a first-class performance which leaves a deep impression with the audience."

Mr. Bao Erli is 72 years old now and retired. He used to teach Chinese and Chinese literature at the Berlin Liberty University. He and his wife saw an advertisement for the performance on TV and felt that it was very beautiful. They decided to come see the performance.

He also said, "The performance revealed China's five thousand years of traditional culture and it was an excellent culture. It was exhibited through costumes and props. The piece 'The Loyalty of Yuefei' is an example, as the story has a history of a thousand years. These are all traditional." He believes that the Chinese have lost too many traditional things.

He continued, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good, and these are originally traditional values in China."

He pointed out that the if the CCP oppose these things, the country will be destroyed.

He said that the performance by the Divine Performing Arts was a great contribution, "It is not easy. They paid much attention to every detail and achieved such a great result. It is not only a promotion for carrying forward and spreading Chinese culture, but it is also important for mankind. "