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The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province

March 17, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Gao Chunlian, Mr. Dong Hanjie, Ms. Xing Junhua, and Mr. Ren Baokun, all Falun Gong practitioners, are residents of Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. The police arrested them on October 12, 2007, and are still detaining them. Some were sentenced to forced labor, some have become mentally disordered from torture, while others are seriously ill. Please pay close attention to the devastating situation these practitioners are in right now.

Ms. Gao Chunlian became mentally traumatized from torture

On October 12, 2007, 42-year-old Ms. Gao Chunlian was arrested once again and is still being detained. Her life is already at risk since she became mentally disordered from torture. Her case goes back to 2001.

On April 18, 2001, Zhuozhou City National Security Bureau officials found Ms. Gao Chulian's home phone number in the home of another practitioner who was arrested. They took Ms. Gao to the Nanma Brainwashing Center, but she escaped the morning of April 21, 2001. On April 24, while in a practitioner's home in Beijing, officers from the Babaoshan Police Department in Beijing arrested Ms. Gao. They held her in the Shijingshan Detention Center in Beijing for 25 days. She was forced to sit on a stool the whole day. If her posture was not straight, the guards would beat her. Later on, she was transferred to Zhuozhou Detention Center. Ms. Gao started a protest hunger strike. Chief Wang ordered prison doctor Zhang Yugang to force-feed Ms. Gao. Zhang Yugang inserted a thick rubber tube into Ms. Gao's nose and down to her stomach. When the tube was removed, large amounts of blood followed. The detained criminals who were watching were so upset by this that they cried. Zhang Yugang declared he would insert a tube through one nostril in the morning and through the other one in the afternoon.

On July 31, 2001, Domestic Security Division police officers Yang Yugang and Zhang Weiqiang took Ms. Gao Chunlian to Balizhuang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding City. Zhuozhou City CCP Party Head Han Zhanshan announced her two-year forced labor sentence in a city-wide public assembly. In addition, they publicly paraded Ms. Gao through the streets as a warning.

While Ms. Gao was in the forced labor camp, the guards coerced criminals to physically abuse her and deprive her of sleep. All practitioners who were firm in their cultivation were made to do heavy labor, including cleaning lead boards, carrying heavy metal frames, and other such tasks. Ms. Gao's hands were worn out and covered with blood and blisters. While working in the high temperature environment, she and other practitioners inhaled large amounts of poisonous lead every day. They were not given any protective clothing or masks. Some practitioners fainted from fatigue, and some coughed up blood. In the winter they were forced to work from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. without lunch.

The labor camp officials didn't let family members visit those practitioners who would not yield to the officials' demands. Guard Zhang Guohong took away their pens and paper, preventing them from writing letters to their families.

On July 25, 2002, Ms. Gao refused to watch videos that slandered Falun Gong. Guard Liu Ziwei beat her brutally, pulled her into a small office, and handcuffed her onto a chair. Guard Bai Jie ordered someone to fix her legs to the chair. During the night, mosquitoes feasted on Ms. Gao. The guards kept watch on her the entire time and did not let her sleep. They tried to shake her firm belief in Dafa. Division head Li Xiuqin and political head Yan Qingfen talked to her from after midnight until 4:00 a.m. (The time to get up and work is 5:00 a.m.) Because she refused to write a guarantee statement, guards Zhang Guohong and Chen Yajuan took turns kicking her legs.

On August 12, 2002, guards Li Xiuqin and Zhang Guohong were on duty. Chen Yajuan shocked Ms. Gao with electric batons for refusing to give in. Liu Ziwei ordered several criminals, including Zhang Hong, Wu Xiaoli and Kan Chunjuan, to take turns beating her. The inmates grabbed Ms. Gao by the hair and knocked her head against a wall more than 40 times. They also slapped her face over 100 times and hit her in the mouth and jaw. They took turns kicking her legs. Liu Ziwei kicked her in the abdomen. Four of them beat her for more than three hours. Ms. Gao's hair was all over the floor, and her mouth and nose were bleeding. Her jaw was fractured and her face was swollen and disfigured. Her head was swollen. She had a searing headache and it hurt to lay her head on a pillow. Her left leg was injured and she could not walk. Even now, she cannot walk for a long time or perform heavy physical labor. Because of the beating, her left leg is thinner than the right one, and it often feels cold throughout the year.

On May 28, 2003, labor camp authorities contacted the Zhuozhou Police Department, and Qingliangshi Administration Office head Gao Jian sent Ms. Gao to the Nanma Brainwashing Center. The next day, the brainwashing center head, Gao Xuefei, instructed Zhao Yinjiu, Wang Chao, and Wang Lei to beat Ms. Gao. Wang Lei beat her with a rubber baton and force-fed her. Li Ming, the 610 Office head, ordered thugs to handcuff her to a bed every night for over a month.

Because of the torture, Ms. Gao kept vomiting and her face turned purple. She was emaciated and weighed only several dozen kilograms. Du Yonglu insisted on not releasing her until she was near death. Refusing to accept responsibility for their abuses, they then informed her family. Ms. Gao's family took her to Erkang Hospital for emergency care. While there, several officers from the Judicial Division of the Qingliangshi Administration Office tried to force Ms. Gao to cooperate with them. They included Chang Dechun, Li Chunhua, and Wang Xuesong. They also sent people to monitor her.

After leaving the hospital, Gao Jian, Chang Dechun and Li Chunhua still frequently harassed Ms. Gao at home.

She was arrested again on October 12, 2007. Ms. Gao is now imprisoned in Zhuozhou Detention Center. Her family members are forbidden to visit her. She has become mentally disordered as a result of torture. Her hands and feet are cold all the time, and she cannot stand still. She needs other people to assist her when she uses the restroom. She is barely recognizable and is close to death.

Mr. Dong Hanjie showed symptoms of renal failure after being tortured

Mr. Dong Hanjie is retired from the Transit Center in the Mining Bureau. He is now 52 years old. He began Falun Gong practice in October 1995. Six years later, on September 25, 2001, Zhuozhou 610 Office agents and those from the Law and Political Office of the Public Security Bureau and some vicious thugs from the Mining Bureau arrested Mr. Dong at work. They arrested him because they feared Mr. Dong would go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong during the national holiday. October 1 is the CCP's National Day. The evening of Mr. Dong's arrest, he was detained in Nanma Brainwashing Center in Zhuozhou City. The guards used electric batons, rubber clubs, and handcuffs to torture him, also hitting and slapping him. They forced him to do hard labor, but gave him precious little to eat. Ironically, a sign saying, "No Beating or Scolding" hung on the wall in the same office where Mr. Dong was tortured. Six months later, Mr. Dong was transferred to a detention center and held for 50 days. After that, he was sentenced to two years of forced labor for "disrupting public security," a "crime" fabricated by the CCP agents to deceive the world.

The guards at the Zhuozhou City Detention Center forced Mr. Dong to watch videos that slandered Falun Gong. He was handcuffed to a window frame for five days and forbidden to sleep. His legs swelled. The guards tied his legs and arms and then squeezed two beer bottles in between them before they tightened the ropes. After that, they shocked him with electric batons. A few minutes later they untied the ropes and ordered criminals to violently shake him. As a result, Mr. Dong's arms and legs were in extreme pain, and he could not move. This torture was called "Tied Up."

The guards also tied his hands to the two sides of a twin-sized head-board and his legs to the foot-board at the other end. He was tied up so that he could not move for 15 days. This torture was called the Death Bed. Mr. Dong was also handcuffed to heating pipes, had to sit on a small stool, and had to sit on a small folding stool (for a month).

Two years later, because he refused to give up his belief in Falun Gong, on March 24, 2003, his wife, Wang Huanqing, arrived at the labor camp to divorce him. Division One head Li Dayong and guard Wang Lei had tortured many practitioners. Along with several detained criminals, they all beat Mr. Dong. Wang Lei hit Mr. Dong's abdomen and ribs with his knees, breaking one of his ribs. Mr. Dong lost consciousness from the pain. After regaining consciousness he was tied to a chair. It happened on the first day when he started a hunger strike to announce that the brainwashing was null and void. He continued his hunger strike for 15 days. His forced labor term was over, but he was detained for more than one more month, in complete violation of the Chinese constitution.

Between 1999 and 2006, Mr. Dong was detained three times for an average of 15 days each time. On October 19, 2000, he was transferred to a mental hospital for 110 days. He was detained in a brainwashing center twice, including the six-month incarceration in the Nanmacun Brainwashing Center, as of September 2001. In 2002, he was detained for over 50 days, and in May 2002, he was detained in the forced labor camp to perform hard labor for 20 months.

Mr. Dong started to have medical symptoms such as heart failure, kidney failure, blurry eyesight, swollen legs, and scabies. Following his release he had nowhere to go since his wife had divorced him.

On October 12, 2007, Mr. Dong was once again arrested and has been detained in Zhuozhou City Detention Center until now. His family members are forbidden to visit him. He shows symptoms of high blood pressure and renal failure, and his legs are swollen. He has been on a hunger strike to resist the persecution. He has been force-fed numerous times.

Ms. Xing Junhua has become mentally unstable after being tortured

Ms. Xing Junhua is 48 years old and was an employee at the Commercial Bureau in Zhuozhou City. She was arrested on October 12, 2007, and imprisoned in Zhuozhou Detention Center. She has now become mentally unstable due to the tortures she has been subjected to. Ms. Xing is extremely weak and unable to walk. She needs people to help her go to the restroom. Her family members are still prevented from visiting her.

Mr. Ren Baokun is sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor

Ren Baokun is 40 years old. Zhuozhou City Public Security Bureau agents detained Mr. Ren on October 12, 2007, saying he had committed the crime of "using an illegal practice to violate the law." On October 31, 2007, Ren was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor and is now imprisoned in Baoding Forced Labor Camp. His family members considered the sentence unacceptable. They have hired a lawyer who values righteousness to appeal for Mr. Ren.

Mr. Shen Aiqiang will be illegally sentenced

Mr. Shen Aiqiang was arrested last year in Zhuozhou. He lives in Zunyi City in Guizhou Province and is now detained in Guizhou. Chinese Communist Party agents are planning to sentence him.

Mr. Shen is 31 years old. He is originally from the South Township, Wuchuan County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province. (Wuchuan County is the Miao Autonomous County in Sichuan Province for the Gelos.) In 1999, only six months before graduating from Beijing Medical University, Mr. Shen was expelled from school because he refused to give up his belief in Falun Gong. In 2000, Mr. Shen was sentenced to one year of forced labor. In June 2001, the CCP thugs often went to Mr. Shen's residence to harass him. They considered him the "most wanted." Because of that, Mr. Shen decided to leave home to avoid more illegal detention.

At around 8:00 a.m. on November 26, 2007, when Mr. Shen and his brother were about to take their father to the hospital, he was arrested in Zhuozhou City. He was eventually transferred to Guizhou Province and put in No. 2 Detention Center in Guiyang City.

Guizhou Public Security Department agents detained Mr. Shen for the crime of "using an illegal practice to violate the law." They want to sentence him from three to seven years.

The following individuals are personally involved in the persecution of these practitioners:
Ye Jun, chief of Zhuozhou City Police Department Domestic Security Division: 86-13333126638 (Cell), 86-13703361286 (Cell)
Yang Yugang, deputy chief, 86-13333126768
Xing Shujin, Big Case Team: 86-13333126626
Zhao Zengjian, Group 4 of the Zhuozhou City Police Department Criminal Police: 86-13333126678
Yang Guifu, Group 5 of the Zhuozhou City Police Department Criminal Police : 86-13833081618
Liu Jingsheng, chief of Lintun Police Station: 86-13333126919
Zhuozhou City Detention Center: 86-312-3909446
Qingliangsi Police Station: 86-312-3852006