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Hint from a Dream: Make the Best Use of Time to Save Sentient Beings

March 17, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I'm a practitioner from mainland China and I recently came abroad. I'm 27 years old and obtained the Fa in 1997. But it is shameful that I had not thought of myself as a Falun Dafa practitioner until last year when Teacher gave me a hint. Only then did I start practicing Falun Dafa and realize how much I have missed. I felt so sad. Recently, in another dream, Teacher hinted to me that I must waste no time in saving sentient beings.

In that dream, I stood between the ocean and the land. The sky was clear above the land, but black over the sea. When I looked at the land carefully, I saw buildings, large and small, and one great Buddha on the hilltop, surrounded with bright light of different colors, protecting the land and its people. I called out in my heart: "Teacher!"

Over the sea were big clusters of dark clouds that blocked the sun and created shadows on the sea. Between the sea and the dark clouds, many rotten demons appeared and were moving towards the land. I was shocked. The black clouds must be the old forces. I had a thought: "They are doing their worst on their last try. Although they can do nothing to Dafa disciples, they are trying to destroy the sentient beings."

Then, I had another thought: "I don't want them to destroy the sentient beings." When this thought emerged, I already stood on the land. I saw the demons arresting or possessing people. People started running away. Their purpose was to make people do bad deeds and drag them to hell. I started sending forth righteous thoughts. The demons nearby were eliminated immediately. My righteous thoughts eliminated them one after another. But suddenly three bigger demons charged towards me. I asked Teacher to strengthen me, then I felt power come to me from the back of my head. I focused on my righteous thoughts. At the moment when the demons touched me, the thunder from my palm immediately destroyed them.

Then I saw my past, including all my attachments and how the old forces took advantage of me and isolated me from Dafa. Teacher showed me my past and let me know where I fell short, so I could catch up.

Once I woke up, I stayed in bed and I cried. Because I have not been diligent, I have let the old forces take advantage of me, so I have suffered more tribulations and had a long detour and almost missed the last chance. But Teacher didn't give up on me. I can't imagine how compassionate Teacher is.

I wrote this paper in a hurry to urge all those who, like me, have taken some detour or encountered tribulations to wake up quickly. What are we waiting for? Let's send forth righteous thoughts, clarify the truth, and do well all that we should do. If we don't, how will we face those precious lives who have put all their trust in us to save them, even though they are lost in the maze of today's ordinary world? How can we pursue personal comfort? Our attachment to comfort has cost us many, many opportunities to save sentient beings.

Please kindly point out anything improper!