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New York Writer: "I Have Learned So Much about Chinese Culture"

February 12, 2008 |   By Reporter Lu Zhenyan in NY

(Clearwisdom.net) Michelle Martek is a freelance writer. On February 5, 2008, Michelle and her friend came to see the eighth show of the Chinese New Year Splendor iat Radio City Music Hall in NY. She said to the reporter at the end of the show, "It was very beautiful, I liked it very much. The costumes were gorgeous and the performers were all very talented. I have learned so much about Chinese culture from the show." "I find there is a big difference between the Chinese arts and Western arts. The Western arts tend to irony, intense music, emotion, and movement, while the Chinese arts pay more attention to subtlety."

Michelle's friend, Avrelie Teysseyre, works in foreign trade. She has been to China numerous times and has seen Chinese performances before. She thought the difference between this show and the ones she has seen in China is that these dances were more traditional, and yet the performance as a whole incorporated modern technology.

Michelle commented that she was interested in the use of myths and legends in the performances.