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Human Lives Are at Stake - Reflections on Toxic Milk Powder

October 18, 2008 |   By Gu Feng

(Clearwisdom.net) China's tainted milk scandal has resulted in the deaths of an unknown number of children, and the Chinese people are seething with anger. Fresh and powdered milk produced by over 20 dairy producers in China has been tested and found to contain the toxic chemical melamine. Melamine, a "false protein," is mixed into milk so that producers can secretly dilute the milk with water. Melamine causes the resultant product to test as having a high protein content, fooling inspectors into believing that the tainted milk is the real thing.

It seems that many producers and many brand names are involved, and that the adulteration may have gone on for many years. Widespread sickness, injury, and even death has been the result. What has China's government been doing to protect the people as a result? What have milk producers and industry watchdogs been doing? Why have they all turned a blind eye and kept silent? Why does it take a foreign country--that had long ago detected the toxic milk powder--to publicize their findings to the Chinese people? Why did the Chinese government still cover it up and keep everyone, including the world's people, in the dark? This is a matter of life and death that puts human lives at risk! What could possibly be more important?

Some may say, "Well, you don't need to make a fuss about it. It is only that a bit too much melamine was added this time." (According to recent government regulations, the acceptable ratio for melamine is 1 kg of milk powder/0.3 mg melamine, but some dairy products are found to contain as much as 6000 mg melamine per 1kg of milk powder.)

CCTV, the communist regime's shameless propaganda mouthpiece, claims, "The children who suffer from kidney stones will get better by drinking more water, and kidney failure can be reversed this way as well." Some people have even gone so far as to say, "What's all the fuss about a few deaths? It's inevitable that we would experience some problems during China's economic development."

Should economic development come at the cost of human suffering and death? Should economic development encourage deception that leads to deaths? Not at all! Only the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) views harming and killing people as an "inevitable" price to pay for economic development.

China needs economic development to improve people's living standards. To accomplish this, however, the communist regime has taken a dishonorable path. The regime only talks about China's economic development and making money while totally ignoring reforms needed in its own political system. Because of the "slick" and underhanded approach that the regime uses, people's minds have degenerated, and falsehoods, wickedness, ugliness, poison, evilness, and immoral conduct are rampant everywhere. This is the fundamental cause for the crisis of counterfeit products and the cause of many innocent people's deaths taking place in China.

Looking back in history, it's not hard to see that the Communist Party is an arch criminal working actively against human rights. Ever since it imposed itself upon China, it has never lacked the courage to kill people. From the "Land Reform" to the "Three Anti's Campaign" and "The Five Anti's Campaign," from the "Anti Rightists" movement to the "Cultural Revolution," the Party has murdered countless people, but it has shown not one second of remorse in its bloody history.

The fact that the Party is callously indifferent to the deadly impact of the toxic milk powder is simply a reflection of its sadistic nature that does not flinch at causing death. Thousands of students were slaughtered in the 1989 Tianamen Square Massacre, crushed by army tanks and cut down by CCP soldiers.

Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death over the past nine years of persecution. Organ harvesting atrocities abound, where organs are extracted from living Falun Gong practitioners, custom killed for their hearts, livers and lungs. Many other practitioners were arrested and executed after they dared to visit government offices to appeal for justice.

The regime also covered up the spread of "SARS," thereby causing many unnecessary tragic deaths. It also withheld from the public the prediction of the recent earthquake in Sichuan Province, directly causing the deaths of over 100,000 people and the injuries of hundreds of thousands more. Still, the regime shows absolutely no remorse.

The Communist regime crushed and gunned down hundreds, or perhaps even thousands of students in the Tiananmen Square Massacre, but told the Chinese people that it had simply "subdued rioters." Propaganda hides the truth and disguises the Party's true evil nature. In the persecution of Falun Gong, the CCP has again continued to fabricate lies and stir up hatred to confuse and deceive people.

With regard to the massive earthquake in Sichuan Province earlier this year, the regime mentioned nothing about their withholding of information from the people. Instead, it shouted loud slogans about "fighting the earthquake" and providing disaster relief! This time, in its handling of the toxic milk powder scandal, the regime once again restricted information released to the public, this time in the name of having a "peaceful Olympic Games."

In the past decade of economic reform, the regime has focused on nothing but making money at any cost. Officials at every level angle for money. Those in power engage in embezzlement and corruption. Top officials take the lead in this behavior, and their subordinates follow suit. How can falsehood not prevail everywhere in China? And are we surprised that poison appears everywhere in China?

It is time for people to wake up. A swindler will always expose himself at some point. When people are finally able to clearly see through this web of lies and recognize the fake products, they will most assuredly expose the CCP for what it is, abandon it, and ultimately destroy it. This is how people will respond to toxic products and toxic milk powder.

Only by breaking away from the CCP, withdrawing from it, disintegrating it, distancing themselves from it, and keeping far away from its web of lies, evilness, and ugliness can people protect themselves from being harmed and deceived, and only then will people truly live and work in peace and contentment, at last able to enjoy happiness and good fortune!

October 12, 2008