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How I Successfully Clarify the Truth on the Internet

August 04, 2007 |   By a practitioner in Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 2000. Before becoming a Falun Gong practitioner I considered many religions. While entering each and every religion I was always required to donate money for printing scriptures, in order to ask for good luck and to get rid of misfortune and karma for family members. Also, I'd often place a tray of fruit in front of a Buddha statue and ask for Buddha's protection. I spent all my personal savings in this way.

One day when I was having dinner with some religious friends in a restaurant, the television there was showing the "April 25" event. One of them asked, "What do you guys think about Falun Gong being so popular, with this many people sitting there doing meditation?!" I immediately replied to my friend Mr. Yang, "Let's go home and talk about it." Thinking back about what I said at that time, it sounded like Teacher predetermined my cultivation path as well as Mr. Yang's. Before long, Mr. Yang and I became Falun Gong practitioners, and we go to the same practice site as well.

I had a quick and bad temper before practicing Falun Gong. After becoming a practitioner, one time my family was doing a remodeling project, which made me so busy that I didn't even have time to study the Fa or do the exercises. There was debris everywhere, and asking my husband for help was not successful either. I got so angry and mad that I swore. My youngest son then said, "Mom, relax, don't be so concerned, you'll be okay!" What he said woke me up--wasn't it Teacher's hint? I forgot I was a practitioner!

My youngest son was at the time going to school in Tainan. On one occasion, my eldest son was fighting with his younger brother over the use of a computer, as if they were enemies. I was so frustrated that I cried. Then suddenly, I thought of Teacher's Fa.

"Why don't you think about it? Aren't they here to torment you? They use this form to make you unable to lead a good life." (Zhuan Falun, 2000 version)

So, I wiped my tears. The next day, the brothers were politely taking turns using the computer, instead of fighting over it. Maybe it was because I had put it to rest in my mind.

In the early days of my cultivation, one fellow practitioner said to me that every practitioner should learn to use a computer as a truth-clarification tool. Of course I wanted to learn too. I'm not a well educated person and didn't know anything about computers. One time when my sons weren't at home, I turned on the computer to look, but I didn't even know how to use the mouse.

There was one time, on the Internet, when I came across a policeman who was transferred from Beijing to Zhuhai City. I posted quite a lot of truth-clarification materials for him. He threatened to blackout my computer if I kept transmitting those things. I told him that I wasn't afraid, "What I'm telling you is all truthful and upright. Let me ask you, were there any practitioners who got arrested for doing bad things, like committing murder or arson?" He replied after a pause, "Right, they did nothing wrong!" Then he continued, "We arrested some yesterday." I regret I didn't ask him to treat them well. Later he said, "I'll look into it when I get back to Beijing." I said, "Since you're from Beijing, I will give you a list of vicious police officers."

I have now been doing truth clarification on the Internet for quite some time without interruption, and my Internet friends in China often line up to listen to my messages. Although there were those who swore at me, those who talked suggestively, those who displayed obscene movies, and even some who developed an emotional attraction, I treated them all as part of my cultivation trials and tests. Some Internet friends came back to thank me after quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). One man sent greetings to thank me for convincing him to quit the CCP using a pen name, and told me that now he has a more positive outlook on life.I have no real knowledge of computers, and every time I didn't do well in studying the Fa or sending forth righteous thoughts, my computer would start to malfunction. The good thing is, a computer technical expert lives nearby, and I'd like to thank him for fixing my computer whenever there was a problem, enabling me to do my truth-clarification work on the Internet smoothly.

In summary, it isn't difficult to clarify the truth on the Internet as long as you know how to copy and paste text. As simple as it is, doing it well requires that more fellow practitioners with forbearance join in. Some fellow practitioners have also learned to do it, but regretfully they have unable to keep it up.

May 10, 2007