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Vancouver, Canada: Stories from a Small Blue Shelter (Part 4) (Photos)

August 14, 2007 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner from Vancouver, Canada


(Part 1: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2007/8/7/88396.html

Part 2: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2007/8/12/88543.html

Part 3: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2007/8/13/88568.html )

Although Falun Gong practitioners have suffered from the brutal persecution, they persistently clarify the facts about Falun Gong to people, with compassion and endurance. They use peaceful means to awaken a person's kind and virtuous nature. When the persecution first began, some people initially believed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) lies and deception. They did not completely understand Falun Gong practitioners' peaceful protests. Some people even opposed the protests. Falun Gong practitioners' persistent and peaceful protests in front of the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver have nonetheless touched the hearts of many passersby. More and more people in Vancouver are beginning to understand and support Falun Gong practitioners. During the cold winter, some people brought hot coffee, bread and even winter coats for the practitioners at the protest location. Some also helped by calling for an end to the persecution, and some participated in the activities to rescue Falun Gong practitioners.

"Money cannot buy spirit"

Upon seeing the practitioners, some passersby commented, "I have heard people say before that practitioners got paid to [sit in silent protest] but now I no longer believe that. You sit here the whole night long in freezing weather. If not for the immense wrongful treatment, who could have done this? No amount of money can buy such dedication."

"I sincerely respect you"

Ms. Zheng joined the peaceful 10,000-practitioner appeal at Zhongnanhai on "April 25", 1999. She now also often joins the peaceful protest in front of the Chinese Consulate with her grandson. She said, "It was quite cold on a rainy early autumn day, and I was meditating in the small blue room [a very small shelter constructed for practitioners who are peacefully protesting]. A young lady brought me a cup of warm coffee, all the way from a coffee shop on Broadway. She warmly greeted me and told me that she often passed by this area and had read the information on our banners and boards. She had great empathy with us. When she passed by that day she bought a cup of coffee for me because it was very cold. I was touched by her kindness."

On another day, while Ms. Zheng was practicing the exercises, a middle-aged man came up and said, "I'm sorry to bother you. I always drive by here, but today I walked over here because I want to tell you that I respect you very much."

People's Good Wishes and Support

Ms. Jiang, one of the oldest protesters, is nearly 70 years old. She said she used to have numerous illnesses before practicing Falun Gong. They had included pulmonary emphysema, insufficient blood supply to the cardiac muscle, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, chronic choleo-cystitis, fatty liver and herniated cervical discs, among other ailments. All of those disappeared after she practiced Falun Gong. She is a [retired] teacher who is diligent, healthy, and who follows "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." Yet, in China she was arrested three times for appealing for justice for Falun Gong.Ms. Jiang goes to the Chinese Consulate every week to protest. The longest time she stayed was 14 hours. When asked what her most memorable moment was, she replied, "In July 2001, in high heat, I held up a banner on a sidewalk. My face was burning, and sweat streamed down my cheeks. A gentleman got off his bike and walked toward me. He gave me a $10 bill, insisting I go buy an umbrella. I kindly refused to take his money and told him that I would keep his kindness in my heart. A blond girl gave me a red apple when I was very thirsty. In addition, one day when I was telling people the facts about Falun Gong, a gentleman gave me $5 to go print out more materials..."

One morning in May 2003, as Ms. Li meditated in front of the Consulate, a car quietly stopped by her and waited for over 30 minutes. After she finished meditating, the woman driver came out of the car and handed her a bottle of water and some food. She then took out a vase of Indian azaleas and put it near a board. In addition, she took out some cobblestones, a piece of knitted work, and a stuffed monkey. She explained to me with words and hand gestures that those items represented "smoothness, peace and good luck."

"I wish I could offer these Falun Gong practitioners some help"

Mrs. Wang has a business in Chinatown. She used to believe the Chinese regime's TV broadcasts, that Falun Gong practitioners did the "self-immolation," and "were against the government." Five years ago Ms. Li rented a house from Mrs. Wang. From then on she often saw Ms. Li practicing Falun Gong and heard Ms. Li telling her Falun Gong stories. Mrs. Wang started to change her view toward Falun Gong. She said, "I feel that Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance are very important to everyone. I've been in Canada for over 10 years, and I support freedom of belief. The CCP's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is extremely brutal. Every year when the practitioners handed out signature collection cards that called for a stop to the persecution, I always took 20 to 30 cards for my friends to sign. I hope that I can do my best to help these Falun Gong practitioners."

A Tour Guide Speaks for Falun Gong

A tour guide in Vancouver told me, "I'm a Christian. Although I don't practice Falun Gong, I support freedom of belief. I often slow down in front of the Chinese Consulate to let my guests see the Falun Gong information boards and observe the practitioners who peacefully sit there. Normally, Chinese tourists are surprised to see that scene and would ask 'Why does the Chinese Consulate allow anyone doing anything like that? Why don't Canadian police arrest them?' I would tell them, 'You are in Canada now. This country genuinely respects basic human rights and freedom of belief. The practitioners are not breaking the law. Why would the police arrest them?' I also tell them, 'I heard that the Canadian Constitution protects humanitarian and religious beliefs. According to this, Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in China can be granted immigration status and come to Canada.' Hearing this, the government officials and business managers who were among the tourists would change from being surprised to being quiet and pondering."

Bus Driver Supports the Practitioners who Peacefully Meditate in Front of the Consulate

Many public buses pass by the Consulate every day. Some drivers gently honk and wave to the practitioners, to show their support. Ms. Li often takes the evening bus to the Consulate. Sometimes the drivers ask her if she was on her way to the Consulate. Then they stop the bus in front of the Consulate, which is between two bus stops, to let her get off. Sometimes she would go home at midnight, and bus drivers take her to her home. One day, deep in the middle of the night, when Ms. Li hurried to the bus terminal, the last scheduled bus had already left. Hearing that she was going to the Consulate, a driver from the terminal drove a long bus to take her alone all the way from Richmond to the Chinese Consulate in Vancouver [a distance of about 7 miles].

Canadian Policemen Safeguard Falun Gong Practitioners

Policemen care about the practitioners' safety. Ms. Zheng Jun works in the daytime, hence she normally joins the protest in the evenings. She said, "The patrolling police would initially stop by and sit with us for a while, asking about the persecution situation. Sometimes they would also chat with us. They would ask if we were afraid or cold, how long the protest would last, and what our plans were to rescue our family members. One time I stopped my car by the side of the road in front of the Consulate. Because my car is a dark color and was parked on a slope, a policeman was worried that other cars might crash into my car, and suggested I park it in a safer place. Seeing that I did what he suggested, he felt relieved and left.

Ms. Zheng Jun said, "When we first started sitting here we did not have a shelter. Once it rained hard and I had to park my car in front of the Consulate and stay inside. Before I knew it I fell asleep. When I suddenly woke up I saw a police car behind me. Not knowing how long the policeman had been there I was a little afraid, got out of the car and asked him. The police officer rolled down his window and said, "It was dark and raining. I was afraid that something might happen to you. It is getting brighter now. Everything is alright." Then he left. I did not know that the police officer had been acting as my protector for several hours.

"May Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance be with you"

In 2001, a young man named "Adel" came to the Consulate to learn more about Falun Gong. He and his girlfriend wrote a letter to the Chinese Consulate and to the Canadian Prime Minister calling for a stop to the persecution. He also joined the "SOS Walk across Canada" together with Falun Gong practitioners for an entire week. His feet were swollen and he limped, but he did not quit. He said, "It is nothing compared to what the practitioners have to endure every day in China."

"Adel" also wrote a song for the walk. The lyrics are, "My dear and great friends, you are a group of brave and kindhearted people. I am confident that you will move the hearts of the people in Canada and the world, because I'm one of them.... Walk well on your path. May peace accompany you; may Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance be with you!"

"I'd like to choose Falun Gong" - Five Years Ago

A major media columnist often passed by the Chinese Consulate. In 2002 he decided to stay with the Falun Gong practitioners for two nights in front of the Consulate, to learn what kind of inner strength made the practitioners protest there for such a long time. After interviewing some practitioners he wrote an article in a B.C. provincial newspaper, "Chinese Consulate is spending a large amount of money to renovate the consulate. Everything is made of concrete and looks very stable. By contrast, the Falun Gong practitioners set up a simple shelter outside the consulate, intending to prolong their protest. If you ask me which one between the two is more solid and will last longer, I would choose Falun Gong!"

"We should all help to stop the persecution"

On August 20, 2004, The Vancouver Sun reported that Falun Gong practitioners would hold a candlelight vigil that evening to commemorate the three-year peaceful protest.

The Edwards

After reading this report, a sister and brother named Edwards came to the site to learn more about Falun Gong, and to discover what drove the practitioners to continue the peaceful protest for three years in spite of all kinds of harsh weather.

After talking with the practitioners, they were deeply touched by what they heard. The sister is a nurse. She had witnessed hundreds of people who were in the process of dying. She understood what death meant and found it hard to imagine a person being brutally tortured to death. Holding back her tears, she asked what she could do to help practitioners from being persecuted. She promised that she would write letters to her Member of Parliament asking him to support Falun Gong, and to put those who carried out the persecution in prison.

The brother is a newspaper reporter in the city of Prince George. He said he would publish Falun Gong stories in his paper, to let more people know about Falun Gong and what is happening in China. The brother and sister noticed the three English words, "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance" on the board. He commented, "By looking at the three words I know that Falun Gong is good. This world needs Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. We should all help to stop the persecution."

They lingered for a long time and took many photographs. Finally, before they had to leave, the sister hugged the practitioners tightly and encouraged them to continue their course.

The next day they came again and talked with the practitioners for two more hours. The brother took a pile of Falun Gong publications and said he would start practicing at home by himself, and that he would also tell all his friends to try Falun Gong.

"We should all work together to stop the persecution"

One day the former Vancouver Senator, Simma Holt. had just returned from Ottawa and drove directly from the airport to the Consulate. She greeted the practitioners and said, "In China, Falun Gong practitioners are being murdered. Their organs are removed and even sold. This atrocity is happening at the other end of the ocean. All of the overseas Chinese should come and support the practitioners. All of the organizations should also come. Together we should call for an end to the persecution."

Former Senator Simma Holt

When asked how much longer the protest will last, almost all of the practitioners replied that the protest in front of the Chinese Consulate will continue as long as the persecution continues. They are sending a message to the world: Compassion is the most powerful. No method can destroy the righteous belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." They will continue their peaceful and rational protest, calling for an end to the persecution of human virtues. They do not harbor hatred because they believe that lies and violence cannot last long, and that justice will eventually prevail.