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Washington, DC: Thousands Rally in Support of the Disintegration of the Chinese Communist Party (Photos)

July 24, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 20, 2007, a large rally and parade in support of people quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was held in Washington, D.C. Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners from all over the world and human rights activists participated. Dozens of Chinese from New York City and Boston swore at the rally to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. In addition, through the Sound of Hope International Radio, another over 20 Chinese citizens denounced the CCP during the rally. Vice president of the European Parliament Edward McMillan-Scott , Maryland congressman Elijah Cummings, and former Hong Kong Legislative Council member Szeto Wah wrote support letters to the rally. Groups from Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam also participated in the rally.

Former American Ambassador to the Soviet Union John Hemingway

Timothy Cooper, executive director of World Rights

Dr. Damon Noto, spokesman for the Doctors against Organ Harvesting


Dr. Zhiyuan Wang, spokesman for the World Organization to Investigation the Persecution of Falun Gong


The rally site


Thousands paraded in support of the 24 million Chinese people who have quit the CCP

Western Society Support Chinese People to Quit the CCP

Dr. Dawei Gao, spokesman for the Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP, said: "Since the publication of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party in November 2004, we have rallied three times here in Washington together with people from all over the world. More and more Chinese people have awakened and denounced the evil party publicly. The Nine Commentaries have worked their way into Chinese political circles and the army. ... Even they have realized that the best way to bring stability and prosperity to China is to disintegrate the CCP."

Gao said: "The CCP is not China. The movement of quitting the CCP has received worldwide support. The CCP's horrifying atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners have received wide attention from many government officials including President Bush and Vice President of European Parliament McMilian-Scott."

Only If We Disintegrate the CCP Can China Have Hope

President of the Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition Wei Jingsheng told the crowd: "The Chinese Communist Party is evil. It is impossible for the CCP not to do evil things as its nature is evil."

Wei urged people to recognize the nature of the CCP and spread the Nine Commentaries.

"Don't be deceived by the CCP's lies. Only if we disintegrate the CCP, can China have a hope." Wei said.

President of the China Peace Forum Tang Boqiao said: "Chinese people have great wisdom. Let's make full use of our wisdom to drive the evil party out through all kinds of peaceful approaches such as rally, parade and strike. "

"Ending the tyranny of the CCP is the mission of this generation and we have to fulfill this mission. I firmly believe that we will defeat the evil and regain control of our own future. By working together collectively, we will disintegrate the CCP and embrace a bright future." Tang said.

Former Chinese Official Urged Intellectuals to Quit the CCP

Honored guest, Professor Jia Jia, the now famous former General Secretary of the Shanxi Provincial Association of Scientists and Technology Experts who defected from China last October, joined the rally via phone link-up from exile in Indonesia. Jia urged Chinese intellectuals to quit the CCP: "Many Chinese intellectuals joined the CCP solely because they had to in order to make living. In fact, they all know that the CCP is evil."

Professor Jia said that nobody in China still believes in the CCP including its own high ranking officials. "If one sets up a 'Quit CCP' table in Tiananmen Square, there must be a long line formed if there is no fear of personal security."

The CCP is a Giant Terrorist Organization

Dr. Wang Zhiyuan, co-founder and spokesman of the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG), pointed out that the CCP is a giant terrorist organization which is committing genocide against Falun Gong.

"However, justice will eventually prevail. Chief perpetrators of the persecution have been charged with torture and crimes against humanity in many countries. To date, more than 50 lawsuits of this kind have been filed while none of these perpetrators dare to face the charges in court. History has set examples for us as war criminals of the World War II are still being prosecuted. WOIPFG will go over all perpetrators of the persecution and bring them to justice." Dr. Wang said.

Timothy Cooper, Executive Director of Worldrights, conducted a mock trial of the CCP declaring it is time for the regime "to stand before the bar and answer for its crimes." He placed on the stand to testify the millions upon millions of victims of successive persecution campaigns including journalists, doctors, all intellectuals, students of Tiananmen Square and Falun Gong practitioners.

Cooper said that the 'Quitting the CCP' movement plays an immeasurable role in the path to democracy for China, and that his organization will continue to support it.

Damon J. Noto, spokesman for the Doctors against Organ Harvesting voiced his organization's deep concern on the organ harvesting crime in China: "We therefore call upon the international medical community and the governments worldwide to stand up against the ongoing live organ harvesting in China and to call for an end of these practices. An independent international investigation is necessary to verify the termination of these practices."

"In NAZI Germany medical doctors were instrumental in the Holocaust, today medical doctors are instrumental in the state run persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Please help to stop these practices before it is again too late." Dr. Noto said.

Local People Support the Movement to Quit the CCP

After the rally in front of the Washington Monument, a grand parade was held to raise awareness of the "Quitting the CCP" movement and the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Many local people witnessed the parade and expressed their support and understanding.

George, who works at the Food and Drug Administration said: "I know the communist is evil and I am so glad to see that so many people have stepped up further to quit the CCP. I support them."

Harvey and Douglas are both employees of the US Custom and Border Protection. When asked about their thoughts on the parade. Harvey said that he knew the persecution of Falun Gong and yet did not know that so many people have denounced the CCP. He said that the US government should not continue to do business with the CCP and should take actions to stop the atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. "I will share this information with more friends." he added. Douglas said that he found the persecution unacceptable and felt disappointed as American media remained silent.

An employee of the Department of Justice said that he was very pleased to see so many people from different countries. She said that she heard about Falun Gong before and just learned why Falun Gong is being persecuted in China: The practice advocates Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance while the CCP practices the opposite.

Mali works for an attorney's office. He said that he had never heard about Falun Gong and believed that it is necessary to hold events of this kind to raise awareness of the persecution and condemn CCP atrocities.