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Spreading the Nine Commentaries and Promoting Withdrawals from the Chinese Communist Party is our Great Historic Mission

June 06, 2007 |   By a Chinese ptractitioner in the United States


1. All-encompassing Dafa: Cherishing predestined relationships and saving beings

I joined the telephone truth-clarification group after the publication of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. With help from fellow practitioners, I participated in activities to spread the Nine Commentaries and to promote quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Beginning in September 2006, I used the phone almost every day to clarify the truth and urge the people of mainland China to quit the CCP for the sake of their own safety. So far I have successfully persuaded over 500 people to withdraw. During the course of truth-clarification, I have faced people's different attitudes and questions. I keep on studying the Fa and strengthening my righteous thoughts to maintain a peaceful state of mind. At the same time, I have studied the Nine Commentaries again and again. I have also tried to learn related information and gain knowledge from Dafa websites. All this preparation has enabled me to respond from appropriate angles to the questions people ask, therefore helping them learn the truth.

The purpose of making telephone calls regarding individual persecution cases is to shock the evil, as well to help the practitioners who are being persecuted. Furthermore, this is also to save the evildoers from committing more bad deeds that could result in karmic retribution. I often call to clarify the truth to the police officers in China and persuade them to quit the CCP. One police officer arrested and extorted money and other belongings from a practitioner. I kept calling this officer for three days. His sister answered the phone and I asked, "Do you know why I called?" She replied, "Falun Dafa practitioners are calling people all around." I said, "This is for your own good. The gods will eliminate the CCP. You should quit the Party to have a future. However, today my main focus is to solve the issue of your brother arresting practitioners. Your brother is not only on the blacklist of wicked people, he is also numbered in hell. Isn't this scary? Do you go on the Internet? The heads of the 610 Office who persecute practitioners - so many of them have ended up receiving karmic retribution. In Xi County in Shandong Province, Yu Chang Liang, who persecuted practitioners, was killed in a car accident. You can call to confirm this. I have called and confirmed that this is true." The officer's sister said, "I know about this." Then I said, "Since you know about this, you should persuade your brother to stop persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. In China there are many good police officers who treat practitioners well. Practitioners have never mistreated any of you. Why is it that you want to hurt other people and end up receiving karmic retribution?" She said, "I know now. Please do not call again." I said, "I do not mean to bother you. I spent the time and money to call you these many times because I hope your brother will treat practitioners with kindness and quit the Party soon and have a future." She replied, "Good, good."

The officers of one police station arrested four practitioners once. I called them for two days. Several police officers answered the phone. Once, they thought we were disconnected and I heard them say, "She mentioned this person's name (the arrested practitioner)." This showed they are very scared of the persecution being exposed to the public. In the end, an officer brought the head of the police station to the phone. I asked, "Are you the head of the police station? Do not persecute practitioners anymore. This is too sinful. Do you go on the Internet? There are many cases showing bad people receiving karmic retribution. I then told the story of the man who was killed in Shandong Province. He said, "Do you believe in this?" I answered, "Of course I believe it. I will give you a phone number to confirm this." I then continued to talk about the end of the Cultural Revolution. Policemen who conducted the killing of people were secretly sentenced to death. I also told him of the fossil carved with the words, "It is deemed by the gods that the CCP will be eliminated" in Ping Tang County of Guizhou Province. The head of the police station then followed my advice and quit the CCP.

2. Do not miss the opportunity to save people who have predestined relationships

I practice saving sentient beings in my daily life. I bring truth-clarifying materials with me everywhere, and whether I'm walking, waiting for the bus, or shopping, I am always looking for people with predestined relationships. Once, when I was on the bus, on my way to Fa-study, I missed my stop. At first, I thought I'd take the bus on the other side of the street to go back to my stop. Then I thought, "It's not very far...I could just walk." Soon I saw three Chinese people. I took out material on quitting the CCP and handed it to them. I smiled and said, "Please take a moment to read this. It is very good for your future. The gods will eliminate the CCP. You should withdraw in order to have a future." I then told them the reasons why they should quit the CCP and erase the mark of the beast. One man said, "I was about to apply to join the Party. After listening to you, I have decided not to join." I said, "You really have a predestined relationship. I suggest you use the name 'Li Taiyuan' to quit." He and his daughter quit the Youth League and his wife quit the Party. I tried to remember their names and thanked Master for bringing them to me that day.

There are many visitors from China staying at hotels in Los Angeles. I take advantage of breakfast time to promote quitting the CCP to them. Although some people refused to take the materials, and some others ignore me, I don't give up. I believe that there must be people with predestined relationships that need to be saved. Eleven people have taken my advice and quit the Party at one time. When I was just about to leave one day, I saw an old man come towards me. I quickly approached him and gave him a set of materials and he took my advice and quit the Party. He said, "Thank you!" I wished him good luck in the future and waved goodbye.

Once, I met a lady and handed her materials exposing the CCP's crime of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. She asked, "Is this real?" I replied, "Yes. Several witnesses have publicly given evidence, and Western reporters and the investigation committee have recorded evidence through telephone calls to numerous large Chinese hospitals. Some doctors have admitted that this is true. Here is the DVD--please take a careful look." I then introduced to her the benefits of practicing Falun Gong. Her son, who was about 11 or 12 years old, came over and said to me, "Auntie, let's have a contest and see who can run faster around this sports field. If I lose to you then I'll really believe in what you said." I thought about it and said, "Running is not real kongfu. Let's sit down and do the double leg-crossing position. I can do that for 2 hours and if you can do it for 20 minutes, then you win." He did not answer me, but then said, "So what do you believe in?" I answered, "Zhen-Shan-Ren. Do you know about Buddhas, Daos and Gods?" He said he did. I continued, "Zhen-Shan-Ren is the highest Buddha law. In my own words, Zhen means to speak true words, to do things truthfully, and to tell no lies; a Dao cultivates Zhen, Truthfulness, and eventually he will be a true person attaining the Dao, namely an immortal. Shan, or kindness, means compassion, to be kind to everyone. The Buddha school focuses on cultivating compassion; it offers salvation to all sentient beings. Ren, or forbearance, means that one should not fight back when beaten, and not retort when abused, and that one should be tolerant when in conflict with others. We Falun Dafa practitioners are doing things in accordance with these three words." The boy pointed to his head and said, "If someone put a gun to your head, would you still endure it?" I said, "If you do things according to Zhen-Shan-Ren, you will not encounter this type of situation." He then asked, "What is heaven?" I thought to myself, "This boy is asking such profound questions. I couldn't answer him if it weren't for Master's explanation about these issues."

The boy then inquired, "How does your Master know about all this? Does He see it with his own eyes or does He just imagine it?" I thought the boy wouldn't accept it if I told him directly that everything was created by Master. So I said, "Since you know about Buddhas, Daos and Gods, then you must already know about their supernatural abilities, and that their celestial eyes can see through everything. Do you know anything about the celestial eye?" He said he did, and pointed to his forehead, saying, "It's inside there. When it is activated, one can see other dimensions." I told him, "The level of our Master's celestial eye is extremely high. With it, Master can see the edge of the most macrocosmic and the most microcosmic substances. How can a celestial eye be activated? Strong and powerful energy is needed. And one has to practice as we do, to cultivate and become better."

We also talked about the origin of human beings and UFOs, straightening out his ideas and knowledge learned from science demonstrations. At last, the boy and his mother took some Dafa materials and left happily.
3. Strengthening righteous thoughts and eliminating attachments

When beginning to spread the Nine Commentaries and promote withdrawing from the Party, I paid a lot of attention to succeeding in having a certain number of people actually quit. If a person was still not willing to quit after a long discussion, I did not want to make calls any more. While studying Zhuan Falun, I read, "We stress holistic improvement and holistic upgrade." This awakened me. Spreading the Nine Commentaries and promoting the withdrawals is a big project that requires that we move forward as one body. Practitioners need to coordinate well and act as a team. I felt the compassion of Dafa and the difficulty of cultivation. I also felt the importance of our mission to save the beings of the universe. I then eliminated my attachment to the numbers of people who quit. I would talk to people for as long as they would listen. Some people need to listen to the truth for a long time before they can understand. As long as this being can be saved, even though he or she may not quit via my phone call, I should still continue calling to clarify the truth. This is to play the role of a Dafa disciple.

During the course of promoting withdrawals from the CCP and spreading the Nine Commentaries, my attachments appeared often. I know that it was not myself but rather interference from the old forces. I used the Fa to dissolve the interference and used righteous thoughts to destroy it. For a period of time, the results from my phone calls were not good. Sometimes I was even insulted by people. One morning, I made four calls and no one quit the Party. One man said, "I am with the CCP. I am with president Hu Jintao." I said, "I'm not against the CCP or Hu Jintao. I am simply calling to tell you the truth--that the CCP has committed too many evil deeds. No one needs to be against the CCP. It is destroying itself. You belong to this organization? Why do you want to sacrifice yourself for nothing?" He hung up and wouldn't answer the phone again. I tried to find the problem within myself. I found that I have the mentality of zealotry. Sometimes when I had persuaded some people quit, I felt truly happy for the sentient beings, while at the same time I still possessed the delightful feeling of self-validation. When I found this attachment, I firmly tried to get rid of it to never allow the evil to exploit any gaps. Sometimes when I was not as righteous, I didn't do well with persuading people to quit. Unrighteous thoughts would pop into my mind, such as, "The wicked beings have created a lot of propaganda against us. It's really hard to do this." I really felt those beings were too deceived and too lost. One morning on my way to distribute newspapers, Master's poem, "For the Good of the World" came to mind:

"Make clear the truth,
and drive off foul spirits.
Spread widely the Nine Commentaries,
and the wicked Party shall fade.
With righteous thoughts,
save the world's people.
I just don't believe their consciences
are irretrievably lost."

I enlightened to what righteous thoughts really meant: We cannot sigh even a single sigh, we cannot have the slightest moment of depression, for this single sigh or slight depression is actually partially accepting the old forces' arrangements. The old forces want to upset you and deject you. The heart of saving all sentient beings cannot be moved, it should be as solid as a diamond. We cannot complain that some beings are so lost; this only shows we are lacking compassion. Even though the other person is sometimes too explosive, when a god stands before him, the field of great compassion will immediately dissolve all evil and its elements existing in other dimensions. Such a person should also be saved, and before the end of the Fa-rectification, each and every being will have the same opportunity. Having eliminated the mentality of complaining and the mentality of frustration, I continued distributing newspapers peacefully and patiently.

While clarifying the truth in Chinatown, I used to have the mindset of competitiveness. I realized it and tried to eliminate it and keep a mindset of peacefulness. This time it came back to me. I handed materials to a Chinese driver on the street. He said, "Get away! Do not disturb me!" I said, "I do not mean to disturb you. I want to tell you to quit the Party for your own future. Over 19 million people have already quit." He said, "I do not need you to tell me that. If you keep bothering me, I will call the police." After he said this, I remembered the CCP's crime of persecuting Falun Gong and I lost all peace in my heart. I yelled, "I'm going to stand here today and watch. What can you do to me? This is United States of America, not Communist China!" He got back into his car and the people in the car laughed. I quickly realized that I had not done well in overcoming this barrier.

I had regret. As a person on the path to the godhood, how can I fight with ordinary people? This man was poisoned by the CCP. I should have mercy on him. My arguing lowered my level to that of an ordinary person. It was the most humiliating thing I ever endured. How have I been cultivating?! Master told us in Zhuan Falun,

"In the course of our cultivation practice, you must clean out various bad things in your body so that you can move up. This characteristic of the universe exactly plays this role." (verified)

The mentality of competitiveness is an attachment. It is not my true self. Today it is exposed and I will use the Fa to destroy it.

Let us keep in mind what Master told us in "Teaching the Fa in the City of Chicago":

"This instant is precious beyond measure. Completing the last leg of this journey well is what's most magnificent."

Keep steady on the final journey of cultivation. I will continue spreading the Nine Commentaries and promoting withdrawals from the CCP to save more beings.