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Words from a Psoriasis Patient

June 28, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am not a Falun Gong practitioner yet, but I have already benefited from Falun Gong. There is one thing in my life that I shall never forget. It is because of this unforgettable experience that I personally experienced that Falun Gong is extraordinary and magical.

A year ago, I started to suffer from a type of skin disease. At first, a few sporadic red scaly patches appeared on my scalp. After I scratched them, they started to bleed and discharge a yellow fluid. I had been perfectly healthy up until these red scaly patches appeared, so I didn't pay attention to them. Never did I expect that they would quickly spread. After four months, my entire head was almost covered with scaly patches. No hairdresser was willing to cut my hair for fear of spreading the disease to other clients. It was not until then that I realized its severity. My family started to feel anxious for me and looked for reputable doctors. I went to famous hospitals and dermatologists in Harbin. I was diagnosed with psoriasis. I was told by dermatologists that psoriasis is treatable, but that it is not curable. In addition, I was asked to stop drinking and stop eating certain types of food, including fish, beef, lamb, seafood, etc. It was a painful news because I was only in my thirties.

After a month of medical treatment, the symptoms of psoriasis did not subside. They started to spread to my legs and body. I felt all the more depressed. I searched for all kinds of home remedies, but none worked. Meanwhile, it continued to spread. Because my head was covered with silvery-white patches, I felt as though I was wearing a helmet. Every morning after I got out of bed, I would find my bed full of silvery-white scales. During the day, silver-white scales fell off onto my clothes. It was a repulsive sight to behold. Regardless of the weather, I always had to wear a hat. Inquiries from neighbors, friends, and colleagues made me all the more depressed. I felt increasingly depressed. I lost my appetite and I was becoming increasingly thin. My family and friends were very worried for me.

My older sister, who lives in another city, is a Falun Gong practitioner. After she heard about my skin problem, she called to comfort me and came back home to visit me. She told me important facts about Falun Gong first. I was an atheist, but my sister patiently explained to me what Falun Gong is about and gave me a copy of Zhuan Falun. She also gave me a copy of Falun Gong: An Amulet for Life that contains stories about Falun Gong practitioners' cultivation practice. She asked me to say "Falun Gong is good" in my heart every day. I didn't want to refuse my sister's kind offer to help, so I agreed to do so quite reluctantly. After that, I found time to read Zhuan Falun every day. I thought I might try saying "Falun Gong is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good" in my heart as well. Before I knew it, I cheered up and become increasingly interested in studying Zhuan Falun. Miraculously, the scaly patches on my body started to gradually heal. I was very excited. My sister was very happy for me, too. She encouraged me to keep on studying Zhuan Falun and saying "Falun Gong is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good." After I studied Zhuan Falun twice, my psoriasis was completely healed.

Six months have passed, and the psoriasis has never surfaced again. I am confident saying that I was cured of psoriasis! My family and neighbors highly praised Falun Gong for its miracle. I thank Falun Gong for making me healthy again. I want to say from the bottom of my heart, "Falun Gong is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good!"