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Massachusetts: State Senator Richard Tisei Extends Congratulations to Falun Gong Practitioners of Massachusetts in Recognition of Mr. Li Hongzhi

May 17, 2007 |  


Commonwealth of Massachusetts

State Senate

Official Citation

Be it know, that the Massachusetts Senate hereby extends its Congratulations to:

The Falun gong practitioners of Massachusetts.

In Recognition of:

Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Gong on the celebration of the 8th Annual World Falun Dafa Day; and

Be it further known that the Massachusetts Senate extends best wishes for continued success; that this Citation be only signed by the President of the Senate and attested to and a copy thereof transmitted by the Clerk of the Senate.

By: Teresa Murray

President of the Senate

Attest: William Welch

Clerk of the Senate

Offered by: Richard R. Tisei

State Senator

Date May 13, 2007
