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Children's Art Teacher Mr. Zhang Yingfu Arrested by Shenzhen City Police (Guangdong Province)

May 10, 2007 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) Late at night on April 21, 2007, policemen from the Bao'an District of Shenzhen City arrested the children's art teacher and Dafa practitioner Zhang Yingfu and took him to the Jiuwei Detention Center in the Bao'an District. The police took away his computer at work and searched the teachers' break room at school. They failed to find anything and left the room in a mess.

Mr. Zhang Yingfu, 34 years old, is from Nankang, Jiangxi Province. Ever since he graduated from the Art Institute of Southwest Normal University in Chongqing City in 1998, he has worked in the Bao'an District of Shenzhen City as a children's art teacher. Now the school's senior teacher of art, he is quite influential in the field of children's art and is deeply trusted by the students and parents. His teaching theories and achievements are well known, and, under his guidance, his students have received the top awards many times in both international and national art competitions. He himself has also been recognized as an outstanding teacher several times.

This is to ask fellow practitioners who see this message to please send forth righteous thoughts and dissolve all the evil elements that persecute Falun Dafa practitioners.