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Washington State: Rally in Seattle Supports the 20 Million Chinese Who Have Quit the Communist Party (Photo)

April 06, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Seattle

(Clearwisdom.net) The Seattle Service Center for Quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held a rally and parade at Qingxi Park in Chinatown, Seattle, Washington, on March 31, 2007, to celebrate and support the 20 million Chinese who have withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party. Six speakers gave speeches at the rally and talked about the tide of quitting the CCP, which began when the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” was published, and the hope it brings to the Chinese people who have suffered from the CCP dictatorship for 58 years.

Quit the Evil Party and “We Will See a New China Soon”

Ms. Chen from the Seattle Service Center for Quitting the CCP said that the Nine Commentaries ignited the tide of quitting the CCP, and this caused high level CCP officials to be very afraid. Unlike in the past, when the CCP would start a political campaign to fight back, the CCP didn't publish any comments about this book this time, as they are afraid that the criticism would actually lead more people to read the book and learn the CCP's true nature. Inside China, the Communist Party has been arresting and jailing people who distribute and possess copies of the Nine Commentaries. It filtered the Internet content with sensitive words such as “Epoch Times” and “Nine Commentaries” and restricted the mail system to block the books from entering China. In this Internet era, the CCP has built a 400,000-person Internet police force to monitor Chinese web surfers, using government revenue.

Overseas Chinese people have nonetheless developed many tools to break through the CCP's Internet firewall. The tools, including Fire Phoenix, World Pass, Freegate, Wujie, and Dynaweb, are spreading widely in China. The CCP has resorted to many evil tactics but still can't stop the tide of quitting the CCP.

Chen continued by saying that the 20 million people having quit the CCP is a historical milestone. Everyone can act as a media outlet to distribute the information. The evil spirit of the CCP has been uprooted. 20 million Chinese people have now recognized the murderous nature of the CCP and chose to eliminate it. Ideas like “Heaven will eliminate the CCP,” “Without the CCP, China will develop faster,” “A renaissance of traditional Chinese culture,” and “Quitting the CCP can save your life,” are spreading quickly among the 20 million people who have already quit the CCP. “We will see a new China soon,” she said.

Chen called on people in all walks and officials in all levels of government to be aware of the tide of quitting the CCP and to read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party themselves.

The CCP Is Destroying Itself by Persecuting Falun Gong

Fu Kun from Beijing talked about the persecution experienced by her family. She said that over ten policemen from the National Security Bureau broke into her house on the evening of March 19, 2006. They arrested her parents, ransacked their house, and confiscated their personal computer. After that, without any legal procedures, her parents were sentenced to two years of forced labor and were jailed at the Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp and the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp.

Both of Ms. Fu's parents were 64 years old, and they started practicing Falun Gong in September 1995. After starting cultivation, their health in both mind and body improved, and they strictly followed the principles of “Truthfulness Compassion, Forbearance,” striving to be good people, as per the Falun Gong teachings. But the Chinese Communist Party nonetheless started a bloody persecution.

Ms. Fu said that the cruel and ridiculous persecution of Falun Gong has angered many people. Just think about it, if the Chinese Communist Party is so scared of a 64-year-old couple, it must be very weak and only have days to live. “I believe more people will see the truth of this persecution and recognize the CCP's lies. They will quit the CCP and choose a bright future for themselves.” She called on the kindhearted people of the world to help rescue her parents and thousands of other persecuted Falun Gong practitioners like her parents. “Today, 20 million brave people have stepped forward,” she said, “and I believe that for each additional brave person stepping forward, the brutal persecution will end one day earlier.”

Volunteer from the Service Center Shares her Stories

Ms. Yang, a volunteer at the Seattle Service Center for Quitting the CCP, shared a few of her stories from two years of working at the center.

“Many overseas people have called China to spread information about quitting the CCP and tell about the Nine Commentaries. The Nine Commentaries book is spreading quickly among people in all walks of life in China, from government officials to regular citizens. People are seeking out the book to read. This book ignited the tide of quitting the CCP. From high ranking officials to ordinary citizens, from army officers to civilians, more and more Chinese have chosen to distance themselves from the CCP and its affiliated organizations such as the Youth League and the Young Pioneers.”

Yang told a few stories about how Chinese people have quit the CCP. She has called Chinese police departments many times. Many police officers listened to her “truth clarification” and immediately chose to quit the CCP because they know more of the CCP evilness as insiders. One man told her there were over one hundred Communist Party members in his village who wanted to quit the CCP. Some told her, “I represent six party members in my family who wish to quit the CCP. You are so great and speak out about the thing we want to speak about but dare not.”

Yang said that those were just a few stories of people quitting the CCP to save the country and to save their own lives. “They are creating history—a future for China without the Communist Party.”

Mr. Zhou Zaoliang from Huasheng Newspaper and Mr. Huo Mingxue from the China Democratic and United League spoke at the rally, condemning how the CCP has destroyed Chinese traditional culture and brought huge damage to the Chinese people. They said the tide of quitting the CCP brings hope to China.