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Disintegrating Communist Party Culture and Saving Sentient Beings

April 10, 2007 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) In the article, "Further Remarks on 'Politics'," Master said,

"While clarifying the facts, Dafa disciples have come to know quite well just how hard it is to save people, and Dafa disciples are saving people while themselves being persecuted."

When I read this I could not help but break down in tears. I said to Master in my mind, "Master, you deeply understand the difficulties for disciples in saving people. However, for Fa-rectification, sentient beings, and disciples, you have to face many more difficulties and troubles."

After I was released from a prison, I received an invitation for a class reunion. I had not met with my old classmates for more than 50 years. I felt very happy about the arrangement and understood that this chance was arranged by our merciful Master for me to save my old classmates.

My old classmates came from all over the country. The majority of us had not seen each other for more than 50 years. Our memories of one another were still maintained as when we were teenagers, however we were all old people with white hair. Many of us could not even recognize each other. While laughing and guessing each others' identities, several dozen of us introduced ourselves and mentioned our current occupations. There were a variety of professions, including professors, engineers, generals, government officials, physicians, military doctors, teachers, and principals.

While chatting, many of them praised my good complexion, my healthy condition, and youngest appearance amongst the group. Everyone knew that I had been illegally sentenced to several years in jail for practicing Falun Gong, and was just released. Therefore, they treated me well. This was the prevailing sentiment among the classmates, and compassion natural to human beings.

However, while I clarified the truth, many of them began avoiding me, leaving me alone, or treating me perfunctorily. In addition, someone even returned their truth-clarifying materials back to me under other classmates' influence. The two days prior to the reunion, I worked hard to clarify the truth to my old classmates. However, only a few of them accepted it. I felt bad about the result.

If I was able to find the contact information or the addresses for my former co-workers and my former students, I would try different methods to clarify the truth to them and persuade them to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. However, my success rate was low.

It was more difficult to clarify the truth or persuade my family members and relatives to quit the CCP. They not only refused to listen to me, but also blamed me, rejected me, or even refused to talk to me. Therefore, there were only a few people among my relatives willing to resign from the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

During my journey of clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings in the past several years, I met people who accepted the truth. Some people resigned from the CCP's organizations once I explained the reason for doing so, and some of these people even obtained the Fa. However, some people were very difficult to persuade. They even refused to listen and some were even hostile toward me. Since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Falun Gong practitioners have suffered so much pain and hardship in order to clarify the truth to save sentient beings, including illegal arrests, forced labor, illegal convictions, and even death by torture. It's really difficult to save the people who are poisoned by the culture of the evil Party!

The book Disintegrate Party Culture (a book published by Chinese Epoch Times, similar to the "Nine Commentaries") helped me understand how serious the culture of the evil Party poisons Chinese people, and how important it is to disintegrate the Party culture. While reading Disintegrate Party Culture, I spit up bloody phlegm. I enlightened that it's because the evil spirit of the party culture was being eliminated from my body.

Master mentioned in "Further Remarks on 'Politics',"

"The Party-culture that the wicked CCP has infused into the world's people, and that has, most notably, poisoned the Chinese people, along with the lies it has fabricated about Falun Gong during the persecution, have led some who have blindly complied with the CCP--and in particular those who know full well that this is persecution but have sold out to the CCP on account of self-interest--to render humankind's immediate prospects for the future even more tragic. And those are the reasons it is so hard for Dafa disciples to save people."

From these words, I understood the real reason why it's difficult to save people.

All my relatives and good friends knew that I was raised by a family whose father worked for the government before the CCP took over China. My father was killed without reason. My mother was was labeled a "rightist." In my twenties, I was labeled a "rightist." I was tortured during the "Culture Revolution," and illegally sentenced to several years in jail for practicing Falun Gong. My relatives and friends were afraid of the tyrannical CCP because of my miseries for dozens of years and my family's unfortunate experiences. Therefore, they avoided being too close to me. Some of them thought, "Whoever is against the CCP, he (or she) is getting political and is being utilized by somebody else." Some of them believed the lies that the evil party created about Falun Gong. They were afraid of listening to me, getting political, and causing personal difficulties. Aren't the concepts, "Abandon family values," and "Stand on the side of the Party" from the poisonous culture of the evil Party? My siblings have even worse thoughts about the CCP, including fears, admittance, not speaking out for the sake of survival, and settling for the current situations. They thought the lies of the evil Party were true. They said to me, "How could a strong CCP collapse?" "The weak will surrender to the strong," or even "My offspring will depend on the CCP to survive." They do not listen to my truth clarification, and have cut off the communication between us. They are afraid of me disturbing their current comfortable lives. They struggled to survive under the tyrannical dictatorship of the CCP for dozens of years, however they have become numb, have forgotten about the past, accept the Party, and even depend on the party. How miserable they are! We can easily see how poisonous and deeply the culture of the evil Party affects people! It is the spiritual jail of the Chinese people.

Therefore, disintegrating the Party culture is not only important, but urgent. The poisonous culture is what challenges Dafa disciples in saving the Chinese people. While clarifying the truth, we should completely disintegrate the Party culture and save sentient beings.

Master said in "Turning the Wheel Towards the Human World,"

"The reality is, in Mainland China, before Dafa disciples took up cultivation they, too, were educated in the Party's culture."

In order to disintegrate the Party culture, we have to understand its format of seizing every opportunity to control the people. While in the system of the Party culture, we should never use its standard to determine right from wrong, use its language to talk, or use the behaviors regulated by it to express our opinions. Dafa disciples should stand on the side of the Fa and use the Fa as a guideline to completely eliminate the thoughts and words which originate from Party culture, and that we have used for too long. In such a way, while we clarify the truth, our strong energy and enormous power will be able to decompose the shackles within by which the Party culture imprisons people. Although it's difficult, we must follow the teaching of Master in "Further Remarks on 'Politics',"

"Since Dafa disciples are responsible for saving all lives at this critical juncture in history, do give it your best effort."

March 16, 2007