(Clearwisdom.net) Director Wu is an official who is selfless and sincere in her service to the people. As a result of her outstanding work performance two years ago, she was elected to be the director of a family education center. For many years, she could not understand why she had some supernormal abilities. She often, out of her good intentions, helped others by curing their illnesses. Several years later, both her mind and body developed health issues. She suffered from a prominent cervical and lumbar vertebrae, stuffy chest pains, and stomach disease. To make things worse, she was diagnosed with "illusions" caused by her sleeping difficulties. She had to take medicine prescribed by doctors of the "Body and Mind" branch outpatient service.
I was attending a meeting held by the family education center four months ago and saw that she looked pale. There were large patches used for relieving muscle stress covering her neck. After I asked what happened, I knew that her situation was the result of using her supernormal abilities to cure illnesses for others. After a while, she agreed to listen to my quotes from Zhuan Falun on the Fa principles of supernormal abilities and exchanging virtue and karma to cure illnesses. She felt shocked and frightened. She immediately abandoned the thought of curing illnesses and started to think about practicing Falun Dafa.
I happened to have a portable DVD player containing the photos of many "faluns" surrounding Falun Dafa practitioners at Falun Dafa activities. One of her colleagues took the player and was about to play it. She suddenly could not help but burp, and she felt like her whole body was hot and in a strong field of energy. After the DVD player began to play, I briefly introduced her to the deep meanings of the activities in the photos. About two minutes later, she suddenly turned to me, and with surprise on her face told me: "How miraculous! My stuffy chest pain suddenly disappeared!"
In Zhuan Falun, there is this paragraph:
"It is because a practitioner is most precious, for he or she wants to practice cultivation. Therefore, developing this thought is most precious. In Buddhism, people talk about Buddha-nature. When a person’s Buddha-nature emerges, the enlightened beings are able to help him."
I smiled, showing my understanding, and gave her a copy of Zhuan Falun which I deliberately had with me to give to her. We encouraged each other to cultivate well.
Two weeks later, there was a meeting held on a floor below the family education center. Many fellow practitioners from the educational circle and I went upstairs to visit Director Wu. I expressed my concerns and asked her, "How is your neck?" She blinked, thought for a while, then responded happily, "Oh right! I totally forgot about it." What had happened was that her prominent cervical and lumbar vertebra, stuffy chest pain, stomach disease, and sleeping obstacles were cleared away on the same day she first heard about Falun Dafa.
What was more surprising was that Master did guanding [purification of the body with energy that flows from the top of one's head] for her and cleansed her body right away when we were sharing cultivation experiences. She described the whole process: "I saw a srivatsa [wheel of light] symbol over my head. The energy came from the baihui [acupuncture point located at the crown of one's head] point, circled in from my head to my shoulders, then went to my chest and stayed there for a while, and then continued to go all the way down to my lower back, thighs, knees, and legs. It happened twice and lasted for about ten minutes until the energy left my body." She stretched her lower back a bit and showed her extreme comfort.
After she started practicing Falun Dafa, her body felt light without illness and her skin improved a lot. Her cheeks were rosy. Her colleagues complimented her, saying that she had become younger. Because of her improved character, her relationship with others became more harmonious as well.