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Learn Falun Gong, Cultivate Your Heart, and Let Go of Desires

March 28, 2007 |   By a practitioner in Shandong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a driver for a transportation company. When I received a copy of the book Falun Gong and tapes of Master Li's lectures in Jinan City, I went home and read the book and listened to the lecture tapes over and over again. I was struck by every word of Master Li. I was enlightened at once after learning Master's teaching on the characteristics of "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance," that cultivation requires cultivating the heart, and is about becoming a supernormal person. I thought I was very fortunate to be able to obtain the Fa. Master Li has guided me to walk on the righteous path of cultivation.

My job requires me to be away from home all year long. I spend most of my time in a vehicle. But I always remember Master Li's words:

"...as long as you cultivate Falun Dafa, as long as you want to cultivate in our Dafa, you have to study the Fa; we don't recognize people who only do the exercises." (Explaining the Content of Falun Dafa).

Whenever I have time or when I reach my destination, I seize the opportunity to memorize the Fa and study the Fa. Sometimes, I have to sleep late and get up early to memorize Master's new articles.

Master Li said,

"Gong is not, in fact, obtained through practice. It is acquired through cultivation. Many people attempt to increase their gong and only pay attention to how to practice, without caring for how to do cultivation. Actually, gong is completely acquired through xinxing cultivation." (Zhuan Falun)

I follow Master's teaching. I pay attention to myself and constantly eliminate the various bad attachments that surface under different circumstances. I use a practitioner's criteria to strictly control myself. In my work unit, my boss always assigns me tasks that others would not like to do or receive very low pay for. I never argue and always do whatever job I am assigned. This is cultivation, which requires us to suffer with a clear mind. Because of work, I am rarely at home and encounter many troubles. These troubles are opportunities for me to improve my xinxing.

One day I was driving and a passenger wanted to get off. My vehicle stopped in front of a young man. He held onto my car, but I did not see him. When the passenger got off, I resumed driving, so the young man had to give way to me. The young man was furious. He smashed my window and started cursing at me. He kicked me three times in front of all the other passengers. I felt I had lost face. I wanted to punch him back, but I recalled Master's words, "...not fighting back when punched or insulted," (Zhuan Falun) and I remembered that I am a practitioner and need to use supernormal principles to guide myself. I felt uneasy at first, but I endured it. Other passengers saw my expression and did not understand. How could ordinary people understand the mindset of cultivators?

The transportation company rents all the cars and buses, so it wants us to get more passengers to ride on our buses so we can make more profit. Dealing with money every day, my attachments to self-interest and money gradually surfaced. On January 20, 1995, I was cleaning the bus after all the passengers left when I found a money order that was worth 47,000 yuan (approximately 6,000 USD). The money order belonged to a worker in an organization at Lianyun Port. He must have lost the money order before he got off the bus the previous night. The passenger may not have realized this. I realized the importance of this amount, and I thought that since I am a practitioner I need to be considerate of others. The owner of the money would be very worried if he realized he had lost it. I thought I should find the owner as soon as possible. I was able to find the owner through my work unit. The owner was very touched and did not know what to say. He said he would treat me for dinner and give me gifts, but I kindly declined. When faced with the lure of money, I knew I had passed the test. I felt very light.

Master Li said,

"...the entire cultivation process for a practitioner is one of constantly giving up human attachments." (Zhuan Falun)

As my xinxing improved, I encountered even bigger tests. On February 12, I found a handbag while cleaning the bus. I opened it and saw a bag full of cash containing at least 10,000 yuan. They were bills, not money orders. This was a very big temptation, but I immediately remembered that I am a Dafa practitioner and someone who cultivates "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance." I decided to return the money to the owner. I knew that the owner would definitely come back and look for the money.

I waited on the bus. After forty minutes, a thirty year-old lady ran to me. I confirmed that the money truly belonged to her and returned it. She wanted to give me money, but I did not accept any. I told her that I practice Falun Dafa, and she should thank Master Li.