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Additional Persecution News from China – March 12, 2007 (31 Reports)

March 25, 2007 |  


  1. [Guiyang City, Guizhou Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Peng Yongtao Sent to the Hospital Affiliated with Guiyang City Medical College for Emergency Care

  2. [Guizhou Province] Practitioners Held at the Duyun Prison Have Been on a Protest Hunger Strike Since March 1, 2007

  3. [Guiyang City, Guizhou Province] Personnel from the Yang’ai Prison Are Still Torturing Practitioners

  4. [Suizhong County, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Wang Yabin Arrested

  5. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Wang Yurong Arrested

  6. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Personnel from Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp Continue to Torture Practitioners

  7. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Police Harass Practitioner Yu Huilan and Zhang Xiaohui

  8. [Zhumadian City, Henan Province] Two Practitioners Arrested

  9. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Personnel from the Suizhong County Education Bureau Participate in the Persecution

  10. [Shanghai] Police Arrest Practitioner Zhou Meijuan

  11. [Tianjin] Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioners Zheng Guorong and Chen Xiuying

  12. [Qinhuangdao City, Hubei Province] Practitioners Li Guihua and Chen Yufen Arrested

  13. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Chen Xiumei Arrested and Sentenced to Forced Labor

  14. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Zhang Yongqing Arrested

  15. [Mancheng County, Hebei Province] Practitioner Zhang Baosheng Arrested

  16. [Qinglong County, Hebei Province] Practitioner Han Shen Held at the No. 1 Detention Center

  17. [Shan County, Shandong Province] Practitioner Yuan Mengzhang Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor

  18. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Miao Hua Held at the Tianqiao District People's Hospital

  19. [Nanyang City, Henan Province] Practitioner Li Xinguang Held at the Shangzhuang No. 1 Detention Center

  20. [Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province] 610 Office Personnel Arrest Practitioner Zhang Lingfeng; Her Whereabouts Unknown

  21. [Ningpo City, Zhejiang Province] Personnel from the Xiangshan County Police Station Arrest Practitioner Cao Jingjing

  22. [Kaijiang County, Sichuan Province] Zhou Rong Sent to the Ziyang County Nanmusi Women's Forced Labor Camp

  23. [Tianzhu County, Gansu Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Persecution of Zheng Fulin and Other Practitioners

  24. [Leiyang City, Hunan Province] Updated Information about Practitioner Zhang Yuedong and Others

  25. [Shiyan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Wang Suxiu Arrested

  26. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Update on Practitioner Zhou Jiangang's Situation

  27. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Chen Liping's Current Situation

  28. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner Ms. Yang Jinhua and Her Sister Arrested

  29. [Nanping City, Fujian Province] Five Practitioners Arrested

  30. [Chenzhou City, Hunan Province] Practitioner Liu Xueping Arrested

  31. [Beijing] Partial List of Names of Practitioners Held at the Tiantanghe Women’s Forced Labor Camp in Beijing

1. [Guiyang City, Guizhou Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Peng Yongtao Sent to the Hospital Affiliated with Guiyang City Medical College for Emergency Care

Personnel from the Xiangzhou District Police Department in Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Peng Yongtao from Shatu Town, Jinsha County, Guizhou Province, Zhuhai City on February 14, 2007. The police even confiscated 10,000 “yuan” in cash and a 10,000-yuan bank check that Mr. Peng was to give his employer. After his arrest and detention in Zhuhai Detention Center Guizhou Province police took him back and sentenced him to two years of forced labor. Officials at the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp refused to accept Mr. Peng because of his health condition after a month-long hunger strike. His life is now in peril.

Personnel from the Guiyang City Police Department have sent him to the Guiyang City Medical College hospital for emergency care. Mr. Peng and his wife [visiting him] are under 24-hour surveillance at the hospital. Even their cell-phone is tapped.

2. [Guizhou Province] Practitioners Held at the Duyun Prison Have Been on a Protest Hunger Strike Since March 1, 2007

3. [Guiyang City, Guizhou Province] Personnel from the Yang’ai Prison Are Still Torturing Practitioners

According to a reliable source, a “dedicated division for Falun Gong,” the No. 4 Division, was newly set up in the Yang’ai Farm (Yang’ai Prison) in Guizhou Province. Wang Yi, Huang Chun, Zhou Qing and Wang Xingqun are division leaders. Huang Chun, a woman, is the most wicked one. She does everything to prevent practitioners’ family members from visiting the practitioners, even when the family members have gone through all the required procedures.

4. [Suizhong County, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Wang Yabin Arrested

Forty-year-old practitioner Mr. Wang Yabin from Suizhong County, Huludao City, went missing on March 10, 2007. He was later found held at the county detention center.

Relevant telephone numbers:

Xu Guoqiu, Suizhong County Political & Judiciary Committee chief: 86-429-6138955, 6123475 (Office)
Wang Haijun, Suizhong County 610 Office head: 86-429-6131710 (Office)
Zhang Zhenmin, Political & Judiciary Committee deputy chief: 86-429-6123406 (Office), 6124343 (Home), 86-13909897860 (Cell)
Li Changhua, National Security Team chief: 86-429-6122876 (Office), 86-13700196626 (Cell)

5. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Wang Yurong Arrested

Practitioner Ms. Wang Yurong from Shenyang City, in her 50’s, is a retired employee of a hospital affiliated with a certain army base in the Shenyang Military Area. She had lived alone and went missing on February 15, 2007. It was eventually discovered that some personnel from the hospital she had worked for had arrested her and ransacked her home. These individuals confiscated her computer, a cell phone, a printer and some Falun Dafa books. Ms. Wang was apparently held in a hospital warehouse. No one was allowed to visit her. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

6. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Personnel from the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp Continue to Torture Practitioners

Personnel from the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp implemented a new round of persecution of Dafa practitioners prior to the 2007 Chinese New Year. Police searched the practitioners' cells and confiscated all Falun Dafa books and articles. Some practitioners shouted loudly, “Falun Dafa is good;” “Restore the good name of Dafa;" and "Restore the good name of my Teacher." This happened on February 13 and February 23.

7. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Police Harass Practitioner Yu Huilan and Zhang Xiaohui

Personnel from the Bei Town Police Department Investigation Division colluded with officers from the Changxing Police Station, including an individual named Yang Chunpeng. Six policemen went to practitioners Ms. Yu Huilan and Mr. Zhang Xiaohui’s homes at noon on March 2, 2007. They confiscated the practitioners’ personal phone number lists, which they would use to plot further persecution of the local practitioners.

8. [Zhumadian City, Henan Province] Two Practitioners Arrested

An officer surnamed Zhang from Zhumadian City colluded with Xincai County National Security Division Chief Zhang Jianlin. They ordered Lin Haiqing and others from the county’s Xicheng Police Station to ransack the homes of those practitioners whom they consider to be important targets. They ransacked at least four practitioners’ homes at 10:00 a.m. on March 9, 2007 and arrested practitioners Mr. Li Quanxi and Ms. Liu Wenyan. They confiscated two copies of “Zhuan Falun” and about 5,000 yuan from Mr. Li’s home.

Zhang Jianlin, National Security Division chief: 86-396-5955526, 86-13939695133, 86-13839902298
Wang Yifeng, Police Department chief: 86-396-5922596 (Office), 5966633 (Home), 86-13903966633
Li Wenbo, Police Department deputy chief: 86-396-5937069, 5936369, 86-13903966589
Bian Fenglu, Police Department deputy chief: 86-13938363126

9. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Personnel from the Suizhong County Education Bureau Participate in the Persecution

The officials from the Suizhong County Education Bureau have taken part in the persecution of practitioners for years. Part of the salary of practitioner Ms. Huang Lihua, a teacher from the county’s Experimental Primary School, has been suspended. Most of the salary of practitioner Mr. Liu Wei, a teacher from the county’s Professional School, has been suspended.

Shi Baoshan, Suizhong County Education Bureau chief: 86-429-6123793 (Office)
Li Fengshan, secretary: 86-429-6132465 (Office), 6127513 (Home), 86-13604296359 (Cell)
Chen Zhigang, deputy chief: 86-429-6123827 (Office), 6121290 (Home), 86-13842957118 (Cell)

10. [Shanghai] Police Arrest Practitioner Zhou Meijuan

Practitioner Ms. Zhou Meijuan from Anding Town, the Jiading District, Shanghai was arrested on Qingpu Street before the Chinese New Year. Her whereabouts are unknown.

11. [Tianjin] Supplemental Information Regarding the Arrest of Practitioners Zheng Guorong and Chen Xiuying

Plainclothes policemen arrested practitioners Mr. Zheng Guorong and Ms. Chen Xiuying from the Chaiguan Village, Xuguantun Township, Wuqing District, Tianjin and put them into the Wuqing District Detention Center. The arrest happened when the two practitioners were distributing “truth-clarifying” materials on March 5, 2007.

Xuguantun Street Police Station: 86-22-29342091, Chief: Sun Yushan
Wuqing District Police Department: 86-22-29341010
Geng Jicheng, Wuqing District Detention Center chief: 86-22-82171513

12. [Qinhuangdao City, Hubei Province] Practitioners Li Guihua and Chen Yufen Arrested

Someone’s report led to the arrest of practitioners Ms. Li Guihua and Ms. Chen Yufen, working at the Qinhuangdao City No. 354 Factory. The arrest happened when they were distributing truth-clarifying materials at the Hebei Province Technology College. The two practitioners are being held at the city’s No. 2 detention center.

13. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Chen Xiumei Arrested and Sentenced to Forced Labor

Practitioner Ms. Chen Xiumei was arrested and her home was ransacked on March 7, 2007. After a one-day detention she was put into a forced labor camp for a one-year term.

14. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Zhang Yongqing Arrested

Personnel from the Sanyou Police Station arrested practitioner Mr. Zhang Yongqing near his home at the Tangshan City Sanyou Alkali Factory at 10:00 p.m. on March 10, 2007. The police broke into his home and ransacked the place.

Sanyou Police Station: 86-315-8511379

15. [Mancheng County, Hebei Province] Practitioner Zhang Baosheng Arrested

Beishuiyu Village official Yang Shanshan from Bailong Township forcibly took practitioner Mr. Zhang Baosheng to the township’s police station on the evening of March 9, 2007. It happened when Mr. Zhang was posting truth-clarifying materials. Policemen beat Mr. Zhang and sent him into the Mancheng County Police Department the morning of March 10, 2007. Mr. Zhang’s current situation is unknown.

16. [Qinglong County, Hebei Province] Practitioner Han Shen Held at the No. 1 Detention Center

According a reliable source, personnel from the Qinglong County National Security Division put practitioner Mr. Han Shen, who was arrested in Tangshan City, into the Qinhuangdao City No. 1 Detention Center.

17. [Shan County, Shandong Province] Practitioner Yuan Mengzhang Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor

Practitioner Mr. Yuan Mengzhang from Shan County, Shandong Province was sentenced to one year of forced labor. He was sent to a forced labor camp after the Chinese New Year.

18. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Miao Hua Held at the Tianqiao District People's Hospital

Practitioner Ms. Miao Hua from Jinan City told her coworker that she would go out for a while. She disappeared before the Chinese New Year. Neither her family nor her anyone at her workplace knew where she was. They found out eventually that she was being held at the Tianqiao District People's Hospital. Several other practitioners are also being held there.

19. [Nanyang City, Henan Province] Practitioner Li Xinguang Held at the Shangzhuang No. 1 Detention Center

Personnel from the Nanyang City Wolong Police Station arrested practitioner Mr. Li Xinguang the night of March 6, 2007. The next day they pried open the door to Mr. Li's home and ransacked the place without showing any ID or warrant. They didn't find anything they wanted, but confiscated many of Mr. Li’s photographs of him with his friends and relatives. They also forcibly took Mr. Li 's wife Ms. Zhao away. Ms. Zhao was injured in the chest and hands.

Mr. Li’s case has been deferred to the Wolong District Political and Judiciary Committee. He is being held at the Shangzhuang No. 1 Detention Center.

20. [Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province] 610 Office Personnel Arrest Practitioner Zhang Lingfeng; Her Whereabouts Unknown

Personnel from the Niutang Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Zhang Lingfeng and sent her to the Changzhou City “610 Office” on February 14, 2007. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

21. [Ningpo City, Zhejiang Province] Personnel from the Xiangshan County Police Station Arrest Practitioner Cao Jingjing

Personnel from the Xiangshan County Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Cao Jingjing from Dancheng Town, Xiangshan County, Ningpo City, Zhejiang Province because she clarified the truth of Falun Gong in her work unit toward the end of 2006.

22. [Kaijiang County, Sichuan Province] Zhou Rong Sent to the Ziyang County Nanmusi Women's Forced Labor Camp

Practitioner Ms. Zhou Rong from Kaijiang County was arrested and put into the county detention center on December 18, 2006. The police secretly transferred her to the Ziyang County Nanmusi Women’s Forced Labor Camp the evening of March 8, 2007. 23. [Tianzhu County, Gansu Province] Supplemental Information Regarding the Persecution of Zheng Fulin and Other Practitioners

Personnel from the National Security Division had monitored practitioner Mr. Zheng Fulin, a senior engineer working for the Tianzhu County Water Conservancy Bureau, for a long time. They arrested him and ransacked his home on March 1, 2007.

The police also arrested practitioner Mr. Yue Fengtai and ransacked his home on March 5, 2007. They confiscated his computer and some other items. Mr. Yue eventually escaped and abandoned his home to avoid arrest. His mother in her 70s, and his 7-year-old son worried about him and waited for him to return home.

The police arrested practitioner Mr. Zhang Yanfu and Mr. Tan Jianru on March 6.

24. [Leiyang City, Hunan Province] Updated Information about Practitioner Zhang Yuedong and Others

Police arrested three practitioners including Mr. Zhang Yuedong when the practitioners were distributing truth-clarifying materials in Xiaoshui Town on February 10, 2007. They planned to interrogate Mr. Zhang at an unknown location on March 11, 2007.

Liu Zuoqin, Leiyang City Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-13974711188(Cell), 86-734-4355208(Office)
Zhang Weilu, 610 Office head: 86-13007468558(Cell), 86-734-4346610(Office)
Liu Hongcheng, National Security Division instructor: 86-13974746235(Cell), 86-734-4358001(Office)

25. [Shiyan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Wang Suxiu Arrested

26. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Update on Practitioner Zhou Jiangang's Situation

Practitioner Mr. Zhou Jiangang from the Wuchang District in Wuhan City was transferred from the Hanyang District Qinduankou Prison to the Hongshan Prison before the 2007 Chinese New Year. His family was forbidden to meet with him, even during the New Year holiday.

27. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Chen Liping's Current Situation

Practitioner Ms. Chen Liping from the Hankou District in Wuhan City was arrested at the end of October 2006. She was held at the Dongxi Lake Forced Labor Camp (either a women's forced labor camp or a general one). Her family has been forbidden to visit her since then. She is presently facing illegal sentencing. Another woman practitioner working in her shop has been sentenced to one year of imprisonment.

28. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner Ms. Yang Jinhua and Her Sister Arrested

Personnel from the Fuqing Street Police Station in Chenghua District, Chengdu City arrested practitioner Ms. Yang Jinhua and her sister Ms. Yang Bamei and sent them to the Pi County Detention Center at 11:00 a.m. on March 6, 2007. The sisters’ family members brought their clothes to the police station on March 8, but policemen forbade the family’s visit. The mother and her daughter sat in front of the police station for a day on March 9, but the police did not respond to them. The mother stood in the street in front of the police station the next day with a piece of cardboard hung on her chest, which told her daughters’ stories of the “illegal arrest”. Many people passing by were asking her about what had happened.

29. [Nanping City, Fujian Province] Five Practitioners Arrested

Practitioner Mr. Chen Mingchen, 72 years old, has been held at the Nanping City Detention Center since his arrest on February 18, 2006. The police confiscated some truth-clarifying materials and over 200 copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" from his home.

Practitioner Ms. Lin Xiangmei had been held for three-and-a-half years for distributing truth-clarifying materials on October 12, 2000. She went out to rescue practitioners from other areas but was arrested on November 10, 2006 and has been held to this day.

Practitioners Ms. Yang Guihua and Ms. Yang Guiying are also being held at the Nanping City Detention Center.

Practitioner Mr. Yang Liansheng is being held at the Shunchang County Detention Center in Nanping City.

The above-named five practitioners have all been held for over three months.

Fujian Province Naning City Detention Center: 86-599-8838890
Procurator’s office in the detention center: 86-599-8729777

30. [Chenzhou City, Hunan Province] Practitioner Liu Xueping Arrested

Practitioner Ms. Liu Xueping, employed at the Suxian District Industrial and Commercial Bank in Chenzhou City, disappeared after she went outside on the morning of March 2, 2007. According to reliable sources, local police arrested her and put her into the city’s Tiziling Detention Center.

31. [Beijing] Partial List of Names of Practitioners Held at the Tiantanghe Women’s Forced Labor Camp in Beijing:

Ms. Wang Yuxian, sentenced to two years of forced labor
Ms. Liang Yarong, two-and-a-half years
Ms. Zhou Jing, two years
Ms. Wang Lijun, two-and-a-half years
Ms. Wang Lijun, (different person from the above), two-and-a-half years
Ms. Ma Shilan, two-and-a-half years
Ms. Xi Songjun, two-and-a-half years
Ms. Li Yan, two years
Ms. Lin Yujun, two-and-a-half years
Ms. Wang Yuqin, two years