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A Taxi Driver's Cultivation Experiences

March 22, 2007 |  


Greetings to respected Master!

Greetings to everyone!

I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1995.

After I started cultivation, I persisted in getting up at 3:00 a.m. every morning to practice the five sets of exercises. I also made use of the time at night to study the “Fa.” On some occasions when it was time to get up to do the exercises, I did not get up. I would hear the exercise music and know that this was meant to let me know that I must get up.

I would like to share my experiences in “clarifying the truth” in my daily life.

Clarifying the Truth about Falun Gong at Work

I am a taxi driver and I meet many different passengers every day. I make use of this chance to “clarify the truth” about Falun Gong. I place Falun Gong truth-clarification material in my taxi. On many occasions, Master has arranged for people who had come from China to be my passengers. I grab the chance each time to tell these Chinese people about the real situation of Falun Gong and about the current trend of Chinese people renouncing their Communist Party membership. I also give them the book “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.”

I also play Master’s lectures in my taxi. Some passengers say that the lectures are very good and want me to increase the volume. I tell them that these are Falun Gong lectures and go on to tell them the facts about Falun Gong.

One time, I had a female passenger and we passed by the Chinese embassy. This lady lived near the Chinese embassy. At that time, there were two fellow practitioners sending forth righteous thoughts and protesting the persecution in front of the Chinese embassy. The lady said, “These two people are mad. They sit in front of the Chinese embassy every day.” I quickly told her, “Do you know why they sit there every day? It is because every day there are Falun Gong practitioners who die from the persecution in China.” After listening to me clarify the truth about Falun Gong, she understood their actions.

Clarifying the Truth at Construction Sites

After the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party came out, I wanted to let more Chinese people who were working in Singapore know about this book. During the day when I am driving, I take note of the locations of construction sites and remember them. Then, once a week, I make use of the time at night and go to these construction sites to clarify the truth and distribute the book with a few fellow practitioners. I have been doing this for more than a year. In the beginning, we only distributed newspapers and the book. Because there were many newspapers, I would go to different construction sites twice a week to let them understand about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Later, we started to convince the workers to renounce their CCP membership. In the beginning, I was not sure what to say, so I watched how my fellow practitioner spoke to them. I also read the Nine Commentaries myself and the experience sharing articles of other practitioners on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website. At first, the construction workers were suspicious. I told them that we were volunteers of The Epoch Times newspaper. Some asked us whether we practiced Falun Gong. When they knew that we practiced Falun Gong, they asked us about the practice to find out the truth. After they learned the truth, some wanted to read Zhuan Falun.

It is not easy to convince the workers to quit the Party. Some of them say that we do not understand the Chinese Communist Party. I tell them that the CCP has killed many Chinese people and tell them to read the Nine Commentaries to know the true nature of the evil Party. Some of them do not believe me. I tell them that I have a lot of friends from China and they have told me their personal experiences. I tell them that it is beneficial for them to renounce their membership—it will guarantee their safety and give them good fortune.

The above are my personal experiences. If there is anything inappropriate, please kindly point it out.

Thank you, Master! Thank you, everyone!