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My Shallow Understanding on How to Cultivate

March 16, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Several days ago, my lower back started to hurt while I was eating dinner. I had a rest on the bed, but my back ached even more. I did the first exercise, but the ache only got worse. My lower back became stiff and it ached even when I was lying on the bed. I remembered that I am a Falun Gong practitioner. I asked Master to help me, but it didn't seem to work. What should I do?

I looked within myself for any attachment. I first thought that it was because I pulled on the brake too much while driving (that's how it appeared on the surface). This thought does not comply with the requirements of the Fa, but complies with ordinary people's mindset. No matter how tired a practitioner is, nothing bad should manifest, because Dafa is miraculous. So, I eliminated my unrighteous thoughts and then sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the old forces, the black minions, demons, the communist party evil specter and other beings and elements that were arranged to interfere with me. I half lied down and half knelt on the floor. Shortly after that, the pain disappeared. At around eight o'clock at night, I could sit in the double lotus posture and send forth righteous thoughts. The pain lasted for just over ten minutes.

This incident helped me enlighten to many principles. When tribulations occur, it is not that Master did not help us, but that our human notions are too strong. When our thoughts are righteous, they are powerful. If our thoughts are not righteous, they will bring negative effects. While passing this test, I also paid my karmic debt and my xinxing improved. On the surface, I am persecuted by these evil beings, but in fact, Master used this incident to help me improve my xinxing. Under the guidance of Master's Fa principles, bad things become good. This is the right principle.

During the Fa-rectification period, our thoughts are so important. Don't be afraid of tribulations. We need to constantly search inward, check whether our thoughts fulfill the requirements for practitioners, and assimilate to the Fa. Rectifying our thoughts and actions, and always looking inwards, are Master's requirements for practitioners.

Sometimes, when I share with fellow practitioners, I notice that many practitioners treat cultivation as doing things, and really do not know how to cultivate. (I am not here to criticize fellow practitioners, but to talk about my understanding of cultivation.) For example, how do we cultivate "compassion"? My understanding is that, when you truly stand in others' shoes and see things without human notions in mind, you will be able to cultivate compassion. It's just like Master said,

"From now on, whatever you do, you should consider others first, so as to attain the righteous enlightenment of selflessness and altruism." ("No-Omission in Buddha-Nature" in Essentials for Further Advancement)

One practitioner once fell down while driving a motorbike. His thought was very simple. He did not think about anything else. He simply said to himself, "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good." He then recited the Fa-rectification verses. Since the incident happened at night time, there was nobody around. At first glance, it seems that the practitioner's thought was correct, but according to Fa principles, it was wrong. In the end, it turned out the practitioner had a broken bone. One day after he returned home, he still had righteous thoughts. He continued to study the Fa, but did not practice the exercises. On the next day, due to the pain, his righteous thoughts weakened. He lied in bed and did not get up. His wife (also a practitioner) advised him, yet he said, "You are not the one that's hurt, so you don't know how I feel." "Can you take me to the hospital?" Obviously, his faith in Master had been shaken. The old forces took advantage of his weakness and therefore arranged for this tribulation to test him, and even destroy his will. Then, even Master cannot help him.

Why did I say the practitioner's first thought was wrong? Because his first thought was an ordinary person's pursuit, begging Dafa to protect him, not a practitioner's righteous thought. After sharing with the practitioner, he was touched and said, "After cultivating for so many years, I still did not know how to cultivate. I am so regretful." His cultivation almost ended in vain. Now, his xinxing gradually improves and he started to do the exercises regularly. He is able to work and look after himself. This proves one principle: If we do not cultivate ourselves solidly, truly look within ourselves and eliminate attachments and bad notions, no matter how much good we do on the surface, it is the same as ordinary people doing Dafa work, not a practitioner doing Dafa work. Of course, when tribulations occur, it may be because our faith is shaken, so the evil takes advantage of that. Therefore, when tribulations occur, our faith in Master absolutely can not be moved. We should look within ourselves and find out why tribulations occur for us but not for others. It must be our problems, not problems of Master or Dafa. The Fa principles come forth in our righteous faith in Master and the Fa.

For example, if you have not let go of the fear of heat, cold and mosquitoes, how could you have a clear and calm mind? For another instance, in Zhuan Falun, Master has talked about an elderly practitioner being dragged by a car, her thought was very righteous. She said he was fine and in the end she was fine. When you are hit by a car, or when the evil police are persecuting you, can you let go of the attachment to life and death? How do you let go of the attachment to life and death? Master has talked about supernormal abilities and divine power. Did you think about using these powers when the critical time comes? Master has taught us the Fa. Only when we remember and measure ourselves against the Fa, is it actually cultivation.

Teacher said in "Solid Cultivation,"

"Study Fa, obtain Fa,
Compare in studying, compare in cultivating,
Examine each and every deed,
Accomplishing is cultivating. " (from Hong Yin, translation version B)

We should follow the different requirements of the Fa at different level and compare ourselves with diligent practitioners.

For so many years, I have overcome difficulties with firm belief and faith in Master. Whenever problems occur, I would use the Fa to guide me. Master said, "whoever enlightens obtains" (Zhuan Falun, 3rd translation edition). For example, Master often talks about the structure of the universe, and the immenseness of the cosmos. When I enlighten to the fact that the cosmos is truly immense, I can feel that the earth is just a cell in my body.

I would like to say a few words to fellow practitioners who are still struck in tribulations. Please see how diligent practitioners cultivate and read sharing articles on the Clearwisdom website. It is good for your improvement: "Compare in studying, compare in cultivating."