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Believing in Dafa Is Rewarded

November 02, 2007 |  


Du was hospitalized because of illness. His four elderly classmates took a taxi to visit him. The taxi driver started to drive away before the last passenger, a woman, was fully in the vehicle. As a result, she was thrown from the car and fell on the ground. She cried out in pain. Her classmates condemned the driver and said, "She's 70 years old! She can't be treated like this! Are you able to take responsibility for her?" The driver was scared and did not dare to say anything. One of the passengers was a Falun Gong practitioner. He said, "It is all right. The driver did not intend to hurt her. Let's recite at once 'Falun Dafa is good.' 'Truth-Compassion-Tolerance are good.' Everything will be all right." All of them listened to him clarify the truth of Falun Dafa. Although they half believed and half doubted the invincible might of Dafa, all of them were silent. The classmate who fell down said, "It's all right. It's all right."

Arriving at the hospital, the driver returned the fare he had already accepted and took out another 20 yuan to give to the woman to compensate her for her torn pants. The practitioner said to the driver, "No, you did not intend to harm her. That is all right. It is not easy for you to make money." Then he pushed the money back into the driver's hand.

In the hospital, at Du's sickbed, he told everybody, "The incident a moment ago was treated not according to everyday people's ideas, but according to Falun Dafa (Truth-Compassion-Tolerance), the perspective of higher levels. Our first thought was that what the driver did was not intentional. We held the thoughts 'It is all right,' 'Truth-Compassion-Tolerance are good,' and 'Falun Dafa is good,' and nothing happened. If we had treated the matter according to everyday people's ideas, it could have been big trouble." He also said, "If you do not believe it, I will give you the money the driver wanted to return to us and the extra he offered to pay." One classmate said, "I believe." Another classmate said, "I understand." The woman who had fallen said, "It is all right."

According to common sense, is it possible that an over-70-year-old person could fall down like that and not have torn muscles or fractures?

After going home, the classmate who cultivates Falun Gong called the woman to check on her. She was fine! She said, "I just injured the skin. There is no pain." Afterward, she told everyone, "Before this accident, I was hit by a motorcycle and accepted 2,000 yuan in compensation. Several months later, the place where I was hit still hurt. Before this accident, my arm still hurt. After this accident, my arm did not hurt." This woman met with trouble twice. Her attitude was different and how she behaved was different, so the results were different. She experienced in person Falun Dafa's effectiveness. Falun Dafa belongs to each being. Believing in Dafa and cherishing virtue and maintaining a high xinxing level truly are rewarded with good.