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France: Raising Awareness about Falun Gong at the Eiffel Tower

October 29, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The famous Eiffel Tower in Paris, France attracts tourists from all over the world. This is a good spot for Falun Gong practitioners to clarify the truth. On Sunday afternoon, October 21, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners held a weekly event here as usual to promote Falun Gong and clarify the facts.

As soon as one entered the open Champ de Mars in front of the Tower, a banner with four big Chinese characters "Falun Dafa", which formed a sharp contrast with the blue sky, would meet the eye. The exercise demonstrations attracted many spectators. Some exclaimed, "Falun Dafa is good!"

The photo exhibits that exposed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong raised people's concern. One after another they signed a petition to call for an end to the persecution. Many tourists asked for Falun Gong leaflets in various languages on display at the stand.

After reading through the exhibits, a couple from Cuba signed the petition. The lady said with tears in her eyes that it was hard to imagine such a persecution. The gentleman added, "We are your friends. We support you."

Two local French women were delighted to find out about the free Falun Gong exercise classes. Upon hearing about about the practitioners in China that are subjected to inhuman treatment and killing by the authorities, they said in indignation, "China will host the Olympics in 2008. A country where there is such a grotesque lack of human rights does not qualify to host the Olympics."

After looking at the exhibits, a tourist from mainland China was perplexed, "What will you achieve by fighting against the CCP in such a way?"

Practitioners explained patiently that they are not fighting against the CCP. It was the CCP that launched a campaign to attack this peaceful group. Falun Gong is rooted in ancient Chinese culture. Since its formation, the CCP has been responsible for the unnatural deaths of eighty million people. The CCP fights against heaven and earth and destroys the environment, making people suffer deeply. Now that the CCP persecutes Falun Gong practitioners who believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," it has caused its own destruction by committing such heinous crimes.

Upon hearing this, the Chinese tourist said, "I understand. The CCP is terrible indeed." Practitioners went on to tell her about guaranteeing her safety by quitting the CCP. She gladly withdrew from the Communist Youth League.
