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Some Experiences in Group Fa Study and Reciting the Fa

October 22, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China


Practitioners in our Fa-study group are retired senior citizens. After we resumed group Fa study in June 2006, we started to recite the Fa together. We are improving very fast in cultivation because we "Compare in Studying, Compare in Cultivating."(from "Solid Cultivation," in Hongyin)

When I first began to recite the Fa, I found it very difficult. I have a big family. I had to take care of the senior family members and had to help my child prepare a wedding ceremony. Most importantly, I have to do the three things every day. Before calming down, one sentence of the Fa takes two hours to memorize, but I thought I should persevere in reciting the Fa. It took me 14 months to memorize Zhuan Falun the first time.

One fellow practitioner had difficulty memorizing the sentence: "This is because true cultivation practice must follow the requirements of the xinxing standard that we have established, and you have to truly upgrade your xinxing--then, it is true cultivation practice. " ("I Treat All Practitioners As My Disciples," Lecture Three) So he became tranquil and looked inward. He found lots of things he needed to improve. For example, he kept doing the "three things," but did not do well in saving his own family. He decided to do much better in the future, and when his righteous thought emerged, he recited the sentence very smoothly. He was very grateful to Teacher and became more confident in reciting the Fa.

Another practitioner did not study the Fa when her daughter had a baby. Sometimes she listened to the audiotape, but she could not keep tranquil. She also thought that her xinxing was not as high as before. In any event, she had somebody replace her so that she could take care of her daughter and returned home to recite Fa. But when she began to try to memorize Fa, she felt sick and even wanted to throw up. So she had to read Teacher's new articles first. She realized that reciting the Fa is so important. When you get lax in cultivation, the evil will take advantage of the loophole. From then on, she finished the five sets of exercises before 6:00 a.m. Every day and recited the Fa after sending forth righteous thoughts. She feels powerful in sending forth righteous thoughts. She is improving very fast in cultivation and reciting the Fa.

Another fellow practitioner's cultivation state is usually good, but sometimes it is bad. After reciting the Fa, most of the thought karma that drove her to quit cultivation was eliminated. Now she has memorized the Fa for the fourth time, no bad thoughts have manifested, and she does the three things well.

To study and recite the Fa well, we take advantage of the best time in the morning. We understand that sending righteous thoughts hourly does not interfere with reciting the Fa. Instead, it is helpful for memorizing the Fa. We can save lots of time when we recite the Fa while we walk, take the bus, ride a bicycle, etc., so that we can completely melt into the Fa. In addition, reciting the Fa is not a formality, since you cannot recite before calming down. During the process of memorizing the Fa, many attachments were gotten rid of and the attachment of fear was also minimized.

Do not focus on the quantity: the essence is cultivating xinxing after reciting the Fa. One practitioner shared that "Before I did not know how to cultivate, I only knew to recite the Fa. Now, great changes are taking place both physically and psychologically."

Now I am about to recite the Fa for the third time, and I understand the Fa much more deeply than before. Sometimes when I am memorizing Fa, I cannot hold back my tears because I am so full of gratitude to Teacher. Some fellow practitioners forget to eat and sleep when doing the three things; why can't I be more diligent? So I decided to be more strict with myself: I now go to sleep late and get up early. Initially, I was very sleepy, but then I thought of the Fa in "Teaching Fa at the Assistants' Fa Conference in Changchun:" "You all know about enduring hardship. Yet you haven't realized that your sleepiness, too, is a demon tormenting you and trying to stop you from cultivating! Isn't this when your willpower should take control?"When I broke through this, I felt refreshed and reciting also proceeded faster. I know I have lots of places to improve in comparison with other practitioners, but I will persist and do well the three things. I will strive forward diligently in cultivation to deserve the title of "Dafa disciple."

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