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Facts of Recent Persecution in Fuping County, Baoding City, Hebei Province

October 01, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Wang Yimin, Fuping County Political & Law Committee Secretary and County Police Department Head Baoding City, Hebei Province, has followed the lead of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) to arrest and fine Falun Gong practitioners since May or June 2007. The policemen with National and Security Team broke into practitioners' homes and arrested them. It is reported that the CCP has allocated 200,000 yuan in funds to Fuping County to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. The following are the facts of recent persecution of practitioners there.

On July 22, Fuping County National Security Team head Zhang Jinhui arrested practitioner Ms. Wen Xiuye in Dongzhuang Village and her husband, who is a non-practitioner. At present, they have already sentenced Ms. Wen to one and a half years of forced labor and taken her to Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp.

On the evening of July 31, Fuping County Police Department deputy head Zhai Xiangyu, policemen Zhang Jinhui and Fan Zhenhua of the National Security Team, and 20 or 30 policemen from the Baoding City 610 Office arrested practitioner Yuan Guihua and her son-in-law and niece (who are non-practitioners). They ransacked the home and took 5,000 yuan in cash; nearly 2,000 copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party; five printers; and some tools from her home. After being detained for several hours, her son-in-law was released. Her non-practitioner niece was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor and taken to Dingzhou City. Twenty days later, she was released. Zhang Jinhui claimed that her term would be served outside of the labor camp. In reality, he extorted 10,000 yuan from her family and kept the money for himself. Ms. Yuan Guihua went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. As a result, the doctors from the County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, which was designated as the special facility for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, force-fed her in the detention center. About ten days later, they took her to the County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for an infusion treatment. The guards handcuffed her hands and feet to the bed and inserted a catheter. Three persons took turns guarding her. In addition to their salary, each person was given a 20-yuan allowance per day. On August 26, Ms. Yuan Guihua was persecuted to the brink of death, and they were unable to force-feed and infuse her, so they had to release her.

On the evening of July 31, practitioner Gu Qiang from Hekou Village was arrested as well. Policemen ransacked Mr. Gu's vehicle and took the computer, printer and Dafa books in his vehicle. Later, they took Mr. Gu to his home and took the computer and printer at his home. While being taken to the vehicle, Mr. Gu Qiang was beaten until he was spitting blood, and he lost consciousness. Due to his family's pointed accusations, the police took Mr. Gu to the County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for infusion treatment. On August 4, when they noticed that his health had improved, they took him to the County Detention Center again. On August 27, Mr. Gu was released. They extorted 20,000 yuan from his family and kept the money for themselves. At present, they still have his new van and have not returned it to him.

The policemen of Fuping County Police Department arrested practitioners Xiao Ji, Ms. Zhao Fengzhen and Mr. Zhao Zongran. They also arrested Zhao Zongran's non-practitioner brother-in-law. They took Xiao Ji's computer and Mr. Zhao Zongran's computer, printer and Dafa books. They extorted 11,000 yuan from Xiao Ji. Four days later they released him. The perpetrators took Ms. Zhao Fengzhen to Baoding City and Laiyan County, where the authorities refused to accept her. Four days later she was released. One month after his arrest, Zhao Zongran was sentenced to one year of forced labor and detained at Baoding City Forced Labor Camp.

On the evening of August 20, policemen Zhang Jinhui and Fan Zhenhua of the National Security team, together with policemen in Baoding City, arrested practitioner Ms. Liu Gairong. They ransacked her home and took Dafa books and other materials. On the evening of the same day they took Ms. Liu to Baoding City. The policemen in Baoding City beat her six times on the head. In addition, her body was pinched until it was blue and purple. She was tortured until she was vomiting and convulsing. Baoding City authorities rejected her. The next noon she was taken back.

On the evening of August 26, policemen Zhang Jinhui and Fan Zhenhua arrested practitioner Ms. Bao Zhen from Cangshan and ransacked her home. They took her computer and Dafa books. Later, they took her to the County Detention Center, where she went on a hunger-strike to protest the persecution. They savagely force-fed her, which led her to the brink of death. Policeman Zhang Jinhui took her to Shijiazhuang City and other places in order to illegally detain her, but those authorities all refused to receive her. Therefore, they had to release her on September 3.

In addition, Mr. Yuan Jinliang, a practitioner from Fuping County, was arrested by policeman Zhang Jinhui and other persons when he was buying steel for construction last year. On the same day he was sentenced to three years of forced labor and taken to Baoding Forced Labor Camp. Now he is suffering from inhumane persecution at Baoding Forced Labor Camp.

Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Xiuzhong was arrested in Chengnan Village at the end of October 2005. His body was swollen and he developed heart disease from the persecution. Despite this, the police still illegally sentenced him to four years in prison. He continues to be detained in Jidong Prison in Hebei Province.

Recently, the CCP perpetrators from Fuping County held a meeting to slander Falun Gong. They distributed propaganda with slanderous statements to each family and poisoned the minds of 200,000 people in Fuping County.

Individuals responsible for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in Fuping County:

Fuping County Party Secretary, Meng Xiangwei
County Political & Law Committee Secretary and County Police Department Head Wang Yimin
County Police Department Deputy Head Zhai Xiangyu
National Security Team head Zhang Jinhui
National Security Team officer Fan Zhenhua
Police Station head Wang Mengjie
Detention Center head Zhao Yulin: 86-312-7222609 (Home), 86-312-7225336

September 15, 2007