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On the Path to Godhood

January 28, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The Fa-rectification progressed to the point where minghui.ca replaced the column "Facts of the Persecution" with "Completely stop illegally imprisoning Falun Gong practitioners in detention centers, forced labor camps and prisons" for a few months in 2006. It is my understanding that we need to cooperate with each other as one body. In order to become one body, each and every Falun Gong practitioner must let go of their attachments and harmonize with the Fa. Take rescuing fellow practitioners as an example. We should not wait for or rely on fellow practitioners to start rescue actions. We should take the initiative to collect facts about the persecution, expose them on minghui.ca, compile truth-clarification materials and send forth righteous thoughts at a close proximity. Before 2007, my biggest problem was never finishing what I started. When it comes to rescuing fellow practitioners, I often give up halfway. Now that I have identified my problem, I have decided to act like a divine being starting this year and finish what I start.

Position My Mind Correctly

I obtained the Fa in 1997. Between April 25, 1999, and July 20, 1999, practitioners in my area sent a joint-signature letter of appeal to the Chinese Communist government in order to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. It started one evening when a local Falun Gong volunteer assistant told me, "You have an advanced degree. Why don't you and M (another practitioner) draft a letter of appeal together and read the letter out loud to everyone? Everyone can decide whether they want to co-sign the letter. Collect signatures from each Fa study group. Do not miss any Fa study group." So M and I went to each Fa study group to collect signatures. I decided it was already late when there were a few Fa study groups left to visit. I said to M, "I told my husband I would get home early. If I should break my promise, he will make another fuss." (My husband used to throw fits when he had to watch our children when I went out at night to join the group Fa study.) M said, "It is very important to collect signatures for the appeal letter. You are doing the most righteous thing. As long as you let go of your attachments, everything will turn out fine." I agreed with her and let go of my worry. By the time we finished visiting each Fa study group, it was close to midnight. My husband stayed up waiting for me, but I was surprised that he was not upset at all. Because of this experience, I have learned that everything will be fine as long as we position our minds correctly.

When July 20, 1999, came, it felt like heaven was collapsing for practitioners. I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, but I ended up being arrested. I had planned to go to Beijing again, but when I heard fellow practitioners were staying put at home, I was confused as to whether I should go to Beijing again despite the TV bombarding the viewers with hate propaganda against Falun Gong all day long. In August 1999, I was listless the day long. A fellow practitioner asked me to go to Beijing with her, but I told her, "We should study the Fa seriously instead. It is child's play to risk our happy family to fight for a cause."

I picked up Zhuan Falun and decided to study it from cover to cover. When I came to "Why Doesn’t Your Gong Increase with Your Practice?" in Lecture One, I realized at once I was wrong. While Teacher and the Fa suffer injustice and slander, what kind of disciple am I if I don't step out to speak for Teacher and the Fa? Once I attained a better understanding of the Fa, I decided to go to Beijing.

The next morning, I woke up to see Teacher's photograph covered with mud. Teacher's photograph was gone. I immediately turned white. I ran to Teacher's photograph to have a good look at it only to find that Teacher's photograph was fine. I got it. It was Teacher's hint that my compassion was suffering from slander. I pledged to Teacher that I would go to Beijing!

On the third morning, I woke up to see a bouquet of flowers on Teacher's photograph. Just as I had set a time with that practitioner for our trip to Beijing, my father-in-law had a stroke. I asked myself which was more important? Then I told myself, "Of course, the Fa is more important." Determined, I asked my husband to look after our children and took the train to Beijing. On the train, I kept thinking of my home that was in chaos because of my father-in-law's illness. My heart was in tears. Through the window, I looked at the sun radiating in the midst of the clear sky.

Validating the Fa in Beijing

Once in Beijing, we went to Tiananmen Square every day and helped practitioners find others from their area. Every day we exchanged cultivation experiences with fellow practitioners from different parts of China. On September 8, 1999, we picked up another group of practitioners. There were more than our small apartment could accommodate that day, so three of us decided to go find another place. But where should we go? The streets were crawling with police. It was dangerous to walk around. We ended up sleeping outdoors on an overpass that night. At around 7:00 a.m. The next day when we had just returned and the practitioners we had picked up the day before had just left, we heard noises from downstairs and knew at once the police were coming to ransack our place. There were seven of us in the apartment at the time. We quickly put everything away and sat in a circle. I said, "No one must have any human thought. Anyone who cannot guard her xinxing recite the poem 'Mighty Virtue' by heart." We heard the police ransacking each apartment from the first floor up and asking each apartment if there were any Falun Gong practitioners there. When the police came to our floor, they asked the apartment next to ours and then skipped our apartment. We behaved like seven divine beings at the time, so the evil could not see us. We withdrew from that location safely.

I left our apartment and took with me all the Falun Gong books, the boom box and the exercise music tape belonging to the seven of us, as well as the wet clothes I scooped out of the washing machine. I went out looking for my fellow practitioners because we must not return to the apartment anymore. The weather on September 9 was scorching, but the visibility was not good because there were a lot of dust floating in the air. It felt as though the evil was about to devour the entire Tiananmen Square. When I arrived at Tiananmen Square, I saw group after group of fellow practitioners being arrested. There were a lot of practitioners at and around Tiananmen Square, but they were being arrested soon after they showed themselves. I made up my mind to protect the Falun Gong books. Carrying heavy bags containing Falun Gong books, I approached a wood bench outside Tiananmen Square in order to talk to several people that looked like practitioners sitting on the bench. I wanted to ask them if I could stay with them overnight. As I was approaching them, a police car came and blocked the road. From the opposite direction, a group of policemen came running towards us. The police car and the police put us in the middle. Those practitioners rose and started running away from the police car. "I have to protect Falun Gong books!" I thought. I stood up and walked calmly towards the police running in my direction. Little did I expect that they would run past me, completely ignoring me. I turned around and saw the police arresting all of my fellow practitioners. I felt very sad. In hindsight, it was truly like what Teacher says: "[...] the thought at that moment can bring about different consequences." (Lecture Four of Zhuan Falun)

Quote verified.

It was very hot that day. I walked and walked since morning. I didn't want to eat or drink. My feet hurt so bad, and I was so tired that I began to see stars. The bags felt heavier every minute. "Since I cannot find any fellow practitioners, why don't I just go back home?" I became homesick. But I immediately realized it was wrong. I thought, "I must not go home. Why have I come here? Haven't I come here to validate the Fa? I must not go back!" Just as I was thinking I must stay, a young man approached me and asked, "Are you XYZ?" "Yes." He said, "Your fellow practitioners are waiting for you over there. They asked me to pass the message to you if I run into you." I was so excited that I forgot to ask his name before I ran to my fellow practitioners. A miracle like this can only happen because of the Fa.

We Are One Body

On September 17, 1999, fellow practitioners from northeastern China felt they ought to appeal for Falun Gong. They called on us and exchanged thoughts on the subject. Afterwards, about 100 practitioners from several different regions decided to visit the State Appeals Office to appeal for Falun Gong, [appealing is a constitutional right in China.] That night we began to pack our things. We sewed Zhuan Falun inside the insulation of our coats and put on as many clothes as we could. Then we divided the money we had among us. (In hindsight, we had acknowledged the old forces' arrangement by doing so because we had expected to be arrested.) At around 4:00 a.m. next day, we heard gusty winds outside and noises of thunder. I thought it must be pouring outside, but when I opened the door, I saw a clear sky with the moon and a few stars. There was not even a cloud in sight. Now that I think of it, the thunder I heard must have come from a battle between the righteous and the evil in other dimensions. At dawn, we went out in groups of two or three at first. We did not arrange it, but somehow five of us became a group. One practitioner said, "Remember. We are one body. We must not be separated at any time." Once we arrived at the entrance of the State Appeals Office, a group of police in civilian clothes suddenly appeared and surrounded us. They asked us where we were from. When they couldn't get an answer from us, they pulled a male practitioner into the courtyard of the Office. I thought, "We are one body. We must not be separated." Thus the four of us ran to him. The police still couldn't get any answer from us, so they hauled him to a police car parked at the roadside. We followed them to the police car again. Next we began to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to the police. Finally when the police had exhausted their wicked means, they let the practitioner out of the police car and told us, "Why don't you go back home? There will be a reply to your appeal from the top in a few days." The five of us had a quick discussion. We thought, "Since the government is going to respond to our appeal, we may go home."

This experience taught me a lesson: as long as Falun Gong practitioners form one body and help fight the evil when one of us is under attack, we will become invincible and the evil will be at the end of its wits. Yet we must let go of our human thoughts and become selfless and altruistic in order to truly form one body.

Zhuan Falun and I Are Both Intact

At the end of January 2000, I unfurled a banner with a message "Falun Dafa is the Righteous Buddha Fa" on it. That evening I was taken to a police station and booked. A policeman asked, "Do you have that little book with you?" [He meant a pocket-size Zhuan Falun.] I replied, "The Fa is in my heart." He asked again, "Just tell me straight away if you have one with you." I replied, "I cultivate according to Falun Gong's principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. I must not lie at any time. I do have one with me." But he waved his hand at me and said, "I didn't hear anything you said. I didn't hear anything you said." (Actually, the morning before I left for Tiananmen Square to show the banner, I told myself, "Zhuan Falun and I will both be intact.")

The next morning, about a dozen fellow practitioners and I were put in a barred cell in the police station near the front gate of Tiananmen Square. At 5:00 a.m., a fellow practitioner reminded everyone else to practice the exercises, suggesting we start right away. So all of us stood up and started practicing the standing exercises. The police opened the cell and kicked a few practitioners. After the police left the cell, we resumed practicing the exercises. The police entered the cell again and kicked at us. After a few repetitions, the police put four practitioners in handcuffs. At that moment, we felt somewhat defeated, wanting to give up. Looking at the four handcuffed practitioners, I said, "Precisely because four of our fellow practitioners are handcuffed, all the more reason to continue practicing Falun Gong." Upon my declaration, I felt a field of determination in the cell. Fellow practitioners stood up once more and continued to practice the exercises. At this moment, the police started a shift change. A policeman coming on duty said, "Just leave them be." Next he entered the cell and said, "You may finish practicing the exercises, but don't start another round of trouble." We were in tears to hear these words. While we were practicing the exercises [in the middle of January in northeastern China,] other policemen on duty turned on a fan facing our direction. They taunted, "Don't you carry a powerful energy field? Enjoy the fan." After we finished practicing the four standing exercises, the police shouted, calling for our attention to the fan. A fellow practitioner said, "Look! Teacher! A Falun!" I looked up and actually saw Teacher's fashen and a Falun.

The next day, I was transferred to my hometown's branch office in Beijing. A young man threatened me with a wooden club. In response, I clarified the truth about Falun Gong to him. He said, "Demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises for me." I answered, "I follow Falun Gong's principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. I believe that you really want to see the exercises when you ask me to demonstrate them for you. With that in mind, you must not strike me when I demonstrate the exercises." Then I demonstrated the first exercise for him. Later I was transferred to a local police station in Beijing, the police there asked to see what Falun Gong is like as well. I told them the same thing and demonstrated the first exercise again, which they watched smiling. Perhaps it is because I practiced the four standing exercises at the police station near the front gate of Tiananmen Square, I was asked to demonstrate the exercises in whichever police facility I was taken to. The next day, I was illegally sent to a detention center. A female staff member was sitting on a futon when I came in. She asked, "Do you have any Falun Gong books with you?" I replied, "I must not lie. I do have one with me." She asked, "Do you have any of these?" Then she made a hand sign for a button. I knew she meant a button with a Falun emblem on it. Those two items she asked about were precisely all I had with me. I replied, "Yes, I am wearing one." She asked, "May I see it?" I took off the button and said, "Please return it to me when you are finished looking. It belongs to us Falun Gong practitioners." She kept admiring it and repeatedly said, "It's pretty. It's so pretty." Then she returned it to me. I think I must have touched her with my kindness. When I was released, I left my copy of Zhuan Falun with fellow practitioners imprisoned in the same cell. A few years have passed, but I heard fellow practitioners continue to study the copy of Zhuan Falun I left there.

Triumphing Over the Evil's Den

In February 2000, I went to Tiananmen Square to show a Falun Gong banner and in March I was illegally sentenced to serve time in a forced labor camp. It is truly the embodiment of Hell in the human realm. But when practitioners deny the old forces' arrangements, the evil will have no power over us. Once when I was handcuffed to a stair rail, a depraved guard waved a pair of handcuffs and asked me, "Do you know what kind of place this is? This is a law-enforcement agency. If you are forbidden to practice Falun Gong, then you must not practice Falun Gong." I replied, "You are a captain here. You do what you should do. I am a cultivator, so I will do what I should do." She repeatedly asked me what I was going to do if I was not allowed to practice Falun Gong. I think the old forces meant that they would "help" me cultivate in their wicked ways if I was determined to cultivate. At the time I knew little about the old forces. But I didn't have much human thoughts at the time. My divine side was dominant. I repeatedly told her, "You do what you think you should do. I will continue to do what I should do." She wanted to find an excuse to persecute me, but she couldn't find one. We fought to a stalemate for a while. Finally, I decided that I ought to ignore her completely and she stormed off in anger.

Once my wrists and ankles were all bound together with handcuffs, forcing me to squat. The most violent torturer jabbed my neck with a stun baton and jeered at me. "Aren't you following Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance?" Then he threatened to shock me unless I told him that coal was white instead of black. I told him solemnly, Do you know what you do for a living? You are a policeman and yet you are asking me to tell you a falsehood that coal is white. Do you think it is right to do so?" Upon hearing these words, he pulled his hand back as though he had been shocked by electricity. He wanted to torture me, but he couldn't find an excuse to justify his action. He became restless and kept pacing in front of me. Then he asked me, "What do you think I should do with you?" I replied, "I think you should not torture me or make me lie. What good will it do you?" He pulled his hands back again and finally stormed off, defeated.

At the end of 2002, I was released and resumed clarifying the truth about Falun Gong.

In 2003, I noticed that no one was trying to help practitioners in my city that had enlightened along an evil path, so I decided to help awaken them. It took me about six months to awaken one of them, but it took me as little as one evening to help another. It was not that the second practitioner was easier to awaken, but that I had positioned myself correctly before I approached her. On my way to her home, I asked myself, "Am I using merely my power of persuasion? Without Teacher, I cannot even protect myself, let alone help any other practitioners!" I cautioned myself, "By visiting her, I am giving myself an opportunity to cultivate myself. It is Teacher's power when a fellow practitioner is saved." Because of this one pure thought, the second fellow practitioner returned to the righteous path in one evening.

Truth-Clarification Material Sites Blossoming Everywhere

In the later half of 2003, I decided that we should have truth-clarification material sites all over the city, so I started to learn how to use a computer and to fix the required equipment. My bottom line was that I must not abandon truth-clarification sites no matter how much time and effort it would cost me. As long as fellow practitioners asked for help, I would oblige right away. Once a practitioner approached me and complained a lot. She said paper repeatedly jammed in the copy machine and insisted that I take the machine to a store for repair. I told her I would take a look at it first. On my way to her home, I thought, "Repairing the copy machine requires tearing it apart. It would be like performing surgery on a human being. It would surely do a lot to damage to the machine's life as a cost of the surgery. Is our gong inferior to everyday people's technology?" Next I asked her, "Have you tried to identify the root cause by searching inside?" Finally she admitted, "While she was making photocopies, an elderly woman, a fellow practitioner, kept speaking ill of people. She did not want to offend her by stopping her from speaking ill of others." She admitted that it was wrong of her. When we arrived at her home, she tried to make photocopies again while I sent forth righteous thoughts. Two hours later, the copy machine was fully functioning again and good as new.

It was a challenge to learn to use a computer, especially when there was no one to give proper training. I learned to use the computer by listening to people's experiences in solving particular problems and by watching people on a computer. When I run into problems, I solve them by turning to my memory bank. Other times I go to local computer stores for answers.

Once a fellow practitioner from out of town brought her notebook computer over and asked me to find someone to repair it for her. She said that the truth-clarification materials site in her area had stopped for a month because of it and she would quit if no one could help her. Upon hearing these words, I immediately promised to solve the problem for her. But who could I go to? I stared at her notebook computer for a day, completely clueless. The next morning, I continued to stare blankly at the notebook as soon as I woke up. Then all of sudden I remembered a fellow practitioner talked about reinstalling software a few days earlier. I decided to give it a try. When I reinstalled the software for the first time, I didn't know what to expect. When the computer repeatedly told me to wait, I thought I must have done something wrong. I didn't know what to do. But I thought, "I think I will wait as instructed." Then I reinstalled everything and finally fixed the notebook this way. For a very long time, this notebook computer ran perfectly well.

Actually everything was arranged by Teacher. Teacher's fashen told me the solution when I suddenly "remembered" the fellow practitioner's instruction. When we do Dafa work, we shouldn't rely solely on technology at times. Once a fellow practitioner's computer kept having problems. Those practitioners proficient in computer technology tried to fix it for her, but everyone failed. Finally when I gave it a try, I told myself that I must do it with righteous thoughts and I didn't believe at all that the computer was not worth saving. I spent as much time fixing the computer as sending forth righteous thoughts. Finally I fixed the computer and it has not run into any problems to this day.

Cultivating by Searching Inward

Since the persecution against Falun Gong started in 1999, I have learned many lessons the hard way. Some lessons were very costly. When I stumbled and fell, I always tried to identify the root cause by searching inward. A fellow practitioner said that he refused to give the police his name when he went to Beijing because he did not want his friends, family or work colleagues to be forced to join the persecution. This practitioner ended up suffering from little persecution in comparison with other practitioners. I was shocked to hear his reason because I, too, refused to give the police my name despite their brutality. The police must have beaten me for half a night, but it never occurred to me to think about why I should not give my name. The only reason why I did that was because fellow practitioners I met in Beijing suggested, "We shouldn't give the police our names." Therefore, I decided that I would die of torture before I gave the police my name. The contrast between the first practitioner and me showed a disparity between our cultivation practice. You may tell a non-cultivator to do something and he will do it accordingly. But he is not a cultivator and we are. What is the difference if a cultivator and a non-cultivator do the same thing? We are cultivators. We should search inward at all times. The foundation and the purpose of everything we do should be altruistic. If not, we will become non-cultivators. In addition, a cultivator who does not cultivate himself or search inward will cause a lot of losses to the Fa as well as himself.

Not long ago, I kept having "xinxing" conflicts with a fellow practitioner because some of the things she did did not comply with my own concepts. Although I did realize my problems, I was reluctant to admit I was in the wrong. Sometimes I was even overcome with demon nature and, thus, threw fits. I wanted to purge the demon nature, but I could not make up my mind. Hence, the evil exploited my loophole by inflicting me with severe physical symptoms. No matter how often I sent forth righteous thoughts, I continued to suffer from these symptoms. I asked fellow practitioners to send forth righteous thoughts for me, but it did not help either. In the end, I was in too much pain to do Dafa work. I had no choice but to stop. I decided to stay with a fellow practitioner for a few days and focus on studying the Fa. On my way there, I recited a poem by Teacher. Teacher said,

"Imprisoned as you are,
don’t be sorrowful or sad
Carry on with righteous thoughts
and actions, and the Fa is with you
Calmly reflect on the attachments you have
Remove your human thoughts
and evil will naturally die out"
("Don't Be Sad" in Hong Yin II)
Quote verified. Translation Version A

Once I arrived at her home, we studied Zhuan Falun together. We studied one lecture of Zhuan Falun and sent forth righteous thoughts at the set time twice. Then I started to remove my human thoughts. I confessed to her the mistakes I had made all those times. As we shared out understandings on the Fa, I remembered that cultivation is about eliminating my attachments. Because of the physical plight, I wasn't even able to validate the Fa. I regretted and felt anxious at the same time. We studied another lecture of Zhuan Falun and sent forth righteous thoughts for two more set hours. Then the severe physical symptoms disappeared completely. It only took half a day.

This incident taught me an important lesson. A cultivator must cultivate herself and search inward unconditionally! Only when we cultivate ourselves by searching inward will we be able to deny all of the old force arrangements and persecution. Only when we search inward in our cultivation practice will we be able to become truly magnificent divine beings with righteous Fa and righteous enlightenment.