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Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Close to the Evildoers is also a Process of Cultivation

January 19, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Mainland China


My understanding of Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Close to Evildoers

Practitioners have different understandings of sending forth righteous thoughts close to evildoers. Some practitioners think doing it at home versus in close proximity are one and the same. They add that by doing it at home one can concentrate better. They are of the opinion that our supernatural abilities can penetrate other dimensions, so we don't have to do it close to any evildoers. Certain other practitioners think that specific evildoers who are living in the same city as practitioners, are indeed in close proximity, so doing it at home is safer. Other practitioners think that stepping out to send forth righteous thoughts close to the evildoers is a waste of time and conflicts with Fa-study.

However, our local practitioners were made aware that sending forth righteous thoughts near the evildoers is different than doing it at home. It can eliminate more evil and also fits what Master has taught us. It is not wrong to do what Master taught us.

First, since we are still cultivating and are still humans, not gods, we harbor many human notions. Our minds are not perfectly pure. Also, as Master teaches, there are many complex dimensions and many separations between them, so we think sending forth righteous thoughts close to the evildoers is more powerful and eliminates more of them.

Second, we are cultivators walking on the path to godhood. There are many righteous gods, Buddhas and Taos in practitioners' corresponding celestial bodies. If we go close to evildoers and send forth righteous thoughts near them, wouldn't those gods, Buddhas and Taos also approach them closely? The power will then be very strong.

Stepping Out to Send Forth Righteous Thoughts from Nearby the Evils is a Process of Eliminating Human Notions

Only a few practitioners in our area initially sent forth righteous thoughts near the evildoers. As practitioners study the Fa deeper and deeper, and their xinxing levels ascended, more and more practitioners stepped out and sent forth righteous thoughts near the evildoers. Practitioners also eliminated several human notions during the process.

a. Practitioners Become More Rational and Eliminate the Mindset of Fear

Master suggested the importance of sending forth righteous thoughts near the evildoers, but it was still a test of whether or not we dared to do it. At the beginning, some practitioners in our area realized the importance of it, but some did not. Some practitioners' egos got in the way, as did their clinging to fear. So at the beginning, not very many practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts nearby the prisons and labor camps. Some practitioners didn't dare to step out. As we studied the Fa deeper and deeper, more and more practitioners stepped out and sent forth righteous thoughts in close proximity to the persecutors.

Since the spring of 2005 we began to organize practitioners to go to local detention centers, labor camps, prisons and police departments. After doing it several times we found some loopholes. When practitioners got together too often, emotion manifested and chatting about everyday people's things was common. Going to the same place to send forth righteous thoughts also drew the evildoers' attention. We discussed this.

Master said,

"...he is full of great aspirations while minding minor details."("Sage" from Essentials for Further Advancement ).

We need to pay attention to minor security details. After voicing our opinions and discussing matters based on the Fa we realized that we should pay attention to security, and more importantly, we should be rational and look inward to purify ourselves. Cultivation is serious, and we should eliminate all of our habits.

Later, each time we sent righteous thoughts we avoided speaking of common things or giving in to our emotions. After we got to the places that were close to the evil, we tried our best to purify ourselves and send forth righteous thoughts, like gods. When we send forth righteous thoughts, some practitioners walk around the location, some pretend to be waiting for a bus, some remain in a park, and others stay hidden.

b. Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Near the Evildoers Helps Us Eliminate the Desire for Comfort and Develops Strong Will

In December 2005, seven local practitioners went to the local prison to send forth righteous thoughts. It required a long bus ride. After two hours on the bus we had to walk a long distance in the heavy snow and wind. We recited Master's Fa-Rectification verse. All of sudden, a 70 year-old practitioner fell down. He became dizzy and lost consciousness. We realized that this was interference from the evils in other dimensions. We sat down next to a wall, very close to the prison, and sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evils. Twenty minutes later the older practitioner had recovered. It was from Master's protection. We were excited and recited Master's poems. By then the wind and snow had also stopped and the evils were eliminated.

On September 23, 2005, many practitioners were arrested. Several practitioners were sentenced to a labor camp. To eliminate the evil and rescue the incarcerated practitioners, we went to the labor camp far from town to send forth righteous thoughts. There are several reed ponds around the labor camp. In the fall, when we sent forth righteous thoughts, we sometimes walked around the labor camp, and at other times we sat on the lawn outside the labor camp. Each time we sent forth righteous thoughts for one and a half hours. In the winter, since the ponds were frozen, we sat in the frozen reeds and sent forth righteous thoughts. We were safe, hiding in the reeds.

However, an older practitioner wanted to give up. She said, "Sitting in the frozen reeds and snow for two hours every week makes me want to quit cultivation." Since everyone went, she felt awkward if she didn't go. So she always came with us, although she was not happy about it. Later, after studying the Fa, exchanging thoughts, and looking inward she realized that her fear and discomfort should be eliminated. The practitioners who are incarcerated suffer every day. Compared to them, the suffering we have is really nothing. After realizing this, she always came with us to send forth righteous thoughts, no matter how severe the weather was. She realized that sending forth righteous thoughts is what she should do, and her xinxing level ascended.

Between the fall of 2005 and the spring of 2006, we sent forth righteous thoughts near the labor camp for six months. Later, the evildoers transferred practitioners to another city. We realized that the evil in the labor camp was eliminated due to everyone's efforts, so they no longer held practitioners in this city.

But there are still evildoers in other places. They won't remain in the same place.

Master said,

"It is bad, it is venomous, and it is evil. And just like poison, if you want it not to poison people it can't do that--that's just how it is. So in the process of eliminating it don't be lenient at all--just clean it out!"

("Teaching the Fa at the 2001 Canada Fa Conference," from Guiding the Voyage)

We did not stop sending forth righteous thoughts. Instead, we went to the detention center and police department to send righteous thought near the evildoers. Nowadays we go weekly to those places to eliminate the evil for half a day. As long as the persecution is still going on, we won't stop sending forth righteous thoughts.

The detention center is very far away from the city, but we walk there every time. Even the old practitioners walk with us. We don't feel tired or feel that we are suffering at all. With Master's help we always feel happy and warm, no matter how severe the weather is.

Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Near the Evildoers Helps Us to Cultivate Compassion

Master said,

"The next person's things are your things, and your things are his things." ("Teaching the Fa at the Washington D.C. Fa Conference," July 22, 2002)

Recently, a practitioner in our area was arrested. When we heard about this we informed every practitioner in this area and encouraged his family to petition the police department to release him. Meanwhile we collected all the information related to it and exposed it on the website. We sent forth righteous thoughts together. One practitioner sent forth righteous thoughts 22 times in one day, which eliminated the evils in other dimensions and also encouraged other practitioners and the incarcerated practitioner's family.

We took his concern as our own. Policemen asked his family to sign some documents, but his family refused to do so and blamed the policemen. The policemen were speechless and changed their attitude.

When the righteous force is strong, the evildoers will become weak. That practitioner was released very soon. We all witnessed the power of Dafa. Although he was released, we didn't stop sending forth righteous thoughts. Instead, we kept doing it near the police department for a month.

Sending forth righteous thought near the evildoers gives us more opportunities to get together and share our cultivation experiences. We always take this opportunity for discussion - on the way to send forth righteous thoughts, and on the way back. We encourage each other and raise our xinxing quickly. Now no one from our area would think sending forth righteous thoughts near the evildoers is difficult or scary.

We have done this with Master's protection. We cannot achieve anything without Master. We still have many shortcomings, compared to practitioners in other cities. But we are confident that we will catch up, as long as we study the Fa well and do the three things well.

December 6, 2006