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Rectifying My Mistake

September 04, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I had only been cultivating for a short time when I first began participating in Fa-rectification activities. I also did not comprehend the profound meaning of Dafa. As a result, I almost went to extremes without understanding what I was doing several times. With Teacher's guidance, however, I was prevented from making any major mistakes. I would like to share one of my experiences.

One day when my husband was away from home, without asking or letting him know, I decided to use the money from his wallet to print up truth-clarification fliers. As I opened the wallet in the hallway, my celestial eye opened and I saw sentient beings from other dimensions standing on the stairway, overlapping each other. Their footsteps were loud as they went up and down the stairs. Immediately when my fingers touched the currency, every one became very still, held their breaths and looked at me without blinking. The environment was so quiet, it seemed as though time froze. I reassured myself by justifying my actions. I told myself, "Taking money from my family to support Dafa is not considered stealing." Therefore, I raised my head up and said out loud, "I am taking the money to print up fliers, not for my own spending!" Then I took out the bill and put it into my pocket as all the sentient beings watched me.

Later on, the more I thought about it, the less justified my action became. My deed was not right or noble compared with the sacredness and seriousness of Fa-rectification. Two days later, I finally realized my mistake and admitted my action was not that of a qualified Dafa practitioner. Therefore, I looked for an opportunity and prepared to put the money back. Standing at the bottom of the stairway, I raised the money in the air and said, "I did it wrong the last time. Now I am putting the money back. Please be my witness." All of a sudden, the sentient beings from other dimensions appeared again and watched me put the money back into the wallet. After that, they continued going up and down the stairs with no more worry. At that moment, my celestial eye closed and those people on the stairway disappeared.

Standing there, I felt relieved. My thought told me: "The people of different dimensions watch our deeds and actions so diligently and seriously!" Thanks to Master's hint, it awakened me so that I could rectify my mistake and have no regrets in Fa-rectification cultivation.

After this experience, I do not take money from or rely on my husband's money to use for Fa-rectification. Instead, I get money from different sources. For example, I earn some petty cash by helping my mother-in-law do the work she cannot handle. Also, for several years now, the medical insurance company has refunded me one or two months of insurance premium a year as a reward for not getting sick and not needing to go see doctors or take any medicine. Although the money is not that much, it is enough to print Dafa materials.

Due to my limited level, please kindly rectify any mistakes.

August 20, 2006