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Australia: Senator Christine Milne Questions Minister of Foreign Affairs Regarding Illegal Detention in China

September 29, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Sources said that the Chinese authorities took Ms. Aihua Zeng away from her house in Shanghai at 11:30 p.m. on May 22, but didn't notify her family or the Hong Kong district government. Later, the Chinese authorities refused to allow her family to visit her and refused a lawyer's visit.

On August 23, 2006, Australian Greens Senator Christine Milne forwarded Question on Notice to Minister of Foreign Affairs regarding the illegal detention of Ms. Aihua Zeng. Below is the text of the Question of Notice.


Date: 23 August 2006


To the Minister representing the Minister for Foreign Affairs

  1. What representations has the Minister made to the Chinese Government regarding the detention by Shanghai police of 57 year old Falun Gong practitioner Zeng Aihua, the mother of Australian resident Dons Chen (Muhua Chen) ?
  2. What charges has been made against Zeng Aihua?
  3. What sentence is she facing if she is convicted of these charges?
  4. What is the state of health of Zeng Aihua?
  5. Does she have a defense lawyer that is permitted to vigorously defend her against these charges?
  6. What other information did the Chinese authorities provide about Zeng Aihua?
  7. What is the Australian Government's position on the persecution and detention of Falun Gong practitioners by Chinese authorities?
  8. Will the Government raise concerns over persecution of Falun Gong practitioners at its next human rights dialogue with China?

Senator Christine Milne

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