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Wondrous Effects of Righteous Thoughts

September 20, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) When I deal with fellow practitioners, I hear many stories of validating the Fa. These stories have quite a sobering effects on us, so I would like to write about them here to share.

A woman once harvested corn in her field with some of her sisters-in-law and aunts. When they arrived at the field, all other people went to harvest corn with a basket, which is not so hard to do. Upon seeing this she couldn't help complaining in her mind: "You all chase the easy work, so who will do the hard work of cutting down the corn stalks?" She soon changed her thinking, though, "As a Dafa practitioner I should not argue with others about personal benefits." Then she started to dig up the corn stalks with a heavy steel pick head. It was very warm, and she became more and more tired of the hard work. After a little while she grew discontented in her mind again. Then she said to herself, "I must tolerate this." Then her mind calmed down again. It was right at that moment that Dafa came to her mind, like sunshine illuminating darkness, and she thought to herself "Teacher has said that everything in the three realms, including grass, trees, soil and stones, are here for Dafa. There are sentient beings of infinite numbers behind them. We should follow the way of cultivation righteously and properly because the way that we go will be the way for the sentient beings in the future to become gods. In the meantime, I am saving those sentient beings with infinite numbers of beings behind them. I am not just working as a normal person or just cultivating as an individual. I am helping Teacher rectify the Fa, saving sentient beings and validating the Fa." Upon thinking this way, she felt that the tool in her hand seemed to become alive, and as a result she did a lot of work within only a short time. She did not feel tired all the way to finishing her work. On the contrary, she felt very relaxed in a way she had never experienced before.

One Dafa practitioner who lives in a certain village is a farmer. While cultivating and validating the Fa, he always has much farming work to do and has to take care of his family at the same time. He could not spare any free time. One day, when he hoed weeds in his field, he said to the weeds covering the field, "You do not grow here. I need more time for truth clarification and saving sentient beings." When the time for hoeing weeds came the next year, he went to his field with his hoe but was surprised to see that there were no weeds at all, while weeds covered the fields of his neighbors. He smiled.

A woman practitioner owns a large field covering dozens of acres. She was very busy all the time making truth clarification materials, clarifying the truth, studying Fa and taking care of her family. Every year her neighbor had to apply pesticides to his crop at least ten times, yet they had little effect. Putting all her heart into saving sentient beings, the practitioner sprayed pesticide in her field only in a small amount and at a much lower concentration. However, it turned out that her plants grew very well, with few pests. All of her neighbors genuinely admired her.