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Righteous Thoughts Show Mighty Power and Pure Hearts Manifest Wondrous Occurrences

September 19, 2006 |  


Righteous Thoughts Show Mighty Power

There is a big clock close to my home, and every hour it plays the music of the CCP. The sound is very loud and can be heard from a distance of about one kilometer away.

I remembered that I had read an article in Minghui Weekly regarding eliminating any information propagated by the evil spirit of the CCP. At that time, I just treated it as another practitioner's sharing and understanding in cultivation, without linking the points made in the sharing with my own cultivation environment. I always thought that other practitioners cultivated better than I did, and they had strong righteous thoughts and power. This thought has always blocked me from being able to enlighten on my own. One day, while I was sending forth righteous thoughts, I realized that my thinking was not right. I should not think of who is better than I and who is not. I am a Fa-rectification Dafa disciple. Whenever I see or hear information propagated by the CCP, I am responsible for eliminating it. Master told us, "...real Buddhas are guardians of the cosmos and are responsible for all righteous elements in the cosmos." ("Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. Fa Conference" from Guiding the Voyage) No matter how capable or incapable I am, I need to eliminate the evil and save the sentient beings with my full strength. Instead of teaching people to be kind, benevolent, and peaceful, everyday the big clock played music that injected the evil Party's twisted theories into people's ears. How could I allow that music to be played day in and day out, endlessly spreading the messages of the evil spirit? I had to eliminate it!

After sending forth righteous thoughts toward the clock for a couple days, I heard the sound of the clock in the afternoon. I checked my watch and saw that the time was not correct. I realized that because I had sent forth the righteous thoughts, the clock's program was no longer working correctly. The clock was broken and never produced another sound. I understand that if our xinxing meets the requirements of the Fa at our level, our gong reaches there in no time.

"When it's changed into high-energy matter it gradually forms a high-density energy cluster. This energy cluster takes on a life of its own, so it's also an ability cluster, or in other words, it's a kind of ability." (Zhuan Falun)

I realized that every word Master told us is true.

"As a person sits there, without moving his hands or feet, he is able to do what others cannot do even with their hands and feet...." (Zhuan Falun)

"However strong the righteous thoughts are, that's how great the power is." ("Also in a Few Words," Essentials for Further Advancement II)

I then understood the power of Dafa disciples' righteous thoughts.

Pure Hearts Manifest Wondrous Occurrences

Recently, I decided that my printer at home was not fast enough in making truth-clarification materials, so I wanted to buy a copier. I shopped around but could not find a suitable one. They were either too big or too expensive.

While worrying about this issue, a fellow practitioner told me that another practitioner was about to give up a copier. I was very glad and decided to take it. After bringing it home, I immediately tried it out. Unfortunately, all the color copies were in red only. The copier produced black-and-white copies for a few pages and then stopped. Sometimes it printed and sometimes not. It remained in the same condition even after I sent forth righteous thoughts toward it to eliminate the interference against it and to communicated with it. I could not decide if I should send it back or ask another practitioner to come to my home to check it out. Then I suddenly had a thought: If this machine could come to my home, it must have a predestined relationship with Dafa and me. How could I give it up on it so easily? It was not convenient to ask another practitioner to come check it out, since they were all very busy making truth-clarification materials, working, studying the Fa, and practicing the exercises. I should not create more trouble for them. When problems occur, why couldn't I get it to work by myself?

After I calmed down, I realized that I had attachments of dependence and to easily blaming other people. I asked Master to support me and give me wisdom. While I was doing the sitting exercise, the solutions to the problems just appeared to me. After finishing the exercise, I followed the solutions to resolve the problems. Surprisingly, all the problems were easily solved. I happily said to myself, "I am smart." However, I realized immediately that this was attachment of zealotry. I had put myself in front of Dafa. It would be outrageous if I let such an attachment grow. Master and Dafa gave me the wisdom. Master helped me since he saw that I wanted to validate the Fa. I should not forget about validating the Fa at any time.