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Sharing with Fellow Practitioners What I Saw While Sending Righteous Thoughts

August 02, 2006 |   By practitioner from Shandong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I stayed up very late last night and felt very sleepy. It was twenty minutes to midnight and the time for sending forth righteous thoughts was approaching. If I lay down, I might not be able to get up for this. So I insisted on sending righteous thoughts before going to sleep.

Therefore I stayed awake until 12:05 a.m. The moment I lay down, I saw lots of unknown transparent reptiles crawling towards me from the northeast. They looked very ugly, and crawled rapidly towards the lower dimensional field of my body. I awakened and immediately realized that I did not clean up that bad stuff completely, because the time I spent sending righteous thoughts was too short. I was too sleepy and my thoughts were not strong enough. Feeling completely awake, I sat up, silently recited the verse of Fa-rectification and sent righteous thoughts with an upright palm. Then I saw those reptiles sneaking down to the earth in the lower dimensional field of my body. The exposed parts of those reptiles became slimmer and slimmer, smaller and smaller. Gradually their tails changed into fish tail like shapes, and then I saw more and more lovely fishes swimming around me leisurely. The surroundings also turned peaceful and calm. At that time, I felt like I was sitting in a boundless, transparent and air-like pond.

I could not help but sigh. Sending forth righteous thoughts not only clears up the evil demons, but also saves lives.