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Young Dafa Practitioners’ Solemn Declarations

July 02, 2006 |  


Solemn Declaration

I am a young Dafa practitioner. Because I did not study the Fa diligently, I did not improve my xinxing and was attached to money too much. I often had fights with my grandmother, loudly quarreled on the street and said disrespectful words about Dafa. Later, under fellow practitioners’ help, through studying the Fa with a peaceful mind, I realized my mistakes. Now, I solemnly declare that all my words and actions against Falun Dafa are null and void. From now on, I will strictly require myself to walk the road Master arranges and be a qualified young Dafa practitioner.

Guo Dazheng on May 25, 2006

Translated on 6/7 from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2006/5/30/129149.html

Solemn Declaration

I am a young Dafa practitioner who obtained Dafa in 1997. Because I did not understand the principles of Dafa deeply and did not clearly recognize the Party's evil nature, after July 20, 1999, I gradually vacillated in my faith in Dafa and Master. Because of fear and doubt, I gave up cultivation and practice. At school, I once wrote disrespectful words about Dafa in a political test. I gave in to the old forces’ arrangement for a good grade. Against my conscience I once said bad words about Master and signed on the so-called guarantee statement. Thereby, I solemnly declare: what I wrote, said and did against Falun Dafa are all null and void. I cherish this rare opportunity of cultivation I once lost, and will follow Master’s Fa-rectification process, do the three things that Master requires well, and not disappoint Master’s benevolently offering salvation.

Shan Xiaofeng on May 27, 2006