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On Mutual Support with Righteous Thoughts

July 15, 2006 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) We recently held a small regional Fa Conference. Most of the participants were practitioners who were in charge of Dafa work in the countryside. I would like to share with other practitioners our thoughts on some issues exchanged during the conference.

1. Regarding the issue of holding one's hands incorrectly when sending forth righteous thoughts

One practitioner mentioned that when sending forth righteous thoughts in a group, nearly half of the practitioners were sleepy and were holding their hands incorrectly, either in the one palm erect position or the lotus hand position. Practitioners shared their thoughts on this issue. They concluded that, in cultivation practice, one must strengthen other practitioners’ righteous thoughts instead of adding any negative factors to them. "When we saw a certain practitioner getting sleepy, we used to say to her, ‘You’re sleepy again,’ ‘Your palm is not erect,’ or ‘Your hands are incorrect.’ Since we often talked that way, we added negative elements to the practitioner, which made the sleepy practitioner even sleepier, her palm even less vertical, and her lotus palm position less accurate."

We then reviewed Master’s teachings and Clearwisdom’s notices on sending forth righteous thoughts and understood that one must help other practitioners only by strengthening their righteous thoughts instead of adding any negative elements. When some practitioners’ hand posture remained incorrect, we would simply remind one another, "Keep your palm upright," and "Be god-like." After a few days of mutually reminding one another, the issues of sleepiness and incorrect hand postures were virtually eradicated.

The experience sharing of this practitioner enlightened me to the fact that a practitioners’ consummation process is the process of elevating our human thoughts to a divine being’s thoughts. The correct hand position in sending forth righteous thoughts is simply a superficial factor, while having the heart of a divine being is the critical inner factor of the process. It is the harmonious combination of the outer and inner factors that manifests the status of godhood. In the face of the evils’ persecution and of various interference in the human world, we must have righteous thoughts, we must be steadfast, we must be god-like. In helping our fellow practitioners to step forward to do well the Three Things, we must strengthen their righteous thoughts, reinforce their divine thoughts, and add more righteous elements instead of negative ones.

Another cause of the issue mentioned above is interference by black minions, rotten demons, and the evil spirit of the Communist Party. To protect themselves, these elements try very hard to interfere with us. In particular, when we try to send forth righteous thoughts, they try to stop us or suppress the effect of our righteous thoughts. The reason that we get interfered with sometimes is because our righteous thoughts are not strong enough at that time and our own space field in other dimensions is not pure or righteous enough. The evil elements take advantage of these elements and break in. Therefore, we must be god-like, we must rectify the Fa with our divine side, and we must send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate any evil elements in our own space field. When our own space field is full of righteousness, evils will naturally race to escape.

2. Do well the Three Things and constantly maintain the status of diligent advancement in cultivation practice

Another practitioner made several points with regard to doing well the Three Things in their township:

Learn the Fa by heart. Having read the articles about reciting Fa from memory, many practitioners in our township also started to learn the Fa by heart since the end of last year. We started by reciting "Hong Yin" II from memory. First, we recited one poem a day. When we study the Fa in a group, we first recite a poem. The more we recited the Fa from memory, the more spectacular and sacred were our experiences in assimilating the Fa. Within a short period of time, we were able to recite all of Hong Yin II from memory. Then we began to learn Master’s new teachings by heart. Whenever there was a new teaching by Master Li, we tried to recite it from memory. At home, we recited Zhuan Falun. Some practitioners have now memorized the first chapter.

Do the Falun Gong exercises. During the harvest seasons, practitioners in the countryside are often very busy. Whenever they become lax, they tend to forget to practice the exercises. Many Fa-study groups arrange to study the Fa before 10 p.m. so that they can send forth righteous thoughts at 10 p.m. and then do the exercises afterwards. They usually go to bed after they finish sending forth righteous thoughts at midnight. Some practitioners still manage to get up at 3:50 a.m. to do the meditation exercise and to send forth righteous thoughts at 5 a.m. As a result, some practitioners sleep only three hours a day.

Send forth righteous thoughts. Some practitioners used to pay little attention to regularly sending forth righteous thoughts, especially during the harvest seasons. Some did not even follow the global campaign of sending forth righteous thoughts four times a day. After studying the Fa more frequently, we all agreed that sending forth righteous thoughts is very important in our Fa-rectification practice. Most practitioners are now able to follow the schedule of the global campaign to send forth righteous thoughts as well as the hourly ones between 7 p.m. and midnight. Some can even send forth righteous thoughts twelve times a day.

Clarify the truth. More and more practitioners now realize that clarifying the truth, persuading people to quit the CCP, and saving the world’s people are the important missions of every Falun Dafa practitioner. As a result, people in our township can have the opportunity to read the truth-clarification literature in time. In addition, more and more people know the truth, and the mission of quitting the CCP is nearly complete. Now the practitioners in our township often help practitioners in other townships to clarify the truth and to persuade people to quit the CCP.

Develop a good practice environment. It is particularly important to develop a good practice environment that is righteous and free of interference. Today, wherever there are Falun Dafa practitioners, there are Fa-study sites. The practitioners are enlightened that as long as the personal safety of the participating practitioners is not sacrificed, every Fa-study site must be a field full of righteous thoughts. The more the righteous factors, the less room for evils to survive and the less likely the evils’ interference or persecution will succeed. Finally the evils will dissolve more quickly, the environment will be better for the practitioners, and more worldly people will be saved.

Above are the personal understandings of some of the practitioners in our region.