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Two Practitioners Die Due to Persecution in Anhui and Hebei Provinces

May 09, 2006 |  


Han Houzhen

Ms. Han Houzhen, 88, lived in Bafu City, Anhui Province. She started practicing Falun Gong in March 1996. Prior to that, she had serious hypertension, heart disease, a gastric ulcer, gall-stones, and other diseases. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, she was subjected to harassment and threats from the resident committee, police department, and 610 Office. Her house was searched four times. Her daughter was detained three times, was injected with unknown drugs and lost consciousness, which left serious after-effects. Even like this, she was sent to serve three years in a forced labor camp. Her grand-daughter was arrested twice and sent to serve two years in a forced labor camp, and is still in detention. Due to the immense stress and persecution, this elderly woman passed away on March 26, 2006. She did not close her eyes when she died.

Zheng Zuzhen

Sixty-one year old Dafa disciple Mr. Zheng Zuzhen was employed in Linxi Miner, Kailuan, Tangshan City, Hebei Province. Before practicing Falun Gong he had many diseases and could not lead a normal life. After he started practicing Falun Gong in October 1995, he studied the Fa and practiced the exercises every day. After a period of time, all of his diseases disappeared and he was able to resume a normal life. After July 20 1999, Zheng was persecuted by the police. From July 20, 1999, to March 2000, he was illegally arrested by the police from Guye District Police Department, Tangshan City, Linxi Police Station, Linxi Miner Police Department, and detained for over 40 days in total. He often suffered threatening harassment by the police, his normal life was damaged, and his mind and body were harmed. He passed away on November 25, 2005, suffering a wrongful death.