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How Can Rao Chaoyuan's Parents Deal With the Mental Blow of One Son's Death and the Other Son's Disability from the Persecution?

May 30, 2006 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioner Rao Chaoyuan from Guangdong Province, 40 years old, is the older brother of practitioner Rao Zhuoyuan who died as a result of persecution. After being detained by the evildoers for over one year, he was illegally sentenced to an eight-year prison term in January 2003. Now he is incarcerated at Sihui Prison in Guangdong Province, with one of his legs disabled from torture. With one son having died from gross abuse and another disabled, Rao Chaoyuan's parents are going through enormous misery and mental pressure.

On December 14, 2000, the police followed and arrested Mr. Rao Chaoyuan, Mr. Huang Jinhua and six other practitioners and locked them up in the Tianhe District Detention Center.

On December 12, 2001, the First Courthouse of Tianhe District held an illegal trial of the eight Dafa practitioners. Failing to achieve any verdict for Mr. Rao Chaoyuan, they afterwards put him back into the Tianhe Detention Center and illegally detained him without permitting his family members to visit him at all.

On January 14, 2003, the authorities decided on the unlawful sentence of eight years' imprisonment for Mr. Rao Chaoyuan, and transferred him directly to the First Section of the Tenth Ward, Sihui Prison. He has been illegally detained there ever since. His family members have never received any "judgment" from the court, except for the "Notification" of the eight-year prison term at the Sihui Prison.

On July 18, 2004 the family members of Mr. Rao Chaoyuan went to see him. They found him disabled in one leg from being forced to wear shackles. He walks laboriously and is lame in that leg. Mr. Rao Chaoyuan is still being exposed to excruciating abuse even now.

Mr. Rao Zhuoyuan, the younger, 33-year-old brother of Mr. Rao Chaoyuan, was re-arrested and taken to the Chini No. 1 Labor Camp in Huadu by policemen from the Guangzhou 610 Office, the Tianhe District 610 Office, Zhuhai District 610 Office and the No. 1 Labor Camp in Guangzhou. Insisting in his belief and refusing the so-called "reform," Mr. Rao Zhuoyuan suffered from the labor camp guards' assault and beating, being handcuffed to a basketball frame, exposed to daily baking in the sun and left out in the drenching rain. Two weeks of torture resulted in a neck bone fracture. Rao Zhuoyuan passed away on August 5, 2002, being unable to speak and only able to shed tears before his death. He had two bruised swellings on top of his head, his neck was bruised and swollen, and his hands and legs showed injuries from being struck with heavy objects. (For details please visit: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2006/2/22/70180.html)

With one son having died from torture and another disabled and living on the brink of death, Rao Chaoyuan's parents find no place to appeal their grievance. They live under severe mental pressure and daily misery. Furthermore, they have to endure threats and menace from the Guangzhou 610 Office.

Address for the Sihui Prison: Jiguangtang Town, Sihui City, Guangdong Province, Post code: 526237