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Thoroughly Tempered to Usher in a New Life (Photos)

May 23, 2006 |   By Xin Lian (Taiwan)

(Clearwisdom.net) I had suffered severely from lingering illnesses. In order to cure my illnesses and seek a cultivation way, I spent a huge amount of money amongst various schools and cultivation forms. I finally obtained the righteous Tao and righteous Fa. It changed my whole life and ushered in a bright future.

A group photo with grandchildren at a Minghui School

Born with Supernormal Powers

Ever since I was a child I have been a very sensitive person. I would feel scared when meeting strangers. I simply could not help it. For example, there was a girl in our village whom everyone said was beautiful. However, when I went to see her, I saw that her face was very dark and this frightened me very much. I also found that no one else could see what I saw. It turned out that the girl died not long afterwards. Sometimes I dared not look at some people, because I could feel that they had problems in their lives or that they would not live long. I also remembered that at a very young age, I showed a particular interest in listening to Buddhist scriptures and that I wanted to join a cultivation practice. When I grew older such reactions became scarce.

Suffering from Lingering Illnesses and Ailments, and Experiencing Extreme Pain

When I was about 20 years old, I suffered from lingering illnesses and ailments. I always felt short of breath and sometimes suffered from angina as well as high blood pressure. When I was about 30, I contracted breast cancer. When I was over 40 years old, a health check-up showed that I had three cervical tumors. They were five, three and two centimeters respectively.

2000 was the worse year for me. I needed to go to the hospital every month to ask doctors to prescribe medications for my asthma, heart disease and high blood pressure. Sometimes I would register for four departments (cardiac internal medicine, thoracic cavity, internal medicine and tests). Later, when my illness became very severe I would be hospitalized for a dozen or so days. When I was in the hospital I would be given injections of steroids, which caused edema. Each time I took my medication I would have to take 14 tablets altogether. As a result, I would tremble and be unable to walk. I suffered from severe anemia, had too many white blood cells and my immune system was very weak. If I wanted to sleep I would have to take some sleeping pills first. If I wanted to have a proper bowel movement, I had to take stool softeners, and if I did not want any pain I had to take painkillers all the time. Even when I was discharged from the hospital I still needed to take a large amount of drugs all the time, and as a result I suffered from drug poisoning. I had a rash all over my upper body. All this seemed to indicate that there was no way out for me, and I really wanted to die rather than suffer such pain.

My Path to Learning Falun Gong was Slow in Coming

I have a long-time friend, who, in 2001 asked me to read The Great Consummation Way of Falun Dafa. After I bought the book I found that there were only five sets of exercises, which looked very simple. I knew that some other qigong exercises have at least a dozen or so sets of exercises, so why should I bother to learn Falun Gong?

In 2002, a friend talked to me very seriously, saying she hoped I could read Zhuan Falun. By then I learned that if I wanted to study Falun Gong I must first read Zhuan Falun. I phoned my son and asked him to get me a copy.

My son came back with the book around midnight. I began to read right away. I did not sleep at all that night and finished reading Zhuan Falun in two days and one night. After I read it I started crying. Why would I find this book so late? As a matter of fact, I was dying at the time. I had been painstakingly searching for this all my life, so why did I find it so late in life? I thought there was no time for me to practice Falun Gong, since nothing in my body was functioning properly.

A Righteous Path Gave Me New Life

I was a dying patient and found that Zhuan Falun was the book that I had really been looking for all my life. The principles it talks about really answered all my questions. Since I thought my days were numbered, I decided to seize the time to cultivate myself.

After I finished reading the book, I went to a park to learn the exercises right away. At the time I was extremely weak. I felt dizzy after walking only a few steps. However, when I began to learn the exercises, miracles happened. I experienced cleansing, and I had blood in my stool and experienced acute stomachaches. I withstood all this for a whole week. With such a filthy body, I knew there would be reactions.

One week later, I felt itching all over my body. It was from the bottom layer of my skin so it was impossible for me to scratch. Even my eyeballs were itching. The itching was so serious I could only manage to sleep after I applied some cream. All my pores became black as a result of my scratching. Then I began to feel very hot. My nose was running non-stop and I coughed all day long. I do not know how much phlegm I spit out. However, I persisted in studying the Fa and practicing the exercises.

On the fifth night after going to the practice site to learn the exercises, I saw the founder of Falun Dafa standing in front of me. With a smile, Teacher's hand reached into my head and took out a lump of dark substance. After the removal of this dark substance my mind became instantly clear and the dizziness vanished. I looked at our merciful Teacher and was dumbstruck. Standing in front of Teacher, every cell of my body felt the shock. Since I had always been very sensitive, it seemed that from deep down in the micro dimension, I knew this was the Teacher who came to save us. With bated breath I was unable to find anything to say. Teacher smiled at me again before leaving.

Distinguish the Righteous from Evil

A few days after I went to the park to learn Falun Gong, the administrative personnel from the previous qigong class which charged a very high fee, phoned me and asked me to come back to the class. He told me if I was willing to return to the class he would not charge me the fee of 40 thousand Taiwan dollars (About 10,179.7 yuan in China) for the intermediate class, and would give me a discount for the advanced class which was 60 thousand Taiwan dollars. I was not moved.

Some time later, a friend who was in charge of recruiting new students phoned me again asking if I was interested in learning to "collect qi from trees." By that time I had already learned from Zhuan Falun that collecting qi and treating patients were things a practitioner should not do. Therefore I tried to persuade my friend not to go, but he did not listen.

Being Declared Deaf and Regaining Hearing

Three months after I began to practice Falun Gong, another miracle happened. At the very beginning I felt pain in my right ear, which excreted a stinky yellowish liquid. I thought it was cleansing and a manifestation of eliminating karma, so I did not pay attention to it. However, the pus-like liquid continued to flow and the ear became very swollen. When I went to sleep I had to put something underneath my right ear to catch the pus. Since the symptoms dragged on for so long, I went to see a doctor who chastised me for not going there sooner. The doctor said my right ear suffered from otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear), which had reached an advanced stage, and the eardrum had been perforated. He said it would seriously affect my hearing. I began to get worried after I heard what the doctor said. When I went back, I explained the seriousness of my ear problem to the assistant at our practice site and told her that I needed to take medicine and receive treatment.

During the next consultation, the doctor told me clearly that my right ear could not be cured and that I would lose hearing in that ear. I thought that since I was deaf in that ear, there was no point in taking medication any longer. On arriving home I threw all the medicine away and forgot about that ear.

I studied the Fa and practiced the five sets of exercises every day and still put a cloth underneath my right ear when I went to sleep. This lasted for about three months or so. The pus was getting less and less and I could turn over in bed again. I found that my right ear began to dry up and even more miraculously my hearing returned to normal. Didn't the doctor tell me that my eardrum was perforated? However, after months of practice, the function and hearing in that ear was miraculously restored.

Orderly Purification and Improvement of my Body And Soul

I gradually found that I did not need to take any medicine, but my health still got better than when I had taken medication. Both my mental and physical health took on an entirely new look. It was like a story out of the Tales of Arabian Nights to a person who was on the verge of death. Before I began Falun Gong practice, I used my Medicare card very often. However, after I began the practice, I only went to see the doctor once - for an eye test.

It was very common for me to use my Medicare card.

All this came from practicing this simple exercise system, which was free of charge and is practiced in parks everywhere. In my whole life, I had never ever experienced the state of being free of illnesses, and I hadn't even dared to dream about it. Now I could breathe naturally, and I had no more angina or high blood pressure. I am not even a cancer patient any longer, nor am I a pessimistic and desperate person! I have a new life. Every time I thought about this I shed tears. The hard fact is, I am still alive and am living a healthy life.

As my cultivation continued, I had several more cleansings and my physical body underwent an orderly process of purification. I had blood in my stool twice and the second time, it was very dark blood. I also went through a few periods of severe itching. The second time my pores showed bright red dots as a result of scratching and the most recent time the color turned very light red. I had a cough and a runny nose from time to time. Eventually all my illnesses were rooted out.

Double Leg Crossing, a Test for a Practitioner

Of course there were tests in doing the exercises. The fifth set, "Strengthening Divine Powers" requires one to sit in the full lotus position. Six months after I began to practice Falun Gong I decided to try it, however, no matter how I tried, I could not do it. Gradually, when I could cross my legs, I found it was extremely painful. I persisted in keeping the position for half an hour and every day I shivered with pain. After practicing for a year, I was finally able to cross my legs in the full lotus position for an hour. However, the pain often made me sweat and my clothes were often soaked.

I still remember that three months after I began to practice in the full lotus position, I could not stand up nor sit down after I finished the exercises. In the evening the pain made it hard for me to sleep and I even felt afraid to do the sitting meditation. However, when I compared it with the sufferings I had had before practicing Falun Gong I must admit that the pain was really nothing. There was no comparison at all. In the past, the suffering drew me gradually toward hell, while now the pain pulled me towards purification, which was like being reborn. I should cherish it.

The Buddha Light Shines Broadly and Provides Benevolent Solutions to My Debts

One month after I learned Falun Dafa, a group of celestial soldiers and generals who, in the past, chased me wanting to kill me, showed up again. It was the usual group of four or five who chased me as soon as they saw me. The difference this time was that they did not chase me on normal terrain, but drove me down a ladder. I had no other way to go because they sealed off all other roads, so I ran down the ladder. There was no chance to go back. Finally I was chased down into the bowels of the earth.

I did not know how long I ran in horror. I only remembered that I hid myself in a stone coffin very deep down under the earth. However, they followed me to that place. They searched around the stone coffin for some time before leaving. Even so, I still dared not move and waited inside the coffin holding my breath. At that time I enlightened to the fact that they wanted to drive me into hell, and not let my main consciousness come back to the human world.

When I awoke, I felt drowned in horror. I opened a Dafa book with shaking hands and with tears in my eyes, I talked to Teacher in the photo saying that I was so scared. I told Teacher that I did not want to be chased and killed, and asked Teacher to save me. As a result, I have not had any dreams like that since. In the 13 years since 1989, they had chased me in my dreams and it was like a curse that threatened me constantly. Falun Dafa, the great universal law, has helped me solve the issue benevolently.

No Matter What We Encounter We Must Maintain Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance

The year after I first learned Falun Gong, we had some conflicts with our neighbors. It started when my next-door neighbor and the two neighbors downstairs complained about water leakage. The three families said in one voice that the leak was caused by our water pipe and asked us to solve the problem.

One day my husband and I were practicing the exercises at home when one of our neighbors downstairs called, swearing at us over the phone. My husband disconnected the pipe that led to our house from the shared pipe and went up the water tank and installed a separate pipe to our house. However, the three neighbors still had problems with leaking water. They did not accept our explanation and treated us very rudely whenever we saw them. One morning, when my daughter was riding a motorbike to work, my neighbors stopped her and were swearing at her. They asked us to settle the issue. Otherwise they would not let my daughter go to work.

At that time we thought we were practitioners who had a different standard than they, so whether it was our fault or not, we would do what we could to solve the problem. My husband bought some tools and cleared our balcony. He made a big hole in the wall. Then he invited the three neighbors to have a look. They saw with their own eyes it was my next-door neighbor's pipe that was leaking, not ours.

After the incident, the neighbors downstairs always smiled at us when we met and thanked us for what we had done, otherwise they said, their houses would be unlivable.

My husband and I at the rally promoting the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and Quitting the CCP

Wishing All People Can Benefit

After studying the Fa and truly cultivating myself, I enlightened as to how great the righteous way of Dafa is. However, I was really worried about the Chinese people who were fooled by the slander and lies fabricated by the Chinese Communist Party. Therefore, I decided to learn how to use a computer and how to browse the Internet, so that I could clarify the truth over the Internet to the people of China.

After I had been practicing Falun Gong for more than a year, I attended a class on how to chat on the Internet. I did not know anything about computers, so when everyone else in the class had learned to do it, I was still struggling to remember the functions of all the keys. Since my purpose to learn computers was to save other people, I was very determined to learn. Whenever I had questions, I asked, and gradually learned to chat on the Internet.

Now the situation has changed very quickly. About two years ago when I mentioned that "Falun Dafa is good," people in the chat room would let loose a stream of abuses against me. Now, they even ask to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) when they learn the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong. One day, an Internet friend even wanted to give me 100 "yuan" to thank me for the link to the website where he could quit the CCP. I explained to him that the only wish of us Falun Gong practitioners, who have benefited from practicing the exercises, was for the the precious Chinese people to receive blessings. Therefore I didn't take any money.


I feel extremely fortunate to be where I am today. I know I am walking on the broad road, and that I suffered numerous calamities to win the opportunity. I wish to be even more diligent in actual cultivation, until no single omission is left.

I also want to say to my fellow practitioners in Mainland China who are suffering from cruel persecution and great catastrophes, "It's not easy to have the opportunity to learn Falun Dafa, so you must go on with your cultivation!" I am grateful that Teacher did not abandon me, but scooped me out of hell. It was teacher who gave me a second life! I cannot thank Teacher enough with words. Finally, I wish for the world to be filled with "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and that there be "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" among human beings.