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Suggestions and Understandings on Holding Banners and Posters

May 18, 2006 |   By a practitioner from Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) Whenever I hold a banner or a poster at a Dafa event, I cherish it as a precious opportunity because fellow practitioners in China risk their lives to go to places like Tiananmen to unfurl banners saying "Falun Dafa is good." Although the overseas environment is very relaxed, I believe that the purity of our hearts reflect the strength of our power in other dimensions. Therefore, holding Dafa banners is also a cultivation process.

In every parade, banners and posters are two of our best tools for clarifying the truth, and we should make the best use of them to achieve the best effect. I always try to keep the banner straight. I am not that strong, so when the wind blows hard, I have to exert all my strength against the wind and eliminate the interference. I see it as part of my cultivation.

In the most recent parade and truth-clarification activities in Washington D.C., I held many banners. This time I could not maintain righteous thoughts at all. At one point, I held a banner together with two practitioners I didn't know. I felt a bit uncomfortable and did not have righteous thoughts, so the result was not good. I felt a bit of tired at times, but most of the time I quickly regained my righteous thoughts. As long as we are holding a banner, we should hold it tall and straight. If we get tired and really cannot keep it straight any more, we should ask other practitioners to relieve us.

Big banners are very eye-catching and attract cameras. We must hold them well and keep them straight. The whole scene should be spectacular and clear. Holding a large banner requires three or four practitioners' cooperation. If one holder is slack, it becomes very hard to keep the banner straight, and the banner's Fa-rectification power in other dimensions will be diminished.

People holding large banners should stand upright. The poles should be vertical not slanted. Moreover, the holders should keep the same pace. Everyone can synchronize with one person. The holder who is the reference standard should be responsible to maintain the appropriate distance within the parade formation. We should leave enough space between banners so that passersby can clearly see every banner. Banner holders should cooperate and save sentient beings. We should not underestimate the effect of Dafa banners!

Regardless of whether we hold banners or not, we should cooperate with the practitioner in charge of the parade formation. Do not stand wherever you like. We should actively cooperate with one another. Sometimes, the distance between banners is not far enough. Two banners should be separated by at least two rows of people. In the future, if any practitioner notices a vacancy in the formation, please kindly fill it.

When we work on any Dafa project, we need to cooperate well. If one practitioner does not have righteous thoughts, then the overall effect will not be good. For the upcoming Hong Kong parade that supports the 10 million withdrawals from the CCP, I hope all practitioners will consider these details and cooperate well.