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Melbourne, Australia: Celebrating the Fourteenth Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Public Introduction (Photos)

May 16, 2006 |   By a practitioner in Melbourne

(Clearwisdom.net) May 13, 2006, is World Falun Dafa Day. Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne, Australia dressed up and gathered in busy downtown to celebrate the great day.

CCP's live organ removal from Falun Gong practitioners appalls tourists
Truth-clarification on Federation Square

Tourists learn Falun Gong
Tourists sign to support Falun Gong

Practitioners with Tang costume perform
Truth-clarification on Federation Square

The celebration was held on busy Federation Square and on the banks of the beautiful Yarra River. It was chilly and drizzled in the morning. Practitioners gathered on the square to set up. When all was set up and the banner reading "Celebrate the Fourteenth Anniversary of Falun Dafa's Public Introduction" was unfurled, it became clear and sunny.

Federation Square

On one side of the square, practitioners sang a chorus ("Sit side by side"), performed dances and other programs to express respect and appreciation to Master and commemoration to fellow practitioners tortured to death in China. On the other side of the square, posters and reenactment of torture means were set up to expose the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s persecution of Falun Gong. Many passers-by stopped to look.

The anti-torture exhibition caught the attention of many passers-by. They were shocked at the brutal torture means, such as small cage, force-feeding, and piercing nails with sharp bamboo, which CCP uses to persecute practitioners.

A middle-aged man paid attention to practitioners' exercise demonstration. He said to a practitioner, "I have passed here several times and saw your anti-torture exhibition. But today it is my first time to see your exercise demonstration. I am eager to learn the practice." The practitioner shared his own beneficial experience of practicing Dafa and showed him the five sets of exercises.

James, 35 years old, signed petition to stop the persecution and said to a practitioner explaining the facts, "Good luck to you! Whatever political system it is, people should have rights and freedom of belief. I support your petition completely."

Helena, a little over 30 years old, is a student majoring in photography. She heard for the first time about Falun Gong and the persecution in China. She signed on the petition to call for an end of the persecution right away. She said that the news of CCP's live organ removal should be known to everyone. She would let her friends and family members know the CCP's barbarity.

Yarra River Side

After the performance on the Federation Square, the practitioners came to the Yarra river side, a tourist interest site, and conducted another performance. Many tourists from China watched their performance and accepted truth-clarification literature.

Dancing at Yarra river side
A young practitioner plays solo of an ancient Chinese musical instrument

Falun Gong exercise demonstration

Fan dancing

An older couple from the US watched the performance attentively and was shocked at the persecution in China. "This is a disaster. The whole world should know it."

"Today is the fourteenth anniversary of Falun Dafa's public introduction. It is a day that Heaven and Earth celebrate together."