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Learning from Others Instead of Talking about Each Other's Omissions

March 29, 2006 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Jiaozhou Prefecture, China


The practitioners in our area have two different ways of understanding things. The first one is to learn from others, and to thereby help themselves correct their own shortcomings.

For example, when they feel unwilling to go out and clarify the truth, they would think of the older practitioners who distribute truth-clarification materials or make banners no matter what the weather, even very late at night. Thinking of that, they feel guilty about their own pursuit of comfort, and naturally go ahead and go out to clarify the truth as they had planned.

When they learned that other practitioners didn't distribute as many truth-clarification materials as they did, they realized that the others were better able to talk to people, and better able to explain the facts of Falun Gong to anybody under any circumstances. They themselves weren't able to do this. Therefore, they came to realize that they should learn from those practitioners. They would then watch those practitioners and ask them questions on how to talk to people and help people learn the truth. Soon after, they were able to improve a lot when clarifying the truth to people face to face.

If everybody could look at each other's best deeds and thoughts and learn from each other to improve ourselves, the environment would become harmonious and practitioners would stop complaining and spreading rumors because the evil wouldn't have any excuses to take advantage of us. Such a state is what Teacher requires for each true practitioner to achieve. We should "Let each and every thing be measured against the Fa. Only then, with that, is it actually cultivation." (Hongyin, "Solid Cultivation") We should look at others' strong points and get rid of our omissions. When we can do this, we will become true practitioners. Of course, there are deeper meanings within Teacher's poem.

However, there is another understanding that some practitioners have, which is to focus on others' shortcomings and always look for others' omissions. Therefore, they find that everyone else has things to improve upon, and that they are the best and most perfect practitioners. They don't match themselves in comparison with others' strong points, let alone with Teacher's Fa.

I noticed that the evil in the Jiaozhou prefecture has been very rampant. I think this is related to the local practitioners as a whole. I think we all need to see if we have been looking inside when there are conflicts. If every practitioner can do the three things well and cultivate ourselves diligently and truly melt into the Fa, the evil in the Jiaozhou prefecture will die off itself.

The above is my personal understanding. Please correct me if I said anything inappropriate.