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My Experience of Cultivation and Clarifying the Truth about Falun Gong

March 29, 2006 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) I obtained the Fa on Chinese New Year's Day 1999. I went to look for Falun Gong to cure my illness. On the first day that I went to the practice site, the movements of the exercises attracted me. I liked it so much that I was determined to learn. At the time, I went to practice every day without thinking of my illness, and my illness disappeared without my realizing it. It was the happiest memory of my life.

Half a year later the evil CCP started to persecute Falun Gong. I was very depressed and just wanted to cry at home. After I calmed down, I said to Master that no matter what others thought, I had no doubts about Falun Gong. When others said Falun Gong was not good, I used my great health to prove that Falun Gong was good. All of my relatives know that Falun Gong is good through me, and they all believe in Falun Gong. Many of them started to practice Falun Gong, because I believe in the Fa firmly. The people who have obtained the Fa with my help also firmly believe in the Fa. With Master's protection, I have cultivated until today. During the several years of cultivation, I realized the importance of validating the Fa. I do not have a source of printed truth clarification materials, so I write them myself. I use my own experience to show the beauty of Dafa, and send it to friends and relatives using various methods to validate the Fa and save sentient beings.

When I study the Fa, I am enlightened with some Fa principles and also some attachments are exposed. Once I find an attachment, I get rid of it. Studying the Fa with a calm mind, I can improve myself in the Fa so that I can do well the three things required by Master. During Chinese New Year 2003, a countryman came to my home. He said he was in poor health. I started to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to him. Right away he wanted to learn the exercises. I gave him a truth clarification flyer to take home. Several days later he told me that he had had a very special dream that night. He saw Master Li, and Master Li had told him to learn Falun Gong. When he woke up he found that his hands were in the "Heshi" position. Since then he has felt very relaxed, a feeling he never had before. I was very touched and know how lucky he is. All of this is the manifestation of Master's boundless compassion and encouragement to disciples.

One time I visited my-sister-in-law's family. Her grandmother is 95 years old. One of her legs does not work well and she was not able to get out of bed for three years. I saw that she was in pain but mentally alert. I clarified the truth about Falun Gong to her and taught her to say, "Falun Dafa is good." She spent two weeks learning the three characters because she cannot read. A month later when I visited her again, she said that she felt much better after saying, "Falun Dafa is good." She also said that there was a person on the wall watching her every day. She had asked him to leave, but he would not. I told her that the person was there because she had chanted, "Falun Dafa is good." I told her that he was protecting her. She said that sometimes he wrote some words on the wall, and since she could not read she told him, "I cannot read. There is no need to come to see me every day. I know it's not easy to stand there all the time."

The elderly lady told me many things. I truly felt Master's infinite grace. An everyday person had this wonderful experience just because she chanted, "Falun Dafa is good." How fortunate are we as practitioners? There is no reason for us not to do well. We must study the Fa well and do well with the three things Master requires. Let us be worthy of Master's compassionate salvation.