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Police from Gucheng County, Hebei Province Arrest over a Dozen Falun Dafa Practitioners in a Deceptive Manner

March 25, 2006 |   By a Falun Dafa Practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.Net) From the night of March 1 until the morning of March 2, 2006, police officer Shao Li from the Gucheng County Police Department in Hebei Province ganged up with officers of different levels from the police stations of various townships and towns to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners in Gucheng County. The following Falun Dafa practitioners were illegally arrested by them: Li Lanfen, Zhou Guilan, Wang Xiuzhi, Xu Wenqing, Xu Lele, Zhang Quanzhong, Zhang Guizhi, Liu Zhiwen, Dong Yanwen, Liu Yuanzhen, Diao Zhanglin, and another practitioner (name unknown). It has been reported that the police arrested them and sent them all to a brainwashing center. Xu Lele, Zhang Quanzhong, Liu Yuanzhen, and three other practitioners escaped from the center with righteous thoughts.

All of these practitioners were arrested in a deceptive way. In most cases the police lied and said they needed to "talk" to them. If the practitioner didn't go for the talk, then they would say somebody reported on them. There were a number of practitioners assigned to each officer. The officers were assigned the specific task of arresting the practitioners.

For example, at around 8 p.m. on March 1, Cui Jian and over a dozen police officers from Gucheng County Zhengkou Police Station arrived at Falun Dafa practitioner Lifen's home and said, "One of the people staying in the hotel you own is under investigation. You should come with us to identify this person. We'll bring you back after 10 minutes." Li Lanfen's husband said he would go, but they emphasized that Li Lanfen herself needed to go. At last they said, both of you should come. Afterwards, they detained Li Lanfen and took her husband back home to search the house. They didn't find anything and left.

At around 7:30 on March 2, Shaoli, Zhai Hongjun, and 4 people from Gucheng County Police Department entered Falun Dafa practitioner Zhou Guilan's home and asked him to lead them to Liu Yuanzhen. (Falun Dafa practitioner Liu Lanzhen had just been released from Gaoyang Labor Camp before the Chinese New Year; "Minghui Weekly" reported that she/he was tortured). They said that they needed to send money to Liu Guizhen. They said the money was to pay the family's debts, and that her family had been asking for it. After Liu Yuanzhen came back, she went to the police department to get the money, but police officer Shao Li said they had to discuss the matter. Zhou Guilan really thought the police wanted to send money to Liu Yuanzhen, so Zhou took them to Liu Yuanzhen's workplace. Liu Yuanzhen wanted Shao Li to come in, but Shao Li said, "Come with me." Zhou Guilan said, "You guys go ahead, I'm not going." Shao Li said, "You need to go to be a witness. Come." After Zhou and Liu got into the car, they saw that they were driving in the direction of the detention center. Then they realized they had been deceived. Zhou Guilan clarified the truth to them. Zhai Hongjun said, "It's not up to us. The boss asked us to put you guys in a [brainwashing] center."

Related working units and responsible personnel: (area code 0318)

Gucheng County Police Department

Police Chief Yao Shihui: 86-318-5369396 86-13383686066(Cell)

Deputy Chief Shang Hongshen

Deputy Chief Bao Shishan: 86-13383683999(Cell)

Deputy Chief Luan Zhigang

Political Officer He Fenglin

Political Security Bureau Director Shao Li: 86-13784856188(Cell) 86-13903181639(Cell) 86-318-5323339(Home)

Associate Director of Political Security Bureau, Zhai Hongjun: 86-318-5637669(Cell) 86-318-5328017(Home)

Associate Director of Political Security Bureau, Zhang Wenrong

Liu Tongjun: 86-318-5321512 86-13383686111(Cell)

Song Baojun: 86-318-5389090 86-13383686090(Cell)

Personnel from the Police Station

Sun Yanqing, Wang Qiang and Chen Haiying

610 Office: 86-318-5321610 (this phone was known in 2005)

Detention Center

Director Li Zhifeng

Police Officers Li Xiupeng, Wang Fang, Zeng Baoxing and Mou Fengkun

March 7, 2006