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Taiwan: Shattering the CCP Lies, the National Track and Field Tournament in Taipei Invites Falun Gong Group to Give Performance (Photos)

November 01, 2006 |   By Zhou Rong, Minghui reporter in Taipei

(Clearwisdom.net) More than 2,000 Falun Gong practitioners from Taipei, Ilan, Taoyuan, Hsinchu Miaoli, Taichung and other places participated in the performances on the evening of October 29, 2006, for the commemorative contest of 50 Years of Retrospection and the National Autumn Track and Field Open Tournament at the Taipei City Stadium. Among several performing groups, Falun Gong was the only group invited to demonstrate the exercises.

At the closing ceremony, more than 2,000 Falun Gong practitioners walk into the stadium, impressive and majestic

Falun Gong brings peacefulness and stability to body, mind and spirit

Spectacular Falun Gong exercise demonstration

Grand Falun Gong exercise demonstration

Taipei City Stadium will soon conclude its 50th year of glorious history after the tournament and is ready to be dismantled and reconstructed. The director of the Track and Field Association, the sponsor of the tournament Mr. Rao learned the facts about Falun Gong and found that Falun Gong is not as what the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) negative propaganda describes. He said that Falun Gong is a righteous practice and righteous way of cultivation, and that in a modern society that is morally depraved, such a good exercise as Falun Gong should be spread more widely. Therefore, he took the initiative to invite Falun Gong practitioners to participate in this historical moment, so that the public will have a better understanding of Falun Dafa.

When more than 2,000 Falun Gong practitioners made their appearance, a yellow sea of people filled the entire ground track field. With peaceful exercise music, practitioners, young and old, performed the exercises with great concentration and in good order, drawing immediate applause from the audience.

Falun Gong practitioners lined up neatly, covering the entire ground track field, with the front row being more than 100 young practitioners. Their ages range from three to twelve years old. Their orderly movements aroused people’s curiosity, and the guests in the auditorium could not help but follow the practitioners to do the exercises.

An older woman said that there are people practicing Falun Gong in the park near her home. Their movements are peaceful and harmonious. Several young athletes from Changhua and Taichung said that they could see Falun Gong everywhere. One athlete said his aunty also practices Falun Gong. Another older long-distance runner said that he knew Falun Gong was good but did not have time to practice.

Outside the stadium, Falun Gong practitioners set up two booths to provide Falun Gong related information. Many athletes stopped in front of the display boards that exposed the CCP harvesting and selling organs from living Falun Gong practitioners for profit. They said that they never knew that there were such things happening in China, and that the CCP is so brutal and ruthless. Some people came to the booths and asked for Falun Gong truth clarification materials.

When asked if they were tired after the long drive to the even, Falun Gong practitioners, young and old, answered unanimously, that so long as people learn about the wonderfulness of Falun Dafa, they do not feel tired even though it took them a long time to travel there. When the tournament was over, seeing many people carrying colorful balloons bearing messages "The world needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," and paper lotus flowers, and seeing them leave happily, the practitioners believed that Falun Dafa’s wonderfulness has been sown in their hearts.