(Clearwisdom.net) On September 26, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from Canada, along with Members of Parliament and other supporters assembled in front of Parliament Hill in Ottawa, calling upon the Canadian Government and the Canadian people to take action to stop the Chinese Communist Partys (CCP) harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. Eight Members of Parliament gave speeches, and two Members of Parliament wrote letters to support the rally. Many people from all over the world signed their names on a petition to condemn the persecution.
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![]() ![]() Many people learned about Falun Gong and the persecution at the rally |
![]() This young man, from Columbia, Canada, poses for a photo in front of the re-enactment of the organ harvesting. His family signed their names on the petition. |
![]() ![]() David Kilgour said to practitioners: "You have been working hard and doing well. Keep it up." |
![]() ![]() Signing the petition to condemn the CCP brutality |
It was very windy on Parliament Hill the day of the rally. Falun Gong practitioners held banners from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. All Members of Parliament going in to work that day had an opportunity to see the practitioners banners, which read: "Together, Stop Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China."
Many Members of Parliament accepted the truth-clarifying materials from practitioners. Some of them said to practitioners: "You have been working hard." "We support you." "We will go to the rally in the afternoon."
"They are Making History"
Li Zhuofu, a practitioner who held a banner up the whole day, told a reporter that three young Western men saw the re-enactment of the organ harvesting, and were shocked. The practitioner told the young men that this atrocity is currently happening in China, and that the allegations have been verified by a Canadian independent investigation group. The young men were silent for a while, and then one of them said: "Lets take photos. They are making history."
"You Must Keep it Up."
A young man from Columbia, Canada, said to the practitioners: "I want to sign my name on the petition. I heard about this several weeks ago, but I didnt know how to help you. I am very glad to see you holding an activity in Ottawa. My whole family will sign their names on the petition, and I hope that our signatures can help you." He then took a photo in front of the re-enactment of the organ harvesting. He said: "I hope that the blind government [the CCP regime] will crash down. You must keep it up."
In the afternoon, David Kilgour, one of the members of the Canadian independent investigation group, came to the re-enactment of the organ harvesting, and greeted the practitioners. When he learned that some of the practitioners were from Toronto and Montreal, he said: "You have been working hard, and doing very well. Keep it up."
"The Most Important Thing is to Save People"
Huang Guangfu, an older practitioner from Toronto, collected more than 200 signatures. She said: "People said a lot to me, but I cannot understand them. The only thing I can say to those who signed the names is 'Thank you.' They understand that I cannot speak English, so they gave the thumbs up sign to me."
At 4:00 p.m., practitioners from Toronto got on the bus to go home. Li Shu, a practitioner, told a reporter that she collected many signatures from people from all over the world, including France, Germany, Finland, Portugal, Vietnam, Korea, Taiwan and Japan. She also saw some tourists from Mainland China, who accepted the truth-clarifying materials.
The reporter asked Li Shu if she had eaten. She answered: "The most important thing is to save people. There were so many tourists today, so I didnt want to take time out for meals. I had a piece of chocolate."