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The CCP's Evil Flag Fails to Unfurl Because of a Young Practitioner's Righteous Thoughts

October 31, 2006 |   By young Falun Gong practitioner Liang Liang and his grandmother

(Clearwisdom.net) I recently transferred to a different elementary school. On the first day of school, my grandmother told me to send forth righteous thoughts during the school's opening ceremony.

The school officials planned to raise the Chinese Communist Party's national flag at the ceremony at 8:00 a.m. on September 1. They invited TV reporters and army officers to attend the ceremony to show off their recently renovated facility.

When the marching band started to play, it was the signal to raise the flag. I remembered my grandmother's words and started to send forth righteous thoughts. I thought, "Eliminate all the evil elements, including the CCP evil specter, evil spirits, and all the rotten demons that damage the Fa. Eliminate all of them." When they were raising the red flag and when everyone else was singing the CCP's national anthem, I sang to myself, "Falun Dafa is good. Falun Dafa is good. Falun Dafa is the righteous Buddha Law. The Buddha light shines everywhere." Suddenly they had difficulty raising the flag. Meanwhile, I saw a giant Falun rotating on top of the flag pole and the red flag became a golden Falun flag.

They kept trying, but they couldn't get the flag up. The school principal became anxious. Everyone was discussing it. They tried five times but to no avail. The principal repeatedly apologized to the guests for the technical difficulty. When they finally got the flag up on the sixth attempt, the flag would not unfurl. It drooped although there was wind that day. People were murmuring, "What's wrong? The flag does not unfurl."

I thought it must be my righteous thoughts at work. The CCP evil specter had become powerless.

I also witnessed a strange phenomenon. When the first military officer came in, the sky became gloomy. When the second military officer came in, the sky turned even more ghastly. Next a row of soldiers marched in. I saw that all of them were possessed by the CCP's evil spirits, which attached themselves to the soldiers' backs.

I looked up to the sky and saw thousands of evil spirits charging at the students and the audience. I thought, "Oh, no. I must hurry up and eliminate the CCP evil specter and rotten demons." I instantly felt my Main Spirit go out and battle with the evil spirits. Next I saw a giant Falun rotating in the sky. I shouted out loud, "I can destroy all evil in the cosmos! I will put all the evil spirits, rotten demons and the CCP evil specter under a big mountain and forever forbid them from doing any evil deeds!" I then saw the evil spirits being eliminated one after another. A few of them crawled towards a female student, who fainted right away and was rushed to the hospital. Some evil spirits came charging at me. I said, "How dare you! I am a young Falun Gong practitioner! I shall eliminate you completely! The evil shall never prevail over the righteous!"

The principal went to the microphone and started to speak. At first, when he talked about education, the audience could hear him well. But when he started to talk about the CCP, the microphone started to malfunction and nothing but noise came out of the speakers. No one could hear a word he was saying. The students tried to jeer him off the stage. They shouted, "Stop talking! No one can hear you!" The principal was sweating in anxiety. He kept scratching his back because an evil specter was clinging to his back, scratching and biting him. The principal had no choice but to get off the stage, looking defeated. The next speaker was a military officer. Again, nothing but loud noises came out of the speakers. No one knew what he was saying. The students couldn't stand it and kept shouting, "Stop talking! Stop talking! We can't stand it any more!" Some students looked like they were about to faint; others looked tired. It was nearly 95° F that day. The combination of the scorching sun and the interference from the evil spirits were too much to bear for the majority of the students.

I was the only student that stood tall. I felt very comfortable. I didn't feel hot at all, although everyone else kept complaining about the weather. A pleasant breeze often swept across my back. I knew that it was Teacher encouraging me!

While the military officer was giving a speech, the students kept shouting, "Stop talking! We cannot stand it any longer!" I began to send forth righteous thoughts again.

Despite the students' audible and repeated protests, the officer continued his speech, but no one knew what he was talking about. Finally, he was jeered off the stage. The TV reporter failed to videotape the event, too. The principal was furious. He shouted, "What on earth is wrong?" Some people said, "What's going on?" The principal was embarrassed and furious, but he had to keep apologizing to the audience, the guests, and the students. "There is a technical failure. It's a technical failure. Please forgive us."

I felt great in body and mind. After the ceremony, the chairman of our class praised me in front of my class. "Class, be more energetic. You all look tired and defeated, except Liang Liang (me.) He has just transferred to our school. Look how vigorous he is. The rest of you cannot stand a little heat in the sun." I knew it was Teacher that bestowed me with wisdom and strength.


Words from Liang Liang's grandmother:

Liang Liang wrote this article on his own without my help. He is in the third grade in elementary school. I didn't receive much education, so I don't write well, but I have written a few short articles about what Liang Liang has seen over the past few years. I simply told him to send forth righteous thoughts at the school starting ceremony. I didn't expect that he would do such a wonderful job. He told me all about it as soon as he returned home from school. He was very excited and very pleased with the result. He is innocent and pure. That's why his righteous thoughts were very powerful and effective.