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A Letter from a Dafa Practitioner in Prison to Her Daughter

September 02, 2005 |  


Dear Huihui, my daughter,

Today I was very happy to see that you are getting along so well with your uncle Gao and your aunt. These past few years, Mama has been most worried about you, my sensible, steadfast, pretty, and clear-minded daughter. In those most difficult and helpless days that our family had to face, it was your uncle Gao and his family that gave us a hand by accepting the great responsibility of taking good care of you. Mama is greatly relieved now that you have a place to go.

It is true that the human race's morality and faith in gods is already below the standard of hell. In prison, a very special place, this is clearly manifested when every person, no matter whether they are prison guards or prisoners, will desperately fight with you even over very minor conflicts for personal interest. Here, every single step forward in Fa validation comes at a high price. Because of the extremely poor circumstances for Fa study and Dafa practice and our failure to hold strong righteous thoughts because of our human attachments, we find it very difficult to follow Teacher's path of Fa rectification. Some fellow practitioners have been tortured and hung up with a rope simply because they closed their eyes when they were too sleepy. I have suffered from the hanging torture because I refused to accept that Dafa practitioners are regarded as criminals and refused to follow the rules for criminals in the prison. Because of the torture, my legs were injured and I have some paralysis, my waist hurts constantly, and my heart is not working properly. Mama is not telling you this to make you worry about me. I just want you and your Papa to cultivate even more diligently by cherishing every single minute of Fa study and Dafa practice. We should do well the three things, cherish the precious predestined relationship with Dafa, and try to bring the persecution to an end with our efforts to do well everything we should do as a Dafa practitioner.

Huihui, I am very sad to know that one of your classmates was in a traffic accident. But have you learned from it that you should do more in truth clarification? You will behave yourself very well if you study the Fa well, especially in your studies at school. Your classmate will recover soon, but he will lose his life forever if he fails to have a righteous attitude toward Dafa, a most terrible thing to think of.

My child, cherish your predestined relationship with uncle Gao, your aunt, and your elder brother Pengpeng. Although they are not your relatives, they are closer to you than your relatives. There are no words in the world that I can use to adequately express my gratitude toward their family. My daughter, Huihui, be strict with yourself everyday, take care of yourself, do well what you can do by yourself, get along well with your elder brother, and do not make others worry about you. You should consider others first and check for problems within yourself whenever you have problems with others. Teacher has told us that we can give nothing to our relatives and friends better than Dafa. We can reward them most beneficially by telling them the facts about Dafa to arouse their righteous thoughts toward Dafa, so that they will be able to steer their own life, be saved, and have a brilliant future.

Mama understands very well that you eagerly want me to come back home. But it is not upright for a cultivator to try to regain his or her freedom by dishonest means such as establishing personal relations with the police in charge or sending them money. We should not do that, because in doing so we not only lose money in vain but also produce karma, which causes a cultivator to degenerate. We should just require the immediate and unconditional release of all imprisoned Dafa practitioners in a dignified manner, I do believe that some officials and people with righteous minds will take the side of justice. If all the imprisoned practitioners' relatives and friends take action and demand the release of practitioners and, in the meantime, we practitioners in prison also behave ourselves well, how can it be long before Mama comes home? Don't you agree, my clever daughter?

You are going to take an entrance exam for high school on June 25. Are you ready for it? It must be hard work, right? But try not to be stressed, just try your best. Do not be in a hurry because your English is not good enough, just spend more time on it and, in the meantime, do not think that it is too difficult for you or that you will never learn it well. Just remove the mental burden and be relaxed. If you study well, you are sure to do well in the exam.

Be sure to study the Fa and do the things that a Dafa practitioner should do well. Besides, you may get a visit from an aunt, who has just been released from the prison. Convey Mama's greetings to your uncle Gao and his family and say hello to the relatives and friends who are caring for me.

A note to the Gao family: Brother Gao, sister-in-law and Pengpeng, I am not writing you an independent letter. I think that the effect of an indirect letter to you may be even better. Maybe it is an excuse for my laziness in not writing to you. In the prison I cannot post letters as usual, and any letters with any words about cultivation and Dafa truth are forbidden to be posted. This letter is coming to you by means of asking other people to bring it to you, and this is not easy.

Huihui, you and your Papa can write to me more when you have free time. When it comes to practicing cultivation, you can indicate it indirectly. And you, the father of our daughter, it is really not easy for you to bring up Huihui for so many years by yourself. We didn't talk much in our officially arranged meeting in the prison because it is forbidden to talk about cultivation. But I think we can make a breakthrough if our righteous thoughts are strong enough.

Write to me more. I really cherish the time when we three studied the Fa and did the Dafa exercises together. I don't know when we will regain such a chance, but let's try our best.

In the end, let me wish that you do well and make progress in your studies at school and that everything goes smoothly for you. I hope that we will be reunited soon.
