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Voice of a 14-Year-Old Non-Practitioner Girl: Please Help My Family, Torn Apart by the Persecution

September 19, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am 14 years old. I have one brother and one sister. My parents started practicing Falun Dafa in 1999. My mother used to suffer from numerous illnesses, but she became very healthy after practicing Dafa. She was able to do all the house chores and heavy work in the field. My father, who used to very irritable, became kind and approachable. I enjoyed a happy family life and felt I was the luckiest girl on earth. All of these changes took place because of Falun Dafa, and I cannot express my gratitude to Teacher Li with words.

The profound principles in Zhuan Falun inspired awe in me. Although I don't practice Falun Dafa, I am able to do as stated in the book when I am with classmates at school. I am a good student in my teachers' eyes, not only because I get top grades in all my classes, but, more importantly, I am kind, modest and understanding toward others. Falun Dafa brought tremendous changes to my family and me. Dafa was also a blessing for our whole village.

On July 20, 1999, the massive persecution of Falun Gong began. I was confused and traumatized by the overwhelming number of arrests, incarcerations and other forms of persecution. We wanted to step forward and tell people the facts. In January 2002, my parents and I went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa. We went to Tiananmen Square and tried to clarify the truth to government officials, but the police officers screamed, "Freeze! Are you Falun Gong?" We didn't answer their question. They started to bombard us with lies from the media. They tried to arrest us and put us in police cars. We escaped after overcoming many difficulties. After this trip I realized that the Chinese people don't have the right to speak.

My parents persisted in their belief. In April 2002, the head of the Fangxia Police Department and a group of police officers broke into our home and arrested my father when he was still in bed. They sent my father to the Beixiaoyi Brainwashing Center. Falun Gong practitioners held there are forced to watch videos that slander Teacher and Dafa. Because they know that Falun Dafa practitioners are not supposed to drink alcohol, they force them drink. The practitioners are also forced to curse Teacher. To resist the persecution, my father held a hunger strike. Several people tried to force him to watch a Dafa-slandering video and my father refused. They then repeated those lies and tried to drill them into my father's head. They charged my father 300 Yuan a month. My father truly didn't want to give up his belief, so he left when he finally got a chance.

The perpetrators who persecuted Dafa practitioners at the brainwashing center are: Lu Qiping, secretary from the Laicheng District Political and Judiciary Committee, Zhang Zuokui, Political and Judiciary Committee head, Liu Min, Political and Judiciary Committee deputy head, Zheng Bo from the Political and Security Division, Song Zhenhua from the procuratorate, Tian Wei from the Judicial Bureau and court police officer Lu.

On the afternoon of the day my father left the brainwashing center, the police came to our home and ransacked it. I was shocked and speechless. Officers Li Zhengyi and Li Lunde from the Fangxia Police Department committed another crime against us. They couldn't find my father and left, complaining. They came to my home once every few days and looked everywhere for my father. I was extremely frightened every time they came. Their domineering and unscrupulous attitude revealed the true face of the "Party official," from the top down. My father was compelled to go into exile, and my mother cried all the time. She was exhausted from working in the fields. I could not afford to pay my tuition. How could I possibly ask mother for money?

Late at night on August 9, 2002, perpetrators from the Fangxia Police Department again raided our home and searched for my father. I really couldn't stand their lawlessness any longer, but there was nothing I could do. Between the time my father left home and August 2004, perpetrators from the Laicheng District 610 Office and from the Fangxia Police Department never stopped harassing and intimidating my family.

In the winter of 2002, my brother passed the physical exam to become a soldier, yet the Fangxia Police Department personnel forced my brother's rejection because my father practices Falun Gong.

In January 2005, police found and arrested my father while he was working in Jinan City. He was held at the Tianqiao District Police Department for four days and was then held at the Liuchangshan Detention Center for eight months. He was then sentenced to nine years in prison. The verdict statement said, "If [the defendant] does not agree with the verdict, [he] can appeal to this court or directly appeal to the Jinan City Intermediate People's Court within two to ten days after the verdict has been issued." We didn't receive the verdict statement until more than one month after it was issued.

Head judge Wang Yong, jury members Dong Shaojia and Zhao Yuanliang and secretary Yu Wenjun held this trial.

A few days ago my mother, my brother and I went to visit my father. The guards stood by us and didn't allow us to say any "compromising words." My father only said, "At the detention center I held a hunger strike and they tied me to the Dead Person's Bed [The four limbs of the practitioner are stretched out and tied to the four corners of an icy-cold metal bed. The practitioner cannot move at all. Neither is he allowed to get up to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. This torture lasts from several hours up to more than a dozen days and causes severe damage to the practitioner both mentally and physically. See illustration on

http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2004/12/15/55600.html]." He cried. I can't imagine how cruel the torture was. I am about to lose my education because I can't afford the tuition. I really want to go to school! I really miss the environment when we could practice Falun Gong freely, before July 20, 1999.

I hope all kind-hearted people can show concern for scarred children and families in China like mine. Please extend a helping hand to end this unprecedented and cruel persecution. This is the voice of a teenage girl, from the depth of her wounded and struggling soul!