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Summary of Other Articles and News - August 17, 2005

August 28, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution: The Persecutions Suffered by a Dafa Practitioner at Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp

In November 2002, the guards at Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp beat and kicked Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhou Yongliang and didn't allow him to use the restroom. One day in June 2003, the guards used Mr. Zhou Yongliang, who was emaciated, as a punching bag, hitting him while wearing boxing gloves. On one occasion they handcuffed Zhou Yongliang to a bed and forced him to sit on a stool. They allowed him to sleep for only two to three hours each day and tortured him until he lost consciousness. While Zhou Yongliang was sitting on the stool, the criminal inmates burned his face with cigarette lighters, leaving several scars. Besides burning him with the lighter, they pinched his nose and ears with pliers and pulled out his moustache, one hair at a time, causing him great pain.
