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Summary of Other Articles and News - August 1, 2005

August 20, 2005 |  


1. (Chengdu City, Sichuan Province) Practitioners Arrested by Armed Police Officers

At around 3:00 p.m. on July 22, 2005, armed police officers arrested three Falun Dafa practitioners. The practitioners' names are Jiang Younghong, Yuan Bin and Zheng Bing. Armed policemen from the Chengdu City Public Security Department rushed into the residential apartment complex where the practitioners lived, brutally beat the practitioners until they lost consciousness, wrapped them inside bags and then threw them into waiting police cars.

Translated from http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/8/1/107466.html

2. (Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province) Practitioners Still Being Brainwashed

Four Falun Dafa practitioners are still being held and persecuted inside the Zhaoyuan City Brainwashing Center. Practitioner Ms. Yang Wenjie, over 40 years old, was not allowed to eat or sleep for more than 50 days and even her visits to the restroom were restricted. Center staff would frequently hang (1) Ms. Yang and beat her severely. Ms. Yang has also experienced many other brutal tortures during her imprisonment. Practitioners Li Xiumei and Wang Yongqin were both deceived into paying 10,000 yuan to secure their release from the center. After paying the money, however, they were brought back to the center for further persecution.

(1) Being hung up by handcuffs, which causes excruciating pain, is the most common form of this torture.

Translated from http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/8/1/107473.html

3. (Hebei Province) Sexual Harassment Inside the Hebei Women's Forced Labor Camp

Inside the Hebei Province Women's Forced Labor Camp, all of the Falun Dafa practitioners detained there have been sexually harassed to some extent. Practitioner Ms. Liu Guangfeng's lower abdomen, her private parts and her thighs were beaten so severely that they turned purple. This practitioner was also forced to do physical labor. Fifty-six year old practitioner Ms. Li Zhihui was electric-shocked on her face so much that she became permanently disfigured as a result. Other means of torture include: sleep deprivation, squatting for long periods of time, standing in one position for long periods of time, groping practitioners' breasts, sitting on a tiny stool for long periods of time, brushing practitioners' private parts with tooth-brushes, etc.

Translated from http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/8/1/107446.html

4. (Tianjin City) Young Female Practitioner Harassed and Threatened

Practitioner Ms. Xiao Xiaowen used to work in the Yangcun Number Four Middle School in the Wuqing District of Tianjin City. She lost both her job and her home as a result of persecution and was forced to wander homeless from place to place to avoid being captured and tortured. At approximately 10:00 a.m. on July 14, 2005, when Ms. Xiao went to the Zhennanlou Public Security Station to apply for her personal ID card, a police officer started to harass her. The officer kicked her, performed an illegal body search on her and also made physical threats toward Ms. Xiao. She was subsequently detained in the station for more than ten hours. As a result of the police officer's persecution, Ms. Xiao suddenly became ill and mentally unbalanced. At present Ms. Xiao is still in a state of paranoia and has no strength in her limbs; she is having a very difficult time.

Translated from http://www.minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/8/1/107448.html

5. (Beijing) Practitioner Li Hongjun Detained

Practitioner Ms. Li Hongjun, approximately 50 years old, is from the Miyun District of Beijing. She is currently being detained in the Beijing Zhaoyang Detention Center. Ms. Li had been consistently clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa cultivation's benefits to government agencies. For this she was sentenced to one year in prison in 2000 and held in the Number Four Division of the Beijing Tiantanghe Forced Labor Camp. During the 2002 Lunar Chinese New Year celebration period, Ms. Li was arrested again, together with her husband, for hanging a poster in front of her house that expressed her wishes for the coming of a new and fresh world. For hanging up this poster, both Ms. Li and her husband were sentenced to two years in prison. On July 27, 2005, Ms. Li went to visit one of her fellow Falun Dafa practitioners in the Zhaoyang District of Beijing. She was arrested once more by police officers from the Zhaoyang Public Security Station, this time on the charge of "convening."

Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/8/1/107447.html

6. (Wuhan City) How Guards Persecute Practitioners at the Yangyuan Brainwashing Center

Inside Wuhan City's Yangyuan Brainwashing Center, there are four guards who specialize in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. They are: Chen Qiyi (CCP General Secretary), Yu Guoxuan (Director), Hu Shanping (Deputy Director) and Hu Kechang (Driver). These guards force practitioners to watch and read CDs and documents slandering Falun Dafa every single day. They also demand that the practitioners complete their "homework" with answers that satisfy the requirements stipulated by these captors. During the nighttime, practitioners are forced to write statements to "criticize and expose" Falun Gong. If these criticisms don't meet the guards' requirements, the practitioners are forced to repeatedly re-write their statements until midnight. Such persecution usually lasts for about ten days. After that, the jailers begin what is called a "fatigue campaign" to bring down the practitioners. During such campaigns, one practitioner will be brought to an empty room where five or six center staff members come along and berate and verbally abuse them. Some of the older practitioners have become confused as a result of such attacks, and their physical health has deteriorated so much that they are extremely weak. This "fatigue campaign" usually lasts for one week, after which any practitioners who still refuse to give in are thrown into tiny, unlit cells. The practitioners will be completely isolated from the outside world for about a week. One 54-year-old female practitioner was tied to her bed by having both her hands cuffed to the bed's corners for three days and three nights. Whenever she tried to move, her guards kicked her all over her body. Another 56-year-old female practitioner was also tied to her bed in the same way for three days and three nights. It was winter and the practitioner's hands immediately turned purple and became frozen and hard.

7. (Shenyang City) What Really Happens at the Zhangshi Brainwashing Center

Four Falun Dafa practitioners are still being held inside Shenyang City's Zhangshi Law and Order Training School (Zhangshi Penitentiary). Practitioner Wei Tianxi is from Liaozhong County, practitioner Lu Bin is a teacher at Shenxi Elementary School, practitioners Li Fengyun and Jiang Sutao were brought to the center right after they were released from the infamous Masanjia Forced Labor Camp after being incarcerated there for fours years. Currently these four practitioners suffer constant mental and physical abuse. For their so-called education expenses, they have to pay 3000 yuan each month. Center staff often kick or beat the practitioners, and are also forced to squat or stand in one position for long periods of time. Periodically they are deprived of sleep for twenty-four hours, they are crowded against each other or they are forced to sit on top of piles of Falun Dafa books. Even though there are no actual tools of torture at the site, practitioners are routinely harassed to the point of utter exhaustion. Their legs become so swollen that it is impossible to stand up unaided. The practitioners are also forced to watch the "Tiananmen Square Self-immolation Incident" on television as well as other fabricated cases where Falun Gong practitioners are alleged to have committed murder. The center does everything in its power to use these fabricated cases to negatively influence the practitioners' feelings toward Falun Gong. The ultimate goal of such mental and physical persecution is to force the practitioners to give up their practice of Falun Dafa and to give up their beliefs in the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance."

Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/8/1/107467.html

8. (Wendeng County, Shandong Province) Practitioner Song Xiuyan Arrested

Recently, the Wendeng County Public Security Department and the County 610 Office arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Song Xiuyan from Caobu Village, Songcun Town, Wendeng County, Shandong Province. When Ms. Song's parents, along with her child, who is less than two years old, went to the Public Security Headquarters to ask for her release, her parents were handcuffed and forcibly brought back to their village. The police officers also pinched and squeezed Ms. Song's parents. The perpetrators included Wang Yongjian, Xiang Hongping, Li Yinglin and Sun Guohai from the Wendeng County Public Security Department.

Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/8/1/107469.html

9. (Zhongqing City) Recent Persecution Facts

Recently, police officers and officials from the local "610 Office" harassed Falun Dafa practitioners Zhu Ruyu, Pi Tianfeng, He Daxiu, Lao Zuo and some others from Yudong Town, Banan District, Zhongqing City. They ransacked the practitioners' homes and arrested them. Currently, Zhu Ruyu and He Daxiu have already been released while Lao Zuo is still being detained. No information about Pi Tianfeng is available.

Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/8/1/107442.html

10. (Hengshui City, Hebei Province) Police Officers Again Break into Practitioners' Homes

On July 25, 2005, some police officers from the Anling Town Public Security Station, Jing County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province, broke into Falun Dafa practitioners houses yet again. The police arrested practitioner Wang Xiuping, while they searched practitioner Su Limei's house. At present, Su Limei is unable to return to her own home.

Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2005/8/1/107445.html