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Two Cases of Persecutors Receiving Karmic Retribution

July 06, 2005 |  


The former Bureau Chief of Wanyuan Police Station, Sichuan Province, receives karmic retribution

Hu Biran, former chief of the Wanyuan Police Station in Sichuan Province, followed the Jiang Zemin regime and the Chinese Communist Party to persecute Falun Gong practitioners from the outset on July 20, 1999. He directed his subordinates to illegally arrest and detain large numbers of practitioners and sent them to forced labor camps. He also directed his subordinates to assault practitioners and their family members, as well as ransacking their homes. As a result, many Falun Gong practitioners' families were torn apart, and their family members, including children, suffered greatly. Some of them were placed under surveillance for a long time, some became homeless and destitute, and others ended up with their families broken up and family members dead. There were even some that were driven to mental collapse.

However, Hu Biran soon reaped karmic retribution for his crimes. He became sick soon after the New Year in 2005, and was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer. He sought medical help everywhere but without avail. At present, he is hospitalized in Dazhou Hospital and unable to ingest any food.

Xia and Li from Dazu County, Chongqing duly punished

The residential committee of Zhonghe Street, Longshui Town, Dazu County, Chongqing has been named a "progressive community" by the Chinese Communist Party. Since July 20, 1999, the committee's Communist Party secretary, its director and members have colluded with the local police and used surveillance, ransacking of homes, harassment and other tactics to persecute the practitioners in their jurisdiction. Secretary Xia Fucai and Director Li Guohua have been the most notable among the persecutors, sparing no effort in their vicious undertaking.

Xia Fucai, male, approximately 70 years old, has now contracted advanced pharyngo-laryngeal cancer. Li Guohua, female, is about 65 years old. After her husband suffered an abrupt cerebral hemorrhage, he became a quadriplegic. Recently, Li Guohua fell and injured her feet. She now walks with great difficulty.