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Righteous Thoughts Disintegrate an Evil Plot

July 06, 2005 |   By a Practitioner from China


Righteous Thoughts Disintegrate the Evil Plot

In almost every lecture, Teacher told us that we should study the Fa more. After studying the Fa more, I realized that only studying the Fa well allows one to have righteous thoughts and actions. The following is a short experience of mine.

In October of 2001, one of my relatives who is a Dafa practitioner was arrested when he was writing truth-clarifying posters. After being released, he called me one day asking me to go to his place and watch a videotape of Teacher's lecture. I was happy and planned to go. However, my daughter would not let me go, so I called and told him that I would not go to his place after all. He then told me that the videotape had not come and he had new articles by Master Li, asking me to go there for that. Because I was studying the Fa every day, I felt something was fishy about this situation. In such an evil environment, one would not talk the way he did. Later, I learned that he had been brainwashed while in custody and his family members told me the true story. Unwilling to give up after two failures in trying to trick me into going to his place, he tried to persuade my husband to coax me to go and told my husband that they would send me to the brainwashing center as soon as they got me there.

Later, he gave me some false articles, and I told him that I would not read them since they were fake. I study the Fa every day and Teacher protects me so that no tricks work on me. He reluctantly said that he knew he could no longer deceive me. I asked him to go home to study the Fa more and not do anything to interfere with other practitioners' cultivation.

Finally, he called the local police and asked them to come to arrest me, but the police told him that they could not do it because they were in a different district from mine. I realized that the evil was unable to touch me since I firmly believe in Teacher and Dafa. Teacher said in Zhuan Falun, "If someone could affect you, he could affect me, and to put it directly, he'd be able to affect the universe." (quote verified)

The righteous thoughts, which I obtained from studying the Fa, made the evil's plot totally disintegrate.

Not Waiting For or Depending on Anyone Else

Being short of truth-clarification materials, we realized that we should try to find different ways to solve the problem without waiting for or depending upon others. On January 29, 2004, my daughter and I went out after 7:00 p.m. to put up posters to clarify the facts. We went out through our back door. After picking a place and having my daughter serve as lookout, I posted the message, "Falun Dafa is good, Zhen-Shan-Ren is good, Jiang Zemin will be tried publicly by the whole world."

Sometimes there would be interference and it would take extra time to finish our job. When we got to the bus station, three policemen came up to us. We kept sending forth righteous thoughts in our minds. Thus we passed them closely but safely.

That night I had a dream in which I saw the eye-catching characters, "Falun Dafa is good," posted on a section of snow-white wall. Not far from the front side of the wall, there were many policemen having a drill. I went by without any trouble. After waking up, I understood it as Teacher's message telling me that there would be no more things to do after finishing this one. I also understood that the 610 office would send many policemen to watch those spots and conduct an investigation. It happened just that way. The next morning, my husband called me not long after he started work, telling me not to go out since "the police had found many posters." At about 10:00 p.m. that night, my husband came home telling me that many policemen were downstairs. I looked down from my window and saw five policemen standing at the crossing talking. Then, my husband told me that according to his friend, the person who had written the messages had been arrested. Having heard this, my daughter and I laughed. I said to him, "Your friend is fooling you. They could never catch the person who wrote those messages."

Several days later, I bought some glue and prepared sheets with the words "Falun Dafa is good" with glue on the back. In this way, we solved the problem of being short of materials without waiting for or depending on others.

Protection and Righteous Thoughts

One evening in early winter two years ago, I wanted to clarify the truth and let people know that Jiang Zemin would be tried by the whole world. To help more people see this news, I picked a section of wall beside the road to post my message. After I had just finished, I dropped my pen without seeing where it fell. I bent at my waist and lowered my head trying to find it. However, I simply could not see where it was, even under the bright moonlight. I realized that Teacher was giving me a hint to stop me, and I instantly raised my head and walked away. At the very moment that I was turning to walk away, I saw a man coming up to me and he was already as close as two meters from my spot. I took a deep breath and thanked Teacher in my heart for his compassionate protection. Later, I finished posting my messages. Under Teacher's protection, I finally finished what I should do. From this incident, I realized that Teacher is always around and protecting us.

Strengthening Righteous Thoughts and Rectifying My Family Situation

Since I once took a roundabout course after coming home from the labor camp, I could not study the Fa and practice openly and with dignity for a long time. Whenever I clarified the truth to my husband, he would say some bad words. In such a situation, although I had been firm in studying the Fa and practicing, I would always do so only after my husband left, since I could not do them as long as he was home. I also tried to arrange my time reasonably. For instance, I would do house work when he was at home and I would study the Fa and practice when he was away, or I would finish my practice before he got up in the morning. However, this situation still seriously held me back from making quick progress in my cultivation.

After calming down and looking inside, I found my problem: that I had too much passion and my righteous thoughts were not strong enough. After that, I studied the Fa more openly and with dignity. My husband was not happy to see it. Then, I sent forth righteous thoughts to get rid of the bad elements behind him. As long as I sent forth righteous thoughts, he would interfere with me. Once he came again to interfere with me, and I asked the thing behind him, "Do you dare to undermine the Fa?" At that very moment, my husband walked away. From that time on, I have been able to study the Fa and practice openly and with dignity. On our path of cultivation, we really need to step out of an everyday people's mentality in order for Dafa's mighty power to manifest before our eyes.